Random thoughts thread



Looping? As in passive listening??


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Hm, forgot to mention the quantum love album looping on another device too, with these latest dreams.

I was sleeping. Very exhausted, didnā€™t sleep the prior day. Already had a nap with dreams (plasma diamond and non judgemental acceptance looping).

You probably can capitalize on it more. But us NPCs can loop ATo Vaikuntha Loka without problems. In fact it is the opposite. Tis pretty balancing.

Not sure I can loop Divine Lessons from PUā€¦would love to if it was safe. But I think itā€™s too strong.

Similar to self-realization series. I only need to listen once and it lasts all week, so to speak.

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Anyway I came to post this:

When youā€™re not meditating on it, you donā€™t get to experience where itā€™s taking your mind ā€¦ not ā€œfeelingā€ the effects doesnā€™t mean youā€™re off the hook.

Vaikuntha isnā€™t just any place for you to chill close to.



I think the Captain makes the fields fool-proof. But I will consider what you said.

Thank you ^^

Also, what am I supposed to do? I think all I can do is ā€œmeditatingā€ (I think my sleep is worth more than my meditation but welp) and offerings?

Welcome to the forum :smirk:

You donā€™t like the old internet by any chance, do you?

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Thanks :grin:

Old internet, Old TVā€¦ it seems like everything was better 15 years agoā€¦ only fields seem to get better over time


Just saw this in a movie, coincidentally.

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I miss the old CRT screens ā€” you can tell that pictureā€™s probably doctored because, in the real screens, pixels/phosphors get blasted sequentially from side to side and top to bottom.

And pictures catch the middle of the process and show it with color differences and lines. Like the bar in the middle of this screen that is slightly lighter:

Itā€™s a different experience. With flat screens you look squarely ā€œatā€ them ā€” with the big box screens, you were technically looking through and into them. The colors and contrasts were also a bit different.

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Just checked and I thought I saw another effect (the ā€œgray bandsā€ that bend) but itā€™s probably the window being reflected.

But yeah it is a movieā€¦ainā€™t not way to get the old ebay homescreen either so.

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oh, Iā€™ve found ways of doing similar things lol

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Thereā€™s actually someone who set up a proxy server that people can connect old web browsers to and it will pull old web pages from the internet archive:


The archive is a treasure trove. I had made a personal archive of different things from there. There were interesting forums that had psionic skill development information and other neat things, some of the old ExtremeMinds stuff and some of the older iterations of the Sapien and Enlightened states sites are in my archive now too.

But there are also easier things available that can be used to indulge in nostalgia. Iā€™ve been having fun checking out a frontend for an older edition of youtube while using my windows XP virtual machine. It can be used on newer machines, though.


Too bad it seems like more people have found out about it. When I just learned about it, it had decent speed. It seems like not much loads now. ā€¦ or maybe google IP blocked it. They do that to anything that circumvents their corporate spyware.

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Chiefs W.

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I always set an intention, as with all intercessions, blessings, grace, and favors fields.

I am pretty sure it says ā€œclear goal with a real experienceā€.

You do you.

No right or wrong way.