Random thoughts thread

Plasma beach can be used that way. Probably plasmatron and negentropic pulsar too.

The other plasma fields are already programmed for their specific purpose. They probably can still be adjusted as long as it is within their purpose.

Results may vary.

The programming and intelligence of the fields is what could have given plasma beach consciousness.

I guess plasma always responds to intent. But the plasma beach field may be smarter or whatever else that distinguishes it from regular plasma generated from a device.

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ā€œIntelligenceā€ is a measure of how much communication you can draw from that aspect of consciousness with yourself as a human being.

Everything has a manifestation across 7+ layers.

The real trick is to know how to draw out and strengthen awareness of something other than yourself at a different layer.

Most people operate kinetically and can only distill corresponding aspects of consciousness, with properties that are confined to the relevant layer/dimension.


You cannot jump yourself out of gravity ā€¦ but, if at some level, you can ā€œtellā€ gravity to ā€œloosenā€ its grip on you, then ā€¦ ā€œ???ā€




Oh now I understand clearly. Your answers always satisfy my inquiry, you are very wise Alkul, thank you :pray:t3:

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Itā€™s crazy to think that when I was a child I thought that making a Genki-dama (spirit bomb) was something purely fantasy (and impossible) and now I know that it is somewhat possible to accumulate a ball of chi from environmental energy. although perhaps not for the same purpose that Goku did it for. :grin:


My inner child still mad at me for not levitating. Apparently one of my biggest failures in life xD

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You can do it, itā€™s just a matter of practicing and knowing how lol
In dreams itā€™s easy, Iā€™ve done it a few times, quite strange but nice

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Not so sure these things are still as possible in our generation.

There is an unpopular consensus they were a very, very long time ago, tho.


SZā€™s Rise out to Poverty field consciousness is crazy. Iā€™m brainstorming on that field about where could I potentially earn money based on what I do.

I jokingly tell that since Iā€™m decent at chess maybe I should coach (itā€™s a joke I donā€™t like coaching since Iā€™m self taught so I dont have a clue) and next day, for the first time in my life someone asked me if I can coach their son :skull:.

Some guy I used to talk to even said when he used that, heā€™s getting headhunted left and right.

Iā€™m using it for 3 months now and I lost count of how many discounts, free stuff and money I managed to earn. I used to be broke broke but now I think I can buy paid fields now (finally) if this keeps going.


You sound like a chess grandmaster.

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In your opinion, is she an andromedan or that is some made-up bs?

I remember watching the animatics of this gameā€™s characters. Good animations with cool stories :ok_hand:

Homie teasing his next opponent xD

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Tell that to my inner child.

I had a wayā€¦disappointment should be on it, not on me xD

I read not that long ago of someone doing it, with witnesses. Weā€™re not going to have Nimbus as a regular thing, but everything is possible.

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It reminded me of
ā€˜if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into youā€™,

, and 1984.

My dreams of TVs often involved me being transfixed and immersing into what was projected in front of me and in my ears.

I once experimented with, under certain conditions, getting immersed into whatever I was focusing on (an effect which may now be acquired with some fields) ā€” I had tried it with videos too. I would experience that which I was focusing on, including skill acquisition. I would become the actor, the director, the dancer, the cup.
The most important thing was to be very mindful of what you focused on, and to not get lost in it. It was hypnotizing. I later came to find that I can do it without ā€˜special conditionsā€™. But the projection cleansing wasnā€™t about that, yet.
Most unexpectedly, things I watched in childhood, and their impact.

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What if crop circles are sigils? Has anyone thought about it? Or does anyone know what its purpose is?:thinking:

Crop circles :^)

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Tread Lightly

Just dreamt of that screaming heart thing from Berserk and a Majoraā€™s Mask as some alienā€™s favourite artistic creation, fielded too.

They took an interest in my tags.

Weirdest dream I just had bruh.

Was looping ATo Vaikuntha Loka. But yeah, very weird and ā€œalienā€ vibes in more than one way xD