Random thoughts thread

Racism is only racism

by the way racism is American invention lol


Damn man. Iā€™m sorry. The world must have been so peaceful from 4000 bc up to around 1776 ad. Itā€™s a shame we have to live in the future like this.


yes man

the IBS video has anti pylori field in it

from patreon the very old one

half the population is said to have pylori donā€™t worry itā€™s really not usual to produce bad things but generaly and most commonly is extreme bloating.


lol no it was american invention because it was recognised and then they freed slaves

but whole story to be mentioned american had slaves. Not american, english people.

all the other European history is back and forth with africa.I mean every empire have africa inside. Even Ottoman.


More like Americans perfected it, but I think that it started in the Spanish Colonies (and back in Spain, the mother country of those colonies), but it was mostly neutral, just observing physical differences between Europeans and Africans, at least in the beginning anywayā€¦

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Perfected it? I donā€™t know. I kind of doubt it. Even back in the Bibleā€¦ Iā€™m referencing this because I donā€™t read many books that are 2000 years old. Jesus wasnā€™t allowed by the townspeople to walk through certain towns because he was a Jew.


His disciples on the other hand thought it would be a good miracle for Jesus to do if he had fire rain down from heaven on those towns. He (paraphrase) told them they didnā€™t get it.


Well, you have your points, but I mean it was blurry back in the day, nowadays it was backed up by ā€œScienceā€ā€¦

Modern slavery was of course motivated by economic reasons, but then it was also mixed with ā€œEurocentrismā€ā€¦

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yeah but back in the days that was mostly tradition

racism by recognition is another thing than racism by tradition

the only we named a situations the other was what people used to do because of God

if you of course understand it because I didnā€™t explain it well

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Yikes. You mean Darwinism? Iā€™m trying not to help this conversation become as offensive as it can possibly be. Iā€™m going to have to sit this one out. Or change subjects.




colonies overall

I mean that was the point after colonies

a good colony is to not find any people and boom done we now stay here
a bad colony you have to do war with the people there and kill them or eventually take them as slaves because you won them and of course nobody that was beaten down will have your personal benefit.

just logical thinking from what I know of course

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Itā€™s hard for me to measure the quality of racism in ancient times. But on the record it existed. And I doubt if human nature itself was better back then or right now.





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I meant that the Spanish were the first to colonize Americas, alongside Portuguese, thus racism started in their colonies.

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it is really hard because the only thing they had is to be human. Even war was to protect and expand plus it was a celebration

things changed for good if you see how we live now and try to imagine people living then by the ā€œthenā€ standards

it is really tricky I couldnā€™t even understand it and I had to read 4 different book with perspectives just to come to conclusion that I will never know and then remembering my mother has Phd in history and then explained it to me xD


I always wonder about why people think the way they do about the history of slaveryā€¦

If we look at what America was, it started as a colony. Slavery existed at that time and persisted in places for economic convenience.

It reminds me a decent bit of China. It was ā€œout of sight, out of mindā€ for the European side of the British Empire, so they could easily reap the benefits of slave labor in Europe when things were sent back to the Empireā€™s main hub.

Kind of like how people get iPhones from slave labor in northwest Chinaā€¦


I just finished listening to the latest Freeman Fly podcast. On that note, has anyone here astral travelled to Bardo or to the 8th sphere? Any stories you can share?

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