Random thoughts thread

I get it, the internet can be quite the distraction or even quite the destruction.


Still, some people do it, few people.


Anyone see the first season of white lotus where the teenage boy stays back on the island without a phone and joins the canoeing team

I felt so happy for him


…Boi why you have to have a strong opinion about everything? Why not strongly opinionated about finding the truth instead of stagnant?

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… Sometimes I think I am talking to a donkey

Masochism boiz be like xD

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That seems more reasonable and much easier, but it is your choice, Saint.

After all, only you know what is a distraction, what goals you have, what ways are best to accomplish them, etc.

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Aight whatever just forget it

I am doing like 4 things at the same time rn, I am misinterpreting everything xD


What you both mean much easier?

It’s a do or don’t do. Not do for that time don’t do for that time.

Come on man I am not a kid to pet myself. I am free to do stuff, to explore man. Wtf. Even when on internet I am dedicated. It just not the same as I first used it though.

I was watching YouTube comments and I said “what the f am I watching”. I opened my phone and seen 30 articles talking about whatever then proceeded to watch a video of how a youtuber scammed his way to be famous. Then another youtuber manipulate other social media and newspaper to make him appear like someone else.

Those stuff are getting someone to a point that he sees life that way. It’s not. But you will mime the stuff you see anyways. Like learning stuff and applying you constantly learn.

Anyways you don’t get it you think this is some no porn trying to cut my drug tryna be healthy individual and function or something. Its not like that. It’s more like “it’s no use for me anymore” . The end of the year its not a time limit to prevent me where I will count the days. It’s just a statement to start a conversation.

That’s about it.


Yeah, that’s what I thought. :thinking::thought_balloon::sweat_smile:

It’s your decision, my friend, just like any other choice.


Hahahahaha I know i know

Everything is addictions these days


Yep. Lol.


Then you should’ve been more specific

We don’t know what kind of serious growth you are talking about to begin with

But the way I see things. The internet is a very valuable tool to have. If one knows how to use it & if one can actually think for themselves.


It is, but maybe not for everyone and only if they want to use it or find value in it.


It’s really not it’s really versatile as existance. Anyways the AIs made now are life changing. It actually is.

Other things are as unreliable as ever.

Anyways don’t wanna open conversation about it. i will think it alone and see. I think I will leave but for my own shake sometime.


Bad news to us then


You can try a week, then 2 weeks, a month, two months, etc.,with some breaks, just to test things (maybe) - just an idea.


And if you dont like it, dont get stuck in such patterns/choices.
Again, just an idea.
I can only speak from my own view.


Not so much my kiddoz

You will learn to be funny yourselfs xD

I actually believe in you kiddoz to keep the thread and make a nice community where I will come sometime like a friendly exile.

Ahhhh yes an exile I like that term

I will be exiled from the internet.

Theophilus the Exiled


xD man it’s not a drug it’s the internet lol