Random thoughts thread

I appreciate you adding these ideas

Take action - apply.

I donā€™t want people to thank me - the best way to do so, is by showing actual progress and development, lol.

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Most of the time, people interact with each other to reinforce their Ego structure. Either by reaffirming the validity of their self-victimization, or by asserting their superiority.

And like all things ego does, itā€™s so subtle, that the more you point it out, the more the individual themselves regresses into engaging in sub-human, ape-like behavior.

Thatā€™s mainly why Socrates ended up actually executed.

The irony of the story is, being wise is not enough.

Even being the wisest as the Oracle proclaimed him to be, he eventually couldnā€™t overcome the trappings of his ego.

Same happened in the tale of King Solomon the Wise.

As above, so below, as the universe continues to expand, so do you, whether you as the soul, or you as a whole.

So as you expand, wrath (and sins in general) takes on new dimensions also, which you havenā€™t explored, and these dimension need to be filtered out as well.

When you gain new powers, wrath finds a pathway to an expression of itself it couldnā€™t access before - makes sense, no?

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An easier example is simply the difference in concerns and expenditures an individual typically experiences going from a typical salary to becoming a mil/billionaire.

Hollywood isnā€™t all bad, yā€™know.

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:om: :om: :om:


Good food is sooo important

I donā€™t know but I kinda love it when I barely respect anyoneā€™s views on anything

Self love :sunglasses:

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Not meaat thooo

( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)

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I just canā€™t really bring myself to eat much meat anymore.

I mostly go for fish if protein is desired.

Red meat feels really heavy nowadays.


Iā€™m really not actively trying to be vegetarian, just listening to my soulā€™s palate.

I donā€™t even think red meat is bad or unhealthy, or anything of the sort.

My body automatically prefers fruits, fish and veggies, most of the time.

(fully aware of oxalates, natural pesticides, potential deficiencies and what not)


That being said, having scanned myself a bit, I donā€™t think this is a change that should be forced. It comes as part of somewhat of a transformation.

Definitely donā€™t do it unless you feel like it really does feel intuitively right.

Attaching morality to food is extremely toxic.


Donā€™t get me wrong, I love to make and eat medium rare steak, I even love how it tastes with garlic powders and crushed black pepper, itā€™s just that for whatever reason, I simply donā€™t go for it when grocery shopping, and instead, pick exotic grains like buckweat, red rice, quinoa, etc.

Eggs, Salmon, Codā€¦ Goat cheese and kefir ā€¦ honey, etc.

My subconscious somehow just doesnā€™t want meat anymore ā€¦ even coffee is downregulated, I barely drink a cup or two at most.


If I get too much exposure to sunlight, I canā€™t even bring myself to eat all day long lol.

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