Random thoughts thread

Dont forget to ask ChatGPT for assistance with Magic, your own rituals, it can recommend audio field stacks, connecting and increasing strength of your servitors advice, etc. possibilities only limited to your own imaginations

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Is it when you meditate or due to excess energy?

I sometimes feel like that and I concluded that itā€™s from my own energy/prana/chi, i also felt all sorts of things, like slight movements on my body or throughout my body; a healer told me years ago that what I feel is my own energy and that it is OK (also, not everyone has a sensation or a feeling or any peculiar or special experience when it comes to one ownā€™s energy).


Of course, me being slightly paranoid, throughout the years, I taught about other possibilities, like being possessed or what not, but that healer can sense energy and he told me that itā€™s not anything bad, plus a priest who is also an Exorcist told me that Iā€™m OK (heck, I even had him do the Exorcism, to be sure lol, plus i went to a couple monasteries, where there were actual possessed people who were screaming and speaking and growling in inhuman ways and i was chill throughout all their rituals), so, then, it has to be my own energy lol.

Edit: however, I felt and experienced some strange things WHILE listening to Sapienmed Exorcism, also felt some things while listening to some audios from Drvirtual7 (but also on/with other occasions); maybe there were some attachments or even entities, who knows (most probably yes, considering some recent experiences).

The thing is that I have had different people, even from the forum, telling me different things (either that i was clean or that I had entities attached, so, again, no idea - also, certain things are temporarily, one can have some attachments and get rid of them).

Anyway, me and these subjects, lolā€¦

Now (overall) I feel fine (fantastic even), Thanks to a few Morphic Creators and a few Forum Friends who have helped me when I needed their help.

Thank You. :pray:

Now, I digressedā€¦

Quite A LOT.

There was a period of constant tremors/earthquakes here and it had that effect on me.

Then I missed it and realized its potential.

Then bone shaker was released so all good xD It isnā€™t the same kind of vibration but it is a great energetic shake up.

Is a great side-effect though.

NPCs panick at earthquakes. Meanwhile even my cat enjoyed them xD

You gotta observe animals with natural phenomenon.

Pretty sure dogs bark at ufos and run the other way xD

random thoughts

How many are you using?
Or, where did you hear of such high numbers?

I had a number on me physically, and a number of them using Bypass. Just printed them all out.
Counted themā€¦
I wish Iā€™d know how to wear them now :joy:

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Interesting. I just woke up, hearing the term ā€˜over-Iā€™.
Thank you for reminding me of this.

Did you use this track for the meditation, or something else?


Lets gooo


are you ok?

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A NDE a day keeps the doctor away.

Just put that and ā€œNDEā€ only in an image generator and it got wild pretty fast xD

Still have one year to go xD

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I think Iā€™ve been attacked. Not on this universe even but on some subtle dimension or whatever that doesnā€™t have any effect here, but somewhere in the multiverse or in cross-dimensions.

Well, thank you and not.

My lad, what sort of sorcery conjured up such a masterpiece

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