Random thoughts thread

I was raised in a Slavic country. Buckwheat and Myka were the only food we had back then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Oh, and boiled potatoes with mushrooms :yum:

(weā€™d pick our own mushrooms in the countrysideā€™s forest, usually)

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The giant gnome statues in the middle of nowhere creeped me out as a kid tho :confused:

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The classic Baba Yaga, Krasnaya Naga trauma followed me for a while too.

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The real Russian Experience.

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Thatā€™s so satisfying

But also

:joy::joy: couldnt be further from the truth

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Im so grateful with the fact that I am SO handsome :pray:t6:


Fvck! I hate wet dreams, thatā€™s it for my long streak :sob:

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Average forum user:

Reads 2k words per min.

People teaching stuff:

Here is my video lessons where I repeat myself 20 times.

Youtube and stuff has done more harm than people even think. Cause now, things like these happens. A lot of people that make courses and whatnot, only do so through videos and whoever teaches them tells them not to be a boring teacher or they think they are having a chat over a beer or smth.

Shame on you, 21st Century.

Post sent by mail dove :dove:

(Yes I watch stuff at 2x when possibleā€¦I still prefer reading. I donā€™t get sht listening).


Each person is more inclined to one of the 3 types o styles of learning, if you learn better by reading You are a visual learner, other people are auditory learners who learn better by listening or watching someone explain to them and others who learn better by moving and doing physical activity are kinesthetic leaners.

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random thoughts

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History Repeats

And here we are

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randomly thinking themselvs

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Whos thinking them?

Not me :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Just found out I have schizophrenia

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is the subconscious limits removal field a limiting belief? :thinking:

it assumes that I have limiting beliefs to begin with

cancelled !

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bro was on that after death bliss

I have some hellish inflammation issues. When I get sick, only anti-inflammatory pills work (fields not so much xD).

So now that Iā€™m recovering, what would be some good fields?

Iā€™m thinking glutathione and whatever else is anti-inflammatory (HGF), antioxidants and mitochondria protecting stuff. Maybe plasma charged mito too.

There is FIR and cold light and others, but those are less effective for me. Iā€™m thinking some mstate element must be really good for this. Gotta check the threads.

Anything Iā€™m overlooking?

Also wondering if I could use an AI generated image as the starting point of a sigil or it would be cursed by definition? :thinking:


Antioxidant complex and brain regeneration (the old one) should be good.

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