Random thoughts thread

Root cause, for the root.

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@SorcerySupreme @Alkul did you know about this? (didn’t listen yet)

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I mean - musicians get inspired by the Archetypes of the Unconscious because most of them have overactive right hemi-spheres.

It’s commonplace.


The whole point of the exploration is finding out who you are beyond the body.

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Always drink plasma charged tea in the light.

Automated grounding, schuman resonance, and root chakra audio

Your sacral chakra shouldn’t say under-active

Have you ever felt safe or secure? Start small. Find a time or a place where you felt safe, even a little bit. Then bask in that feeling. If you can capture even a small piece of how that feels, you can explore it. Make that feeling the beginning of creating your special cocoon of safety and security. Make it into a sanctuary. Create some make-believe people to keep you company there, if you like. :slight_smile:

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I miss her so much

You deserve more

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@zea did you try unhearting my message and it ended up having two hearts smh? lol

Edit: nevermind, the great forum mystery solved
Looks like I have connection issues

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No :stuck_out_tongue:

Can I have another

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What are some (free) pain control 2.0 alternatives for muscle cramps? I’m croaking…

Muscle recoveryyy


She didn’t do anything bad to me

I broke her heart

How so?

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My depression and anxiety

It was too much for her, to the point of rubbing off on her