Random thoughts thread


I’ll watch it pirated anyway.

It’s legal In Romania.

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God bless Romania :grinning:

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I heard it’s OK in Spain too, Netherlands and other countries, as long as I don’t sell content and profit from it, otherwise it’s OK for personal use/enjoyment.

Also, România is a VERY corrupt country, no one cares lol.

Read my previous comment.

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In USA they arrest you for such small stuff, but they don’t arrest politicians.

Too bad…

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Why not just get Netflix?

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If I can avoid payment and it’s not stealing from any creator, but just watching pirated online stuff from huge companies, why pay?

Also, I’m poor as f…

I have other more important issues than Netflix lol.

Minimum salary in Romania is barely 400 euros.

Costs of living are much higher than thst…

Do the math lol.


I got Proton VPN.

It’s Free and not involved/obliged to provide data to the big 5.

It’s a Good deal.

Yeah, you may be right.

Anyway, laws are lenient in Romania, when it comes to what content you watch online.

You can watch pirated stuff, but not distribute it or/and profit from it.

As a problem solving apparatus, the end-game for brain-limited consciousness is ultimately, endless problems.

It is also the ultimate ego-stroke - the assumption that all order disappears once you stop “thinking”.

It is also self-stroking, because it magnifies the importance of what on a universal scale is trivial.

I have no clue how people can’t see it.

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How to solve the problem?

Evolving by Raising Consciousness?

Going beyond the mind?

Reaching Moksha, ultimately?

To actually “realize” - not ignore it - but realize, that it isn’t actually there.

And to make that realization, well, it’s no easy feat. I mean, it’s the realization everyone is trying to make by re-incarnating here.

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Many of you have made realizations that take others several incarnations using fields… shifting paradigms at these speeds really isn’t granted for the average day-to-day person.

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Especially with their retro-active effects. Giving meaning to past experiences that the average person never gets back to, or completely tries to shut off.

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Do we exist at the same time on unlimited levels and Realities?
(time there doesn’t work as in our world)

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Well, it all happens in cycles.

They are always there waiting to “trigger” a reaction from you.

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Also, I take one desastrous choice in this life.

Is there a parallel me who took the right choice?

Are there unlimited versions of me, some dumber, some even of genius level?

Perhaps even Rich?