Random thoughts thread

I remembered going to mac donalds with my mother the other day. Like a month ago.

Told her I haven’t ate anything from morning so lets go to mac donalds to eat. Take one hamburger.

I shit you not the burger was so small that it was half my open palm. And I paid 1.5 euro for it.

It was the most misery inducing burger you ever saw. It was different bun than the cheeseburger, half the size and it was the regular and only size they had.

Made me sad for the rest of the day. Boycott mac donalds. For real for real.

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Oh another thing also.

Me and my mother we going to adventures together using an app called randonautica.

Anyone used it before?

Its an app that uses quantum mathematics formula to find the place you thinking for an adventure and “manifest it”.

You just think what you want while it searches and then finds the most probable places to match what you think.

so the story is that one day years ago when the app first came out and had free uses we went to find aliens. Well we found them but it seemed really human. But if you saw the guy you would KNOW it was an alien.

next adventure I asked “where to find the love of my life” or something in that lines
and it guided us to an abandoned gypsy house :stuck_out_tongue:

its a really cool app but the alien incident was scary and I will not do it without having gun licence or some intergalactic friends that like me and want to rescue me.

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@Beast every used randonautica?

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Nope never heard of it before

is it on the appstore?

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yes, google I know the ios or whatever clownish things apple has I don’t know

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:rofl: :rofl:


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clowns > apple

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1.2 pixel android photos > 90 megapixels ultra high def IOS photos

I use Iphone

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Damn mcdonalds…
Havent eaten that for long time
Havent eaten meat also for a long timeee

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That’s pretty cool. Apparently a pile of abundance is waiting for me in someone’s house nearby :stuck_out_tongue:

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lol I can see already smart dumbasses downloading the app to ask “what house to steal without police arresting me”

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lol, to be fair, my intent was “The next step of my abundance”. I see where your mind’s at though. I’m watching you.

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next step to abundance was to go to a house nearby?

nobodys buying that

now to the real questions “where to go to unlock superhuman abilities”

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duh, we’re already here.

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damn it’s working already?

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Also, keep in mind, I live in an area that is half “country”, half “suburb”, so there’s not much to point at nearby other than houses.

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doesn’t matter that match. An energy point is still a point

but have you downloaded?