Random thoughts thread

Guys… bacon or eggs?

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Both together :bacon: :fried_egg:


And that’s on God :100:

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Some random goodness:


Made me think of the eclise that won’t be visible here and I hope as such, it doesn’t disrupt too much…though even the retrogade be hitting already.

Seriousy society should step up their game at least to the point they are aware of astrology affecting them. I can use fields but people out there are still a menace.

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Isn’t $10 subscription on P.U Patreon too much of a steal? I feel like this should worth $1000 or more for the content it have. It feels like I’m stealing something :sob:.

This is the best $10 spent ever. Fucking life changing stuff.

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This audio vibrates all your cells, even down to the mitochondria, with the vibration of creation. The source sound of the universe. The ‘Om.’ Vibrating every part of your body with this energy literally shakes up all the energetic clutter built up in your body (organs, chakras and entire energy system) and clears it away. By clearing all this energetic clutter and raising your vibration at the same time, you will begin going back to the essence of who you are.

The audios works on your consciousness in a larger level as even the parts of you that extend higher into different dimensions as well is effected. It provides a higher vibrational energy for the chakras to grow and evolve. It’s one of our most powerful spiritual audios thus far and is a gem for anyone on the spiritual path. I would most recommend this to people who have already had prior energy work on their bodies as this audio is rather advanced.

Do you think the solar eclipse will affect people a lot? I remember a total solar eclipse about 5 years ago and I didn’t feel anything xd

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No idea…

Back in the day, the term “astral” (applied to the “astral body”) was used because it was the portion of us that was made of the same material as the heavens. Even in modern occult settings and medical astrology, we get changes in the orbits of energies as well as the diameters of different channels—all which occur in response to the changes in the cycles in the sky. --All influencing physiology and psychology.

Ambient influences play a role as well, and there can be a push and pull relation between many things.

I hadn’t paid much attention to astrology because if you are strong enough energetically, you can step beyond most of it. But eclipses can be strong, we’re in a new Fire era and many wars are ongoing. Lots of hype contributes it’s own energy to situations as well.

So, without a doubt, some effect will exist. How much, and of what nature—those remain to be seen.


I am not guided much by astrology either, because in the first place I do not understand it well but I am not completely closed to it. Lately I have the hypothesis that it is a big egregor that functions as such in certain people who believe in it

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Mercury retrograde always seems to hit hardest the people who worry about it the most


Yeah…we have the mercury retrograde or whatever it is now. So it’s gonna be bad anyway…sorry I’m not in a good mood…better if I don’t keep talking xD

Welp…new shogun episode at least xD…though my internet connestion sucks since a few days and I hope it isn’t when the retrograde started xD



life is always bad

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yeah you understand what I’m saying. Everything is mental. be careful what you give power to

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That was an alright comment— it didn’t need to be deleted


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That’s just my unrelated thoughts about the energy recently.

Although, there is a fractal quality to things. It may connect to astrology.

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Oh i see :]

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On a semi-related note, I encountered an interesting idea about scientific law and astrology.

Typically, we’ll get fully deterministic things like f=ma or e=mc^2. But laws don’t need to be expressed with a unitary outcome. With the typical equations, we put in some numbers and we get out a different number (as defined by the equation).

Patrick Suppes put forward the idea of a probabilistic law. That certain factors can be brought together but, instead of producing a definite outcome, they will create only a strong tendency in a certain direction.

That, I think, is a bit like astrological influence.

Some things are fully deterministic. When the sun rises, energy circuits will shift (unless you’re really unhealthy). But other things are not at all deterministic (e.g. breakups or wars that get predicted)


It’s an interesting thought but I’m not taking into account the possibility that there are parallel and infinite realities/dimensions where all outcomes are possible. In theory…

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I have no idea about that stuff. People talk about parallel universes, parallel selves, multiverses, timelines.

I’ve been energy sensitive for decade+ with varrying levels of paranormal experiences. Those things still mean nothing to me. If they exist at all, my best guess is an indefinite level between pure awareness and the obvious physical world. Rarely do any of the grand ideas show up here in a meaningful way lol