Recovery to Greatness

I like the effect that Inner Armor Shield + Your Energetic Being combo is having. I’m less worried now about going out and about among people because I’d often pick up negativity and such, which would make me tired and anxious, and this effect is lessened now. Also noticing I’m less obssessive about certain situations/people and this might be related to resilience against attacks, the removal of hooks + cord cutting and soul restoration from YEB.

I’m working on fixing certain masculine issues and things seem to be progressing nicely on that front as well.

I also added Vocal Strengthening and Ranger Increaser x2 to the end of my Sapien playlist for professional reasons.

Funny thing - my weight seems to be fluctuating even as much as 5 kg either way every couple of days or so according to my scales. Then again, visually I look a little bit more toned/less fatty, so I’m not worried all that much about that. Interesting, though.

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Switched out a subliminal for overcoming erectile dysfunction to one that’s aimed at emotional healing and such becuase that one had rather inconsistent effects - maybe they’ll get better once I heal up some more. The emotional healing one feels really good but I’ve only started playing it today so we’ll see.

I’m also using various Spirituality Zone protocols and creations by Healing Tools 4 You/SMF for that pesky little issue. :) Fingers crossed they’ll work.

So I broke my pinky promise and added some more fields, heh. Now my Sapien playlist looks like this:

Inner Armor Shield & Magnetic Resonance x 4
Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0 x 4
Your Energetic Being x 4
The Journey of the Chosen One x 3
Attract Your Soul Tribe x 3
Blessings of Aphrodite x 3
Quantum Love 1, 2, 3, 4 x 1
Angelic Vibrations 2.0 x 1

And this I try to listen to 3 times per day.

And then:

Vocal Strengthening and Range Increasing x 2
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment x 1

And this I listen to twice per day.

My ED issues are mostly psychogenic but it shouldn’t hurt, a little field for a little kickstart, haha.

The new subliminal I exchanged in for the one for overcoming erectile dysfunction, aimed at emotional healing, seems to be working pretty well, too. I listen to it once per day for an hour.

I added Nullify Negative Planetary Effects and Amplify Positive to my Sapien playlist, in the spirit of “make life easier”. :smiley: I listen to them one time twice per day.

So things are going decently well but I’m sometimes feeling a little impatient - I’d love to make faster progress. I know what to do and I’m doing it, but I’d rather have what I am aiming for now, if you know what I mean. ;)

That subliminal program I’m using is pretty good, actually. It seems like it’s going to help.

I finally felt safe enough to switch my external shield (in addition to Inner Armor) to something less aggressive and more lovin’. Feels good!

Made a slight alteration to my listening regimen again, but not to Sapien fields.

I have my ups and downs, but I feel optimistic.

Added three shots of Unconditional Androstenol to my SapMix, right after Blessings of Aphrodite.

“I think it’s supposed to be suggestive. I’m afraid it’s meant for the ladies” ;) ;) ;)

I have yet again broken my pinky promise and added some more fields to the mix. But I think these should really suffice for the time being. Now my playlist looks like this.

So, there’s that! I thought I could use some “bad luck” depatterning, and also my interest in the ladies is coming back so I’ve decided to add a touch of androstenol to the mix. I’m also beginning to feel pretty safe against any potential aggressors and the like, hence the touch of pheromones.

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Just added the Testoreone Booster v. 2.0 to the “two times per day” set. It’s just 3 minutes long! ;)

Feeling pretty good and optimistic right now, the external shield exchange resulted in a little bit of turbulence but it should pay off in the long run, I think. Besides it has some nice worldwide functions and I love those.

I’m enjoying the effects of my new shielding combo (it actually involves three shields: a so-called “grounding shield” from the subliminal program I’m using, a “love repulse shield with elements of world peace” which repels and transmutes negativity into unconditional love and then sends it back to sender, among other things, and the Inner Armor shield).

My mood varies sometimes - on one hand I want to luxuriate in my energies and fields, on the other hand I’m a little bit bored and could go for a little bit more action. ;) But the energy work I’m doing is starting to bring benefits in womanly attention and professional developments (f. in. I have auditions for two bands set up and an audition for a full-time gig that’s in the works).

I just remembered I have The Book of Cards so I’m going to be making some servitors tomorrow. I tried making them earlier on but I think that due to printing issues the images were incomplete/awry and the servitors did not, in fact, get created. The Energetic servitor should be very helpful for what I’ve been doing with Your Energetic Being and Inner Armor.

I’ll also be making a pair of Dark and Light servitors from Energetic Addendum Est while I’m at it. Just gotta purchase some easily wearable items tomorrow and print out the Book of Cards at a printing shop.

Question to anyone who’s reading: the passive abilities of the servitors, they work even when they’re not commanded to perform them, right?

Made myself a Fae Servitor and an Energetic Support Servitor and hopefully they’re hard at work!

Gotta procure some good items to make the Dark and Light servitors.

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I added some more fields, some oldie-goldies, but that’s a wrap, I think. Now the list looks like this:

And I listen to this playlist twice per day. I will also sometimes listen to Inner Armor and Your Energetic Being on my earbuds when I’m out and about and feel like I could use a shileding/auric boost.

Yet to make Dark and Light servitors.

Been very busy with work and stuffies and thingies lately, but I do try to make time to listen to my Sapien playlist at least once per day, optimally twice. :slight_smile: There’s progress, slowly but surely.

Well, in order to make my playlist a little bit shorter and more focused I said goodbye to Blessings of Aphrodite and Unconditional Androstenol (I do other energy work that should have a similar effect so there’s no need for redundancy I think). Also removed a couple of things from my Spirituality Zone playlist (I know, I know, you’re not supposed to listen to them in a playlist, technically, but I keep them in one for order and clarity’s sake :smiley: ) to make it more focused and compact.

Feeling pretty well. I was a little frustrated after my singing practice today but after I prepared a song for auditions for a band tomorrow, recorded it, sent it on and met with a positive response I feel a little bit better. Lots of things going on recently! I could use a couple of days off, but that’s next Thursday at the latest. :smiley:

Added a little physical regimen from Freedom Empiria - Abs Weight Loss and Automated Workouts - calisthenics and general, 3 times each, twice per day. They feel pretty promising.

I also increased the dosage of the emotional healing subliminal and one of its many functions (disconnecting from outside negativity) seems to have kicked in pretty well, feels good. But it is taxing on the 'ol subconscious with the healing and all. Not an easy task!

Cheers to everyone who’s reading my ramblings. :revolving_hearts:


Made some alterations again, this time removed some more SZ protocols and started using Morpheus Fields creations, he has some very nice ones. So now my morphic fields playlist is a mix of Sapien Medicine and MF.

The band auditions were successful but I have to resign because the genre is not conducive to my professional ambitions (and vocal health) which I’m still hopeful to achieve one day. :slight_smile:

So my morphic fields list now looks like this:

Subconscious Limits Removal 3.0 x 4
Inner Armor and Magnetic Resonance x 4
unf-withable (Morhpeus Fields) x 3 (this one goes really well with Inner Armor!)
reputation resolver (Morpheus Fields) x 3
Your Energetic Being x 4
World’s Greates Singer (MF) x 3
The Journey of the Chosen One x 3
Become Rich and Famous (MF) x 3
Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance x 1
Probability and Luck Alteration x 3
Attract Your Soul Tribe x 3
Quantum Love 1, 2, 3, 4 x 1
Attract More Love into Your Life (the old one) x 2
Hide your girl (MF) x 3
Irresistible (MF) x 3
Seductive (MF) x 3
Angelic Vibrations 2.0 x 1
Vocal Strengthening and Range Increasing x 2
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment x 1
Masculine Perfection (MF) x 3
Ideal Size Enalrgment (MF) x 3
Testosterone x 1

And this I try to listen to twice per day, but it depends on how much time I’ve got. At least once per day is the minimum.

I also made a change to my subliminals usage and am now using more of them. Allegeldy you’re not supposed to mix them because of reasons, but I’ve always thought that’s an imposition of limitations. We’ll see what results I get. :slight_smile:

Added some creations by Psychic University to my morphic field stack, as well as a couple of things by MediFields (a relatively new morphic field channel I found on youtube - I was looking for singing voice improvement fields and they have one). I’ll update my full stack later today. It’s getting kinda hefty but i’m sure it’s gonna be worth it.

Gonna put some digital mandalas/programmed images into a software radionics caster later today as well. I’ve been using it with sigils but the results to date have been underwhelming so I’ll try with wallpapers by Sapien, Morpheus and Psychic University and we’ll see how that goes.

Just watch out your stack is getting insanely big I’m not sure what your past with energy work is before this forum but be careful and especially with adding so many creators IMO and many others would agree the creators on this forum are more then enough for several life times. The thing is dream tends to write small and not so direct descriptions but it has so much more in that you end up discovering and other creators seem to put all these things in their descriptions which make them look like they gone have better effects then dreams which 9/10 they won’t especially random YouTube creators. If your not very sensitive to energy etc then stay away from random channels as you have no idea what’s in them until it’s to late…. If you would like I could help you with picking fields from dream and other creators on this forum that will cover your goals without having to use massive stacks of random things.

Just be careful you wouldn’t just go online and pick up random supplements from every company you find just because they market it differently would you. Dream in particular has been around a long time so we know the long term effects of his work creators that are popping up on YouTube we have no idea the long term effects even if it gives good short term effects.

Just my thoughts on this up to you what you do but I’m sure others who have been around here much much longer then me would agree with what I have said :slightly_smiling_face:


Thanks for the advice, I know that overusing fields is not a good idea (been there, done that). :smiley: I like trying new stuff, though - I first check what’s available in the Interwebz before, f. in., trying my own hand at making something. You can check out MediFields on YouTube, I got a pretty good vibe from them right now but the only way to learn is to test 'em out long-term. Sapien Medicine and Morpheus Fields I trust because I’ve used them extensively before, Psychic University is new to me but they have some specific things I like very much and my first runs with them have been very promising. The core Sapien stack stays the same and is stable by now.

I’ve checked out everything for, f. in., singing voice by Sapien and I think I’ve got all of it and am using it, but I’d like some more, like f. in. The Divine Voice by PU which feels good and sounds promising.

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