Random thoughts thread

Closing a portal is a bit different than banishing an entity - and you can’t really shield yourself from the incoming entities that could be using it if the portal targets one of your chakras or is implanted within you …
So do practice diligence and stick to trusted creators.


Man, the creativity of people to harm others for no reason…


There is a reason though.

Many use it to siphon lifeforce and extend their lifespans, as well as to feed mega-rituals using your energy :confused:


Many just don’t know, or aren’t fully in control of what they’re doing


But don’t get me wrong lol. There are plenty of terrible people with paranormal capabilities.

I lost that illusion fairly quickly (that spirituality required ethics) when I left my small bubble of just meditating and I’m still learning how bad things get and how much variety there is lol

–Many, though, are taken along for the ride by other people/entities and they never see what happened


Ouija Board Sundays :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I mean, some people even unwittingly open portals within themselves. So ignorance is culprit number one, as it is stated in Buddhism, it is the Devil.


I’ve been listening to muscles beyond limits :smiling_imp:


2045-2050. Drastic changes in social structure, and in scientific and technological development. All the
for space expansion are established.
For the man of the future, war and violence are unacceptable. The main priority of his development is spiritual self-improvement.


Ah, yes. Someone had quipped that we are headed for an age of spiritual machines and soulless humans lol.

I don’t know… why can’t people just leave things alone? lol


Holy shit


Anyone remembers this one?

Groovy as heck tbh




Riding on hoverboards, wiping out motherboards
Stopped spitting fire cause my muthafuckin lung is scorched
King Arthur when he swung his sword
A king author I ain’t even use a pen in like a month or four…


I’m unable to comprehend the actual incompetence of some doctors

I swear to God I’m more of a doctor than them :joy:

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Idk man… it takes a high level skillset to cheat using quizlet for a whole 12 years. :rofl:

It’s honestly gonna get worse with our generation.

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I don’t know…

I don’t even fully know what’s wrong to begin with. As long as they care and listen, use information up to this day, and also care about keeping up with the latest findings then that’s a good doctor in my opinion.

Haven’t found one yet.

The best advice I got was to use doctors for lab work and then to fix the problem yourself lol, that’s the only thing they’re useful for

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Damn! I had a good one for my knee. Rip football ACL.

And, would this be more ‘likely’ with morphic fields in the title and such? It would seem to me that… it could be in anything… Or it might be more targeted to people that would listen to this stuff?
Anyway, I was thinking about how the yoga instructor started using something with frequencies and I perceived that the song was doing something… It seemed innocent, anyone could have listened. But I’m not sure if she ‘knows’ about the implications.
That being said, is such ‘inside’ work likely to happen to someone who is shielded before first contact? Not sure about the mechanism. And also, might they feed on energy by just ‘siphoning’, or moreso might also triggering be used in order to get more?

How does that happen?

If you are aware, and present in your body, wholly, on all levels you have access to, you’ll be able to tell.

It all starts and ends with trying to deal with pain and trauma the wrong way.

There’s really nothing mystical or mysterious out there. You already have access to everything you need to be fully functional. People expand naturally and organically when they are not running dysfunctional programming.