Random thoughts thread


well in reality my bed is old so it has this massive hump…i can only sleep right in the middle xD

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Literally looks like this



yeah i just found out this bs exist xD



Soon im gonna buy a really good mattress, probably in the thousands range


bro you know how weird this is for most people?

i mention the weirdest thing and you have a cheese looking bed xD…a whole specialized thing about it

we be disgustingly woke in this forum xD


October 6, weird morning. I grab what ever in my draw, first fraw, grey undies, second same shade grey shorts, i saw put loud, if this is a message make it known ladt, third draw. BooM! It was my grey bat shirt i was gifted fewmonths ago. I bought dark knight nfl same night i started hearing voices. Titans show is my thrue life story. Orphan, but they say my dads dominican and left me a farm with 100s of animals

DR only country flag with abible #saoJohn


Its a pillow


oh no…those aint good…i sleep inclined but no pillow but again inclined so there is no need to


Me keeping track of my sleep for the last 2 weeks before my oncoming sleep study at the hospital:


Man I used to love sleeping in my recliner helped me fall asleep faster especially if I ate late but my back pain had other plans lol.


Dark knight doesn’t need sleep, ypur body has more energy the more you use ot. Sleeping negates all that energy and just feel lazy. 3-4 hours plus cat naps for Mua

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you just need some pillows under your upper back

nonetheless, this isn’t exactly good

if you use a pillow, your body knows your neck has less mobility so it goes into sleep paralysis quickly…this helps to fall asleep faster

sleeping without pillow takes longer but you release tension from the neck and that sets off a chain reaction…so you release some tension from the day and sleep deeper

some people only have “head sleep” while their bodies stay as tense or even get tenser

so…yeah you need to let go of the pillow some days…sleeping grounded i think can help to relax even more

pillow-less grounded sleep with a magnesium pill and a massage field and the deep sleeper :ok_hand:

actual deep and restoring sleep

i always sleep on couch before going to bed xD

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i guess dark knight has stuff to need less sleep…but i dont think this is how it works…so check it out man dont destroy your body

when i was younger i had the same health issues i have now but i was younger…so i could stay awake 3 days in a row

i think you’re young so…you may not notice how you’re burning yourself out

dont go overboard the field may not have worked on you so quickly…but yeah 3-4 hours is enough for some people

but take care man


So sleep on your back, inclined, no pillows?


Whos that?

the NFT? They sleep?


@Psionic go away man, don’t do the creepy things again


What creepy things has he done?

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Almost 2k posts in this thread

thats how i do it…hey it isnt perfect…a lot of small cushions and stuff could give your body more support and a deeper relaxation…but yeah i sleep like that

unless i go on my side…then i sleep more, superdeeply and stuff…no good…i always get on my side after im done sleeping…then wake up 3 hours later as if from a coma xD

but yeah if you can sleep on your back dracula style and on an inclinied bed (will keep you more alert) then you can sleep anywhere in any posture and it probably will be depper.

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yep the nft

guess so man

only dude that doesnt sleep was lil wayne and i think he now sleeps xD

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