Random thoughts thread

Interesting perspective, I need to watch that.

Thank You.

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What about if someone is ā€˜alignedā€™ with both, has them as guides or something? Could these beings meet somewhere in between?
A better question, do they / are they bound to evolve in consciousness as well?

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So many questions, so many things to learn on this forum. :grinning:

@alkul @zea

Captain said this:

What if Devas and Angels are the Epitome of Creation, but from different creations/versions?

They evolved differently, thus they are the Best of their Version of the Universe.

Also, Captain mentioned countless Universes.

I donā€™t get it, are Angels in our universe only (maybe they are not even of our universe, more like supervisors? ), or Multiverse beings?

This is all so complicated lol.


Although the cherubine is higher in the hierarchy, its abilities or obligations do not emphasize combat, the archangels, on the contrary, do specialize in that. I read something like that once although there must be more implications.

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I think thatā€™s the only explanation, besides explaining it as God (Who was Above All Angelic Beings) giving Michael the strength to do it.

Anyway, Idk what to say about such events, have they truly happened (maybe outside our time/perception of time too)?

Are these metaphors, maybe most if not all of the Bible?

Also, there are Battles in The Hindu Scriptures as well and there are many writings that have been excluded from the official Bible, by the Church Authorities.

I guess thst by refining our auras, Chakras and abilities, we might find the recordings of every single event (is it only from this universe) - in the Akashic Chronicles (?).

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Is that truly the whole book?

Also, Iā€™ve heard only Amazing Things about it from People who studied Spirituality for a while and i wanted to read it years ago, but I always procrastinated (Iā€™m not really much of a reader), but nowadays, with audio books, Iā€™ll definitely listen to it.

Thank You.


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no itā€™s a chapter

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Your Energetic Being in meditative state it is sooo powerful, I started it drained like a dry plum and now I feel soo much better

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I donā€™t need pain anymore :eye:

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Does beg a few questions, tho.


He has more lucidity than Joe B lol


The battery is low.