Random thoughts thread

I use mystic tarot reader to communicate with her

she tells me to be kind to others and to embody the stuff she embodies: Beauty, love, desire, etc



For the moment Nashoba is artless?

It’s more than one language. :wink:

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:milky_way: :milky_way: :milky_way:

Nervous system man…

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Stylized drawings, limited color pallettes, limited technology and resources, serialized storytelling, hermetic culture, ingenuous creativity. Literally “whimsical pictures”. Maximum relatability.

Never not fascinating.

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That is not dead which can eternal lie, and with strange aeons even death may die

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I’m attending my PhD Lecture on zoom with my Forum Nickname lol.

Dunno why I can’t change it

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You need to switch account.

Hmm its only 12th January

12 days into 2024 is already too much.

Lots of fun things up ahead… fun and interesting indeed.

Of course, most will just study the stars, the news, the metadata, the astral plane, and catch distorted glimpses… mere matrices set to keep this grid working as an energy farm. There is no truth where a middle-man is needed. But for how long, I wonder.

Musings, musings. Don’t mind me.


Thanks dream.

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Hmmm, interesting. Most don’t even realize who it is that was sending the nudges. It’s really the only way to do it to begin with. What’s the point of him talking to people’s egos. :man_shrugging:t2:

Took you some time :smirk:


He doesn’t even have to speak. It’s the subtle motions.

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Life is a mind game

The immense weight and dread that’s lifted when you’ve finally tackled the thing you’ve been mentally blocking / procrastinating on for 3 years… priceless!

Never again.


wow 3 years

that mustve been a thousand pounds heavy


i guess sometimes we just think he’s too busy lol…but some Stars can shine every soul

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It sure was :sweat: worked hard on that blockage from all angles to smash it