Random thoughts thread


Never saw anything of the sort myself.

For me things were mostly mental exercise. :man_shrugging:t2:

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I want to say more but canā€™t lol.

Hmmm ā€¦ whatā€™s the censor? :thinking:

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This is one of my favorite tupac songs.

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The Room is becoming better and better. Iā€™ve set up a device that plays environmental fields 24/7 and another device which charges my water (and wine collection)with plasma day and night

@Drift ty for the playlist on YouTube. I took inspiration from it for the environmental ones (sadly many of the energetic Alchemy arenā€™t on patreon but its fine nevertheless) and Iā€™ve added some angelic intercession to invite those beings in my humble dwelling place and bless it with their presence

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Iā€™ve been shielding so much Iā€™m an hermit within myself. I meanā€¦Iā€™m like a turtle inside its shell. Having a bit of a rebounding effect.

Alsoā€¦dumb question. Can we use positive power waves before trauma work, or filling yourself with positive energy just before isnā€™t such a great idea? It would be easier to access the negative energies without a pillar of positive energy :thinking:


I lean towards the positive stuff after
What about malleable ego before hand? Thatā€™s my go to combo

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Of course, I just saw a certain playlist and that reminded me of PPW and made me wonder. Iā€™m also sleep-deprived hence the dumb questions.

How much burn can burn burn?

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You got burned?

I did recently. I listened to some fields, thinking Iā€™d keep listening to them to heal faster but I didnā€™t xD

But I think it got the healing a good start.

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I think dream is about to get a lot of interest my dad has informed me that morphic fields and stuff is all over tiktok nowā€¦

Dear lord help us this is either good or bad

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To be fair loads will try a field once not get instant results and call it fake news

Fields are not for all but those who are here are blessed

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