Random thoughts thread

Nibs are particularly yummy.

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I thought it was ambrosia xd

Misunderstanding - Ambrosia means elixir of immortality… but since gods are immortal …

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you should try 100% cacao , there is some unconditional love there

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It really depends on the source.

Some will taste earthy sweet even at 100%

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Do you guys use field (unrelated to food or eating) while eating? Will that disrupt/distract something?

Well, the flavor can vary due to some variables in the harvest or roasting, etc., but the most interesting thing for me is its energy. I have eat sun-roasted organic cocoa and a single seed has a lot of prana and it feels uplifting

Try Ethiopian beans … they’re how coffee was intended to be drunk. Most others are hybrids.


It is back to intent really - whatever is the product, when it’s intended for mass distribution, it rarely carries as much energy and “life/character”.

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Yes, correct, it is stimulating because of the components it has but also because it gives you a lot of prana or Gu Qi, which is obviously the energy that animates us and gives life. Unlike coffee, which only stimulates your adrenal glands so that you produce excess adrenaline even reducing your emergency reserves, then comes the low.

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I have never liked energy drinks and even less knowing how they work, they don’t give you energy, they squeeze out the little bit of energy you have left. It is similar to a breathing exercise I read from Dale Power where you stimulate your sacral chakra area and should only be used in extreme situations. It’s not something for every day like some do.


That’s a better way :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Do you guys think that envy affects the person who is addressed to it or only the person who feels it?

For every action, there is a reaction that is equal in magnitude, but opposite in sense.

Things can be targetted, but everything radiates.

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Can you create your own sigil addressed to you

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It will ultimately depend on each person.

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For some reason I have always had the belief that it is bad to make others envy you, not only because it can make them feel bad but because they could send you their negativity, this is something that I have thought since I was a child but I don’t know how I acquired that thought.

It’s a logical assumption to make, but it’s never that simple.

Some people thrive on negative energy, not everyone out there is a majestic pure being of light, there are those who feed on darkness.

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As long as you don’t get roped in by the Ego, you’ll be fine either way.

Complications begin and end with it. (with a dash of reason and temperance here and there)

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