Random thoughts thread

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Colostrum is too late man. You need pig placenta and chicken embryos.

And floraquae ofc xD

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whats up drifter of the gods

No I just need to take a pill man what you talking about?

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Calostrum as a pill? Interesting.

The problem with calostrum is that it turns into normal milk or pure poison in no time…conservation was always a problem.

Well in Japan they had pig placenta drinks when we here had…I dunno, vitamins xD

Chicken embryos…so there is a moment where the whatever a pre-embryo is receives the signals to form organs and stuff…the explosion of life and growth, so it packed with sort of “alive” proteins and hormones and good stuff, hence why the embryos…but it can’t be any random embryo, has to be right when that switch is turned on.

I don’t really know how the hell to time this but I know it was sold at some point.

It’s kinda like when the chromosome kicks in and testosterone is released to make a boy inside a womb. Those are key moments.

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Are u drinking milk in pills?


Better to drink beansszzz in pills


yeah understood

but colostrum is the milk that the mother cow produces for the first months after she gave birth

yes its 500mg colostrum with at least 30% IgG antibodies. Powder form.


this is how it looks like



lol that exist? like it isn’t cheaper to just take beans and eat them?

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Nobody is buying man, it’s getting exhausting waiting

so if you buy my NFTs I will give you a big ol’ smooch in forhead and I will write you an autograph

how about that? maybe figure another deal? pm me for negotiations? yes?no?

Tell you what, you send me your NFTs, I’ll hold them in escrow and over a period no longer than 1 year, sell them and then send you the sale price minus processing fees. It’s a pretty good deal. :smirk:

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what escrow?

it’s fancy for, you don’t own it, they don’t own it, i’m just holding it.

Also to clarify for the sarcasm impaired, I’m kidding.

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ah thought you gonna give money as a little guarantee

Do we know each other though? I see you a new member

dont play with my feelings :stuck_out_tongue:

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No I think you’d gone before I stopped lurking

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if you find a buyer to buy them all three for 250 I can give you 30

how about that? real deal, real sigma grindsett

Sales and releases have been crazy. Now TSS is closing…you need to be patient now to sell the NFTs…you will sell them at a good price if you do.

Prince, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis, Kanye, Donald Glover, The Weeknd?
I think these guys may be someone’s reincarnation/clone.

Not what you asked but what came to my mind xD

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