Random thoughts thread

Somehow people found this the most apropriate response to the announcement of no second season for Wednesday:


Ngl, the readerā€™s ā€˜pathosā€™ makes it hard to understand what heā€™s saying. I also intend to print Maitreyaā€™s Hermetic Teachings.

You reminded me to add GOAT.
Even though Iā€™m biologically female, Iā€™ve had interesting results with it. Cue the Hermetic teachings, Kundalini, and a whole lot of aspects (may all be the same?). The most interesting aspect seemed to be that when [Iā€™ll call them *shites* for the time being] would come around looking for female energy to feed off of, an aggressive-protective male aspect would wake up and send them off, by whichever means necessary.
Yeah I said it.
Fortunately GOAT seems to be way less beta, seems to actually kick some ass by means other than words too.
Should anyone resonate with what Iā€™m saying, they might also add Excalibur.


Play first world war planefight game in Virtual Reality, I feel Iā€™m about to throw up

Which, where?
I had to focus lately so didnā€™t come around as often
Pun intended

Itā€™s a very normie common sense video.

Itā€™s just that people like to glamourize the shaolin.


Joys of winter nr1:

Cook, turn the heat in the room at max.

Eat cold food by the time food charger finishes playing just once :tipping_hand_man:

Heat the food in the oven.



Or play the audio while you are cooking :woman_shrugging:


My poor root chakra

How does that even work.


Crown chakra over active at the max

I think thatā€™s accurate :joy:

My Root is at 69% ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

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Edit: nvm


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Damn bro

I hope you feel better :sneezing_face:

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Same to you man

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Goddamn it how do I stop being so dependent on other people or things?

For the life of me I cannot give myself the security I crave from others

Sometimes Pedro comes and visits me in my thoughts.

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Anyone here willing to let me borrow some attraction nft for 2 days ? I just want to look nice while I have some family gathering tomorrow :joy:

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What should I do to make my root and sacral go up