Random thoughts thread


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the way you’re talking about that series is how i feel about imaginarium divine, i only just listened to it earlier today…

instantly, became one of my favs…feels like it boosted my senses in feeling the fields…i listened to higher self connection right after it and its like it unlocked the true power of that field for me…tomorrow i’m gonna try to follow it up with the self realization series

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Got the Heart Throbbing
It instantly leads to random thoughts
So u see its the best thread


Dreamweaver is on a hot streak, two Patreon releases and a Gumroad one today.



Subconscious Limit Removal V3

What a Legend


I must have slept under a rock or something, I don’t watch TV or news, so maybe that, but I saw some YouTube videos with interesting titles.

What happened in Miami?

Does anyone know?

Supposedly people were panicking because of some aliens or something?

Is it a false flag?

Metals and crystals are best.


When is someone making a group for Darth Vader? With the epic theme song he has, and has been said he is way more powerful then all the Jedis

Weird feel for this year

Heres the daily memes

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Thank you for the daily memes, Owl

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I want to talk to Aphrodite, how

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What could be a good/usual offering? I’m lost

Confirmation, Michelle may be running for President

15th tarot was Obama
16th Trump (the Tower, hence people rioting and causing chaos in white house on January 16th.
17th tarot is Michelle the"star"
She was born Jan 17th, and only way she would win os because shes a popular, high profile "Star not because her politics experience.

The 4 horseman have been released from their cage. 4th horseman symbols the beginning of apocalypse.

Hence the beginning of NFL first game was Dallas Cowboys (they ride horses)
Beating Giants 40-0.

The Trumpet was Oct 4th when every phone on America received a emergency alarm on their phone

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Do research on the goddess. You will find the answer.

Offerings for aphrodite

  • Incense/Candles: A pretty simple offering. Use ones with scents that she’s associated with or that remind you of her. Rose and ocean scents, as well as myrrh, apple, and myrtle, are all candle or incense scents you could offer.

  • Roses: Anything rose related. A whole rose, the petals, or even rose water! Roses are one of Aphrodite’s sacred plants.

  • Chocolate:

  • Apples: Especially ones yellow/golden in color.

  • Jewelry: Offer her a piece of jewelry and keep it on your altar when not wearing it.

  • Art: Any form of art that you made for Her. A story, poetry, sculptures, drawings, anything!

  • Seashells: Especially scallop and abalone shells. Decorate your altar to Her with them! You could even use a scallop shell as the offering bowl on your altar for Her.

  • Olive oil: The olive tree was very important in Greek culture and it’s branches, as well as olive oil, were given as offerings often!

  • Honey: Bees are associated with Aphrodite so honey would make a good offering.

  • A letter: Pretty simple! Just write a letter to Her! You can tell her anything you want!

  • Cinnamon


Notwithstanding, a lot of these beings call to humans too…

A lot of people use the intercession fields looking for a result rather than trying to actually commune with the deity… in this case, they set a passive intention and get a passive interaction…


Himak Nashoba Wakaya Ikhana