Random thoughts thread

Im going through my old notes and I can’t stop laughing


I have tried 5 of those and they haven’t done anything :joy:

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aw man, that’s all the good stuff lol.

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whats funnier is that below that I wrote all the OTC things I could use to replace those if I wasn’t able to get my hands on them. I’ve tried those and nothing…


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i have an entire bottle of armodafinil and vyvanse

might as well just sell it


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I’ll pretend I didn’t read that, for liability purposes


circumstantial evidence

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oh no :fearful: – not good enough lol

oh well, I guess I’ll do my civic duty and point you to what the law says on the matter

I don’t condone criminal activity, so don’t drag my ass to court with you lol

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:joy: :joy:

not to worry

i wont do it

wink wink

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The borg are here lol.

I am of course curious.
Would some of the implications involve the religious/canonical aspect, with the ‘camps’, the sins, the virtues, etc. (though, granted, I wouldn’t be aware of what that actually is outside dogma)?

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Very interesting, thank you.
So there could be an agenda on their behalf, you mean? Also, non-duality and such might go out the door in this case, I presume?
Would showing significant interest/time/attention/involvement signify leaving the door open, or might there be something more to it that one should be aware of?

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Whats worse than Insanity? :exploding_head:

Also, how could Michael as an Archangel defeat Satan who was a Cherubim or Seraphim I forgot?

Aren’t heruvims higher than angels?

Or those hierarchies aren’t organized by a level of power?

Also, speaking of Angels, this scene:

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Where your thoughts go, your energy flows.


Lol, this showed up in your feed?

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Lol, Yeah, but not now, a few days ago.

I wanted to share it, but I forgot.

That demon gave a great discourse ngl.

Interesting clip.

Also, back to Michael vs Satan?

How could Michael defeat him/it?

Or aren’t Seraphim/Cherubim actually stronger than Archangels?

Is there only one Archangel?

Sorry for so many questions. :sweat_smile::pray:

OK. I need to watch it again.

Also, are all the stories/Myths and texts pointing towards a real primordial rebellion (or even before our universe)?

Are ashuras and demons the same?

It’s so hard to understand…

Was/is there one original reality or source, from which all sorts of realms, Realities, beings, etc. Originated?


You possess knowledge that is beyond what most people have.

Also, I would need to study for decades - including sacred texts from different religions and physics, chemistry, math, history, biology, medicine, etc. , to understand more, plus fields, yoga, etc.

If I understood correctly, according to this guy, asura does not necessarily mean evil or devil, at least as devils are commonly understood

Listening to him made me think of the concept of the shadow

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