Random thoughts thread

From what I have heard, it should last for a very long time (as long as it was acquired legitimately).

Some people say that fields are immortal, though I don’t know if I believe that. I think I heard that they might dissipate after a very long time, but I imagine that would be a decent number generations down the line for most people.

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I never paid attention to Dr Phil before, but it looks like he may be a decent guy:


USA going commie would solve all world’s issues xD

lmao just imagine…or better not xD they got Biden already…socialism and Europe and the USA having the same general laws is already wrecking the whole west good.


There are several types of angels, and they have their hierarchy.


detachment != manifestation

your welcome


Manifestation is silly… If people want things to happen, they should have enough integrity to be direct in their actions.


You say that to their faces…or eyes xD

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Don’t we manifest all the time? I don’t see the difference. One action in the chain, with its own outcomes.

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Preach! :joy: :joy:

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There’s a basic form of “manifestation” that happens all the time. Certain germinal patterns that exist within a person’s template will radiate outwards and impact circumstances.

Most people that I have seen approach manifestation as a sort of trying to impose their will on a situation to shape it from the outside into something that matches what they consciously want.

That is consummately stupid. The passive “manifestation” is the only one that really matters because it defines the biggest patterns in a person’s life and has a meaningful backing so they can integrate effectively with a person’s energetic core and life. --It doesn’t happen by trying to impose a personal will on outside circumstances, it involves cleaning and clearing the microcosm, the inner world --and making it so that your patterns of life in each moment can create better events.

“manifestation” seems like a clinical micromanagement of things outside of your proper jurisdiction; it should be different. It should be more like being the change that you want to see and having complete sincerity in that process so it is with you in all your actions.

*“you”, in this case, is just used for ease of expression

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Yep, too integrous for today’s standards.

I say whatever works :tipping_hand_man: damn I’m too done with this world…sometimes my cynicism…it’s almost frightening xD

Though I think most people are trying to change the deep-seated pattern when they manifest. It may be micro-managing. But we aren’t animals, we want specific things.

Got you now. I’m just more dark-side aligned xD

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the protected righteous


what is a righteous action? can I steal if im hungry or what



You can steal from the non-hungry. Robin in da Hood.





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We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among which are the preservation of life, liberty, and an internet free from bullshit advertisements and surveillance…

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Lmao. True.

What I love about this one is the style editor. I can click on any element and hide it.

Bye bye comments sections, and all the bloat of every page.

Random AI-generated image

This is more like it but still going golden.

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