Random thoughts thread

I am sure that, if those of us who are floating around here get enough social influence, we will get people to use sapien med. We will make sure of that. It’s too precious to not do so… But on the other hand, and don’t take this the wrong way, Cap, I think there are morphic fields that should not be available to pretty much anyone.


It is a shame, but “many were called, few were chosen” truly applies here.

You wanted and want to give the Greatest Gift to Mankind, but Mankind is Blind, or Idk, the old programming is too strong…
Still each one of us has a free will.

Each individual soul can aspire to learn more, be more, do more and find more (and better), but it seems that the Great Gifts can only be given to those who venture on a path that others are not exploring …


Maybe most humans reject fields on a subconscious basis, due to them considering themselves not worthy?



Oh, i dont mind or care anymore lol
its just a pity thats all.

People will always be as they are. They can only be themselves.
Its fine, I was just saying, it truly is a pity

If you imagine acceptance of it all. and the effects throughout the world
it becomes vastly different, and you wonder why it wasn’t done before.

But in the end, it just remains a wonderful dream.
Which is fine.
The potential of the dream was offered.
It is what it is.


I have had a most rare vision. I had a dream, past the wit of man to say what dream it was… The eye of man hath not heard, the ear of man hath not seen, man’s hand is not able to taste, his tongue to conceive, nor his heart to report, what my dream was.
(Bottom, Act 4 Scene 1)

:sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod: :sauropod:


The dream is still possible captain, it’s just that big changes take time. If we look at what the community was like 10 years ago, it has grown exponentially, not only the people who use these tools, there are also new field creators every day, innovating more and more, many of them inspired by your work. At some point the general change will occur, perhaps it will be what some call the age of Aquarius.






And now you got 333/333 posts and 3 likes, the third one given by a guy whose username ends with 33.

I’m just having fun here.

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Well, young padawan… Now we’ll have to talk until 03:33.

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Now the spirit guides had too much fun lol.

Giving Synchro(e)s like cookies lol.

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If only they were cookies, not numbers :yum:

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Cookies ad/suggestion, incoming…


(I’m joking, but who knows)

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33 cookies?

You wanna put some Weight?

Oh, wait it says 3.3k…

3.3k cookies…

I’m one of those who eats a whole one of these the same day as if I were mentally ill:


I would eat too, if I weren’t fat already. :skull_and_crossbones:

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