Random thoughts thread

Being able to create fields sounds amazing

Something happens in ur life… u create a field… the problem is now gone… repeat :repeat:


Missing @Freedom and @Alkul hours.

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Parasites vs. Symbionts:

The relationships between organisms define the health and sustainability of the environment. Two contrasting relationships that illustrate this dynamic are parasitism and symbiosis. While parasites drain resources from their hosts without providing any benefits, symbionts engage in mutually beneficial interactions, enhancing the resilience and growth of the ecosystem.

Parasites extract resources from their hosts without contributing back to the ecosystem. This can lead to resource imbalances, as hosts expend more energy dealing with infections rather than contributing to essential ecosystem processes such as pollination or seed dispersal. In human-managed ecosystems like agricultural systems, parasitic infestations can result in significant economic losses. Crops affected by parasitic plants or livestock infected with parasitic worms require costly treatments and management strategies.

In contrast, symbiosis involves a close and often long-term interaction between two different species that benefits both parties. Classic examples include the mutualistic relationships between bees and flowering plants, clownfish and sea anemones, and gut bacteria and humans. Symbiotic relationships can increase an ecosystem’s resilience to changes. For instance, coral reefs, which rely on the symbiosis between corals and photosynthetic algae, are more resilient to temperature changes when the symbiotic algae are healthy and abundant.

Understanding these relationships is crucial for maintaining the balance and functionality of ecosystems in the face of environmental challenges. By mitigating the negative impacts of parasitism and promoting the benefits of symbiosis, we can better sustain the ecosystem.


I was just thinking about this, how an abundant minded being will search for ways to contribute (to another/a system/community) , while those experiencing lack will usually try to press as much benefits out of it as they can, without direct compensation.

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So synchro
the Tyler Durden one too
I’m suspecting forum members might share a collective mind at this point

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I suspect this might also entail a collective shadow?

Gotta love when you tell someone very close to you about fields and then explain what the ones you use do and they react like ‘omg it all makes perfect sense now’ safe to say she will be using a few fields over the next few weeks :relieved:


Is protein whey which just expired still good?

I mean I would lose like 25 euros/USD if I throw it away, however health is more important I guess…

Still, if it looks good - isn’t it still good?

I can consume it in the next 2 weeks max - with fruits, all blended together it would be quite good.

Not an advice but I would consume months old protein powder that looks good, it likely has no real formal expiration date.

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Oh, ok, that’s Good to know. Thank You.

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Distinctly different :)
Oh I’ve been wondering… there’s been a lot of different angles tho



Happy birth


Thanks :stuck_out_tongue:


Is it your bday?

Guys I’m not psychic but I will assume so.

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Yes. :D