Random thoughts thread

Well, it does go against the quantum backdrop.

So when she decides it’s time, there should be a reason for it.


Yes, I have experienced that in certain things. today I was thinking about something that many people care about too much and that I stopped giving importance to a long time ago and that is social status, there are so many people obsessed with status whether having a high status or appearing to have it, which is something sad.

Likewise, almost everyone seeks external approval. When you are one of the few who don’t seeks external approval you are already someone interesting lol

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True treasure is to manifest Moksha, then, eh?

Matthew 6:33.




I think that’s the main quest, but we get very distracted by the side quests. :rofl:

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And ultimately never finish the main story line :confused:

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But don’t we have all the time in the world?

And what is the main storyline anyway?

Or does the world have an end?!

And even if it does, isn’t it all about infinite cycles of creation anyway?

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Leaving aside my experience, what do you mean?

I tried to use something that would seem close to you as a SE.

Backdrop is the same as backend, as opposed to the front-end.

but we have infinite attempts… right guys? Right? :flushed:

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Let’s hope so.

Life 9 billion 6 hundred millions 300 thousands, finished.

You have 0 credit left.

Your return to Your Higher Self has been requested.


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maybe we will reincarnate in the past :wink:

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Well … Sloth is one of the 7 deadly sins.

So, idk.


Or in another universe.

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I deny such truths lol.

You have free will, lol.

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ah the mysteries of life my favorite topic

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Man, I need to watch Simpsons.

But it’s still ongoing, right?

Jesus, how many seasons are there anyway…

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There is a silver lining.

Doing it out of sheer fear of judgment is still misguided.

Demons fear God too, the seeds of your Faith have to be well sourced, or they will not bear good fruit.


You just need to watch until season 10, all the good stuff is there. although until the 15th there are some decent things, after then it becomes scarce

I think all the episodes are on Disney Plus or Hulu, it depends on your country.

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