Random thoughts thread

Put your thumb on it then, noob. Or just stare for a good minute or so.

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Tap on the arrow on the bottom right across from the message you’re replying to so that the user gets a notification about your message then, noob.

How long does a good minute last?
That stuff feels hot

A minute or so.

It should feel hot, and even vibrate your whole body if you’re energy sensitive enough - was told to share this to help a few people “raise their awareness” a little.

First hand experience works best.

You can meditate on it for a good while to be honest - but it can get pretty intense so I prefer to err on the side of caution.


Would just keeping the picture open on my screen would be enough to meditate on it, or do I need to be touching the screen somehow?

Oh my god
I have no idea what I’m feeling but I’m feeling it and it’s intense


What are you, 3? - the thumb is just to make a denser connection to the field - keeping it on the screen is enough, and with enough time you can even close your eyes and hold the field’s signature in your mind’s eye.

It should feel like bliss and purging.


Oh, and lots of tingles and vibration.


What if it’s too much

I am shaking, if that counts


Just be reasonable and when it gets overwhelming pull back, and build your capacity with time.

A good mantra to do after you finish is:

Arut Perum Jyothi. Arut Perum Jyothi. Thani Perum Karunai . Arut Perum Jyothi.

Maybe for 5 minutes or 108 times, mentally or out loud, doesn’t matter.



Found the website

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Thank you!

Lots of school works put me under a lot of stress. But, after I finished it all, the boredom of doing nothing makes me depressed.

It’s like I’m missing the stress and the pressure that came from doing lots of work. I’m also addicted at bullet chess (1+0 or less). It’s like I’m addicted to time pressure but I don’t like it at all, but doing nothing feels miserable either. Pick your poison.

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This Grace-Light isn’t non-duality. It is a distinct thing?

It’s pure awareness - when nothingness becomes aware of itself.


It’s not even a specific thing - Grace Light is a process in of itself that encompasses three components.


What is acting as an object and a subject of awareness if there is nothing to reference either?

There is not a mention of it in the website I found…guess I have to dig deeper.

Welp I tried but I can’t put my thoughts in order, let alone into words now u.u

I felt an interest in Awareness Watching Awareness…like 2 days after I’ve done this mantra. But I also used SZ field and a non-duality emanation thingy.

And…yeah I became aware SZ released this just the next day after I did the mantra (I don’t usually do it…was in trance, trying to remember every mantra I know and doing some repetitions of every hyper-high-vibes one)…and here I am now.

So, I was going to drop everything for pure awareness (which I know in practice, I can’t do xD), and you tell me this mantra is for pure awareness…

God ain’t even amused while I’m a joke…

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That only comes into existence after nothingness becomes aware of itself - before that, there is nothing.

It is the alpha and the omega.

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