Random thoughts thread

Precambrian, before the cambrian explosion. When complex multicellular life emerged. – Oddly enough, an anomaly when considered from a darwinian perspective.

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The Stonehenge one is very good, very grounding and in some ways healing, one of the few that I have used the most.

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I’m not too scientifically inclined.

Why is it odd?

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The Cambrian explosion involved a bunch of complex multi-cellular life forms showing up in the fossil record. Without anything like them previously.

Darwinian evolution would want the different intermediaries. Things between the single cells and complex multicellular things, but we don’t have them.

Some creationists pick this up to say that this time was when God created the animals. But there’s a vedic account that says that evolution was taking place on a higher level before it became integrated with denser matter.

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Or some aliens got involved lol.

Boom, multicellular life.


Or that, It’s a free-for-all, since nobody alive today (that we know of) was there lol


Prometheus movie

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I watched it but I forgot it vety soon after watching it lol.

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I have this gift.

I forget stuff.

It feels fresh when viewing it again.


Some aliens put a bunch of cells or bacteria with programmed DNA into an inert river on Earth eons ago and that’s how life began on this planet.

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Hmm, actually, there is a loophole.

You can send nudges to past selves to take a different direction, and in this way, your curve on this template will actually be modified.

But it’s a very technical and unpredictable process, and things can easily go wrong.


Same with Avatar.

Blue people vs conventional people. Pandora. Explosions. Beautiful vegetation and fauna. That’s it.

I also think making peace with the past is part of liberation.

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I’ll re-watch it someday.

Then better not to mess with it lol.

I’ll just listen to revision fields and send myself love.

That’s it.
Keep it simple.

Now that I think about it we could do the same on any other planet with the right conditions and we only have to wait 400 million years :grin:

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By that time, I’ll be in another universe lol.

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That would definitely be best.

You’d need a firm concept of what “that” you would do and what the ramifications thereof would be on your present if you wish to meddle with that.

It’s, rightfully so, a very difficult process that would require too much effort. Nonetheless, it is a skill I am sure some people have already mastered.

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Mandela effect?
