Random thoughts thread

  • How many eyes you need to see the splendor of creation?
  • Yes.
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Sharing the dream I had tonight. It was short but it was very consistent, no crazy twists and things like that. Here is the note I wrote after waking up:

I woke up abruptly from a dream in which I seemed to feel energetically that my living room TV eitherā€¦

  1. was being attacked by an entity (I assume) which was trying to set the TV on fire.
  2. it was getting hotter by itself and I sensed it was going to catch fire.

Noticing this, I went to the TV and used an energy resource which I donā€™t remember the name of to create a shield around the TV. Then a friend suddenly appeared behind me and asked me what I was doing. I jokingly told him that I was using the reverse cursed technique (Jujutsu Kaisen energy name basically) to create positive energy and then make a shield with that energy (I wasnā€™t using ā€œreverse cursed techniqueā€, I was using other form of real-life energy but told my friend so because 1. I didnā€™t want my friend to know I was really trying to energetically shield the TV, and 2. I didnā€™t think my friend was going to believe me anyway). Once Iā€™m done, I take my hands off the TV and go to my room. The POV changes and suddenly, the TV starts to burn. I panic and wake up abruptly. 3 seconds pass and then my alarm goes off, I woke up just in time.

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Soā€¦ something/one doesnā€™t like the TV?

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Lol, I guess the TV was just symbolicā€¦ Maybe it was about the necessity of shielding strongerā€¦
I just remember about the ChatGPT prompt about analyzing your dreams that Sammy shared in the webinar document, I may use that later.


A while ago there was someone who Iā€™m not sure if they visit the forum anymore, suggesting ~ to set an intention upon the TV before watching something. In the past few months Iā€™ve started setting the intention of only that which is beneficial for me to be allowed to ā€˜reach intoā€™ my brain when serving media.


That is a great idea! I donā€™t watch TV much thoā€¦ I prefer YouTube. Maybe it can be done too when watching YouTube? Interestingā€¦

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Even if not lucid, if your energy body is balanced and strong enough, most entities end up losing.


I mostly do YouTube too. Iā€™ve had lots of dreams about TV, even though I havenā€™t watched in about 20 years and Iā€™ve been fairly reasonable with media intake. I did however watch TV when I was a child. I ended up with some interesting findings recently while using PUā€™s Projection Shield.


Is there a way to test how balanced it is? And what about the capacity, is there a way to test for my limits in a safe way?

Not really sure.

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Feel free to share them :raised_hands:t4:

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Maybe a session with SZā€™s When Nothing Else Works and setting the intention to gently and safely push the limits of my energy body without overwhelming the nervous systemā€¦ thatā€™s the first thing I thought about.

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I donā€™t get the point. Just work on it either way. Knowing the current capacity wonā€™t matter either way.

Thereā€™s also the issue of sensitivity vs capacity which makes it all the more pointless.

As you navigate the vast ocean of your life, remember this: ā€œIn the depth of winter, the promise of spring lies dormant. Within your challenges lie the seeds of your potential.ā€ Like the seasons, life is a cycle of renewal and growth. Your current difficulties are not just obstacles but opportunities for growth and transformation. Just as the harshest winter gives way to the bloom of spring, so too will your struggles give way to new strength and wisdom. Embrace the journey, for it is in the darkest moments that the seeds of your true potential are sown.


Youā€™re right. I love getting new information but I lack the action. Maybe I should go all in and worry about the difficulties when and if I face them.

On another note, I always felt that my capacity was ok/good but I donā€™t have much sensitivity. Just another random thought.

So if plasma has consciousness, and crystals tooā€¦are these supersaiyan crystals or?


I didnā€™t know that plasma had consciousness :astonished: does that mean I can talk to the plasma fields to do specific things? :thinking:


Everything has consciousness ā€¦ remove that and youā€™d be living in a vacuum.


Well, good point, but is consciousness the same as intelligence? I was referring to intelligence, I think both terms are closely linked but there is a certain ambiguity

or maybe there is a consciousness more intelligent than others šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«