So only change it in my mind and my current perception of it.
So only change it in my mind and my current perception of it.
To change the past from here is impossible. You’d need to go there using a time machine. (on this note, you’d also need the right coordinates, as you may land in a timeline that is a bit different from yours)
nah a lot of people download pirated things from the USA I did it once in the past it’s okay, they can’t arrest millions of people at the same time lol sometimes you can see news that they arrested a certain person for piracy but it’s more to scare you or because that person was a pirate or large-scale distributor.
Also, if it is streaming, there is no content in your possession.
I can revise the past.
Your perception of it, affects your ability to direct your future.
That’s good to know lol.
Scare tactics 101: show them stuff to scare them lol.
It’s worldwide implemented anyway.
Bro can do anything.
I forgot to tell you I’m an arcturian fr fr.
It wouldn’t surprise me.
That’s great to have a taste of the past.
I’m too chicken to try it though.
Who knows what I might perceive lol.
Any precqmbrian scary creatures?
It’s a portal to a cleaner and less dense version of the planet. Literally nothing to be afraid of.
I have never tried that portal, it has never particularly attracted me, and the dream portals consume a lot of energy for me.
I tried the forest one.
It’s beautiful.
I could feel the air getting more fresh
That’s good to know.
Thank You.
So, it’s good for Breathing then too?
I might try it.
Precambrian, before the cambrian explosion. When complex multicellular life emerged. – Oddly enough, an anomaly when considered from a darwinian perspective.
The Stonehenge one is very good, very grounding and in some ways healing, one of the few that I have used the most.
I’m not too scientifically inclined.
Why is it odd?
The Cambrian explosion involved a bunch of complex multi-cellular life forms showing up in the fossil record. Without anything like them previously.
Darwinian evolution would want the different intermediaries. Things between the single cells and complex multicellular things, but we don’t have them.
Some creationists pick this up to say that this time was when God created the animals. But there’s a vedic account that says that evolution was taking place on a higher level before it became integrated with denser matter.
Or some aliens got involved lol.
Boom, multicellular life.