Random thoughts thread

I told people I am creators valentines. Born 2-7-1990, Genesis 2-7 “God created the man” nice number since when he was alone, sacrificed a rib, leaving him to 7 ribs but created a partner making them 2(both of them)7(ribs he had left) I can go on ofc, Jesus was stated being born in Luke 2:7. She is the white rider with the bow(Sagitarious are last fire benders, her bow was pointing at me (Sag 11th month, Aquar 11th Zodiac) so im being pointed by bow both directions.

Anyways what I am saying here is, new movie coming out

Madame Web is scheduled to be released in the United States on February 14, 2024.


(2*7 = 14) Plus she couldnt had prove it more then a spiderwoman video.

I was born in Flushing Queens (where MIB 1-3 was filmed, and not to forget our friendly neighborhood Spider) and my/Aqaurious planet is uranus hence the name Flushing.

Thank you Light bear·er!!(Statue of Liberty floating in Water bear-er cups. :kissing_heart:

So mote it be.



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Merry Christmas guys.

Alcohol really makes everything fun (my liver disagrees but that’s just him jk)


Enjoy Mate: https://www.patreon.com/posts/45736555?utm_campaign=postshare_fan

And Merry Christmas :santa:


i wanted to post my thoughts about my country and globalism and it needs to be confirmed by moderators lmao
I made some typos in it too though lol :smiley:

Im putting together my thoguths to blow a massive post in a vending thread. Maybe Ill be banned for it maybe not, but sometimes enought is enough. If I respect You all, then I have to be honest with all of You.
I feel that sovergnity of my nation is threatened, and I cant keep my mouths shut about this any longer. Under the collar of compassion and political correctness they take away every single piece of our identity in the name of ““democarcy”” I WILL OPPOSE GLOBALISTS AND I WILL PROTECT WHAT MY ANCESTORS HAVE LEFT ME TO THE DEATH.

please dont call Your family NPCS. They arebound to You and You are bound to them. And by speaking ill against your genes my opinion you are harming yourself as well.
Wish You delicious stek though :smiley:

Im not a boy my man, and I respect Your stance


bruh wats going on

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That’s the Christmas spirit?

If someone is watching horror movies or maybe real paranormal stuff (creatures, glitches in the matrix, etc.), can such activity or such videos create or add certain cords or bad vibes?

Even if it shouldn’t happen or normally doesn’t happen, still, can it happen, can it connect someone with dark stuff?

If the answer is yes, Idk if it’s worth watching certain content then.

What’s the difference between quantum love vs attract love (the video, the free one). QL should be better?

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Attract love is well like Attract love.

Quantum love goes deeper, its not like “Attracting love”.

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Yep attract love works on your DNA and atoms. Quantum love works on the subatomic particles and probability waves :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I think quantum love should be used more for inner work and attract love is more for an immediate physical manifestation?

For that reason, I think attract love can sometimes create a detox (and not interal, but bad stuff hapenning) but quantum love is “smarter” and subtler. Bad things can still happen but it seems to bring awareness to the right place so working internally is easier.

Overall the outcome may be the same but quantum love seems gentler (and subtler, which isn’t always good for some thick heads).

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I’ll just listen to attract love and use QL as a wallpaper. I should be drowning with love at that point.


Yeah. After reading the discussions on malleable ego, whether you use it or not, I think fields have to be “followed”. The most important thing is in your receptiveness to the field and the love, and to take actions that demonstrate you accept love, etc.

All of this is shown by the fields…but I never follow through.

That’s where the permanent results come from and that’s where the field limit truly is. You can listen to as many fields as you keep getting guidance on and as many as you are willing/able to act on their guidance.

Usually we have a smaller tunnel vision. So we may consciously only focus on physical action towards wealth (e.g.) and ignore the opportunities to cultivate love or follow other’s fields guidance.

Our focus needs to have the same scope as all the topics we use fields for.

Sorry for the ramble but…random thoughts xD