Random thoughts thread

1h 20m looping? It’s not that much, but if you’re not used to it, it might be a little strong the first few times.

You will be fine, stay well hydrated, without excesses :grinning:

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Yep. I haven’t done it this much before.

I’ll increase my amount in a more healthy way, not too much increase at once. :sweat_smile:
I’ll drink plenty of water.

Also, maybe I don’t even need that much lol, perhaps up to an hour or even up to half an hour it’s fine.

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I just want to speed up my healing, that’s why Im taking some small risks.

But, maybe I’m doing it wrong, why should there be a rush…

Plasma is a great technology but for more notable results consistency is necessary, according to my experiences, instead of listening for 2 hours once a week, better short sessions every day (or almost) for 2 months.

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That’s a good advice.
Thanks Bro.

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🫡 you’re welcome bro

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It goes beyond the mental plane though, that’s the whole point of the movie.

Your world and its world are juxtaposed.

Let mother terra be your witness, for she remembers all that is true.

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I had been wondering to what level it goes

So whoever I decide to grow out of my comfort zone and do anything new, and my mind is met with fears from the past that’s all ego stuff huh
So why does it feel so crazy real lol
In the past when my mind would freak out I would always just assume some bad spirit trying to mess with me

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Well, overused … but no better way to express something close to an answer.


There is only 1 level it cannot reach, which is pure awareness.

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Oh? Where, I must have missed that.

Ah. That’s a bit different … the voice of the ego can’t even reach the ears of pure awareness. The best we can attain, reliably, comes from consciousness.

We have no way to reach or interact with awareness, aside from being fitting vessels for aspects of it … and when it chooses to work with our form, we cease to be. (Self and Ego included)

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Is @everyone a tag?
Or it doesn’t do anything?
So, it’s a false tag or an inactive one (?).

It’s also in the movie:

“Dangerous combination, cons… and chess.”

That was the duo that allowed Green to overcome Mr. Faux Gold.


At some level, it will work … won’t guarantee it would be as fast or direct as you want it to be, though.

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Regardless of Your Views on Palestine and Israel, You can’t but RESPECT Such Leaders, That’s a Great Muslim and an Honorable Man:

Someone commented that he was also the only foreign Ruler who sent aid to the famine struck Ireland.

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If this is really a question, lol. I think it’s just a notification, but doesn’t really do anything

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