Recovery to Greatness

I used to as well but then i remembered I’m not a test subject and would rather play it safe lol

But long as you get results and everything works out that’s all that matters.

Hope you get all the results you want and hope to see more testimonials in this thread of you making progress :muscle::muscle:


Thanks. :revolving_hearts:

I’m currently mix-and-matching and testing to arrive at a solid playlist that I’m gonna use long-term (as in my experience morphic fields really start to take effect when used systematically for, let’s say, six months or so).

I’m also feeling a bit more daring than I used to for a while there after my psychotic episode because my energetic system is healing, thanks to, f. in., Your Energetic Being, and now it’s becoming very robust and can handle more. :smiley:

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So my new and evolved playlist looks like this:

Subconcious Limits Resolver ver 3.0 x 4
Inner Armor and Magnetic Resonance x 4
unf-withable (Morpheus Fields) x 3
Higher Self Revision of Sexual Trauma (Psychic University) x 2
reputation resolver (MF) x 3
The End of Psychic Attacks (PU) x 2
Your Energetic Being x 4
World’s Greatest Singer (MF) x 3
Divine Voice (PU) x 2
Angelic Singing Voice (MediFields) x 2
The Journey of the Chosen One x 3
Manifest Perfect Job Opportunities (PU) x 2
Become Rich and Famous (MF) x 2
Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance x 1
Probability and Luck Alteration x 3
Attract Your Soul Tribe x 3
Quantum Love 1, 2, 3, 4 x 1
Attract More Love into Your Life (the old one) x 2
Hide your girl (MF) x 3
Beauty Enhancement (PU) x 2
Irresistible (MF) x 3
Seductive (MF) x 3
Masculine Perfection (MF) x 3
Angelic Vibration 2.0 x 1
Erectile Dysfunction Treatment x 1
Male Enhancement (MediFields) x 3
Testosterone Boost (MediFields) x 3

Pretty hefty, but altogether it’s like, 2 hours of listening time with some change so it’s easy to fit in two sessions per day. MediFields is a new channel I chanced upon and I’d like to try it out.

The voice fields are working because I just got a compliment from a random woman about my majestic voice, as she put it, haha, even though my throat is still sore a little bit. I am taking a couple of days of break from singing to let it recover. I also use Sapien’s Throat and Chords for about an hour a day until it does.

I also have a new, short and to the point weight-loss stack consiting of Morpheus Fields and Psychic University which I play while working out. I’ll describe it in detail later today.

Now I gotta consider which fields/mandalas to put in my radionic caster. :slight_smile:

So I set up my caster with:

Mass Mediation for World Peace (Sapien Med)
Your Energetic Being (Sapien Med)
World’s Greatest Singer (Morhpeus)
Hide Your Girl
Unlimited Resources
Reputation Resolver

Set it in contiunous mode, let’s see how that pans out!

My short and sweet weight-loss playlist looks like this:

8 perent body fat (Morpheus Fields) x 3
Automated Abs x 4
Fat to muscle x 3
Targeted fat release x 3
The Fat Melt x 3
Fat Burn Crystal Alchemy (Psychic University) x 4
Yoga Exercises x 2

In practice it’s very short and to the point. I hope it will assist in my weight-loss journey. The PU Fat Burn Crystal Alchemy and Yoga Exercises feel really good, too.

So, I have loss of libido and psychogenic ED due to trauma and other stressors. Since I started to use Psychic University, I noticed they have fields for Sexual Trauma Revision, Mental and Psychological Treatment, Trauma Dissolution and Stored Emotions Release so I’ll be trying them out.

I used to use Trauma Release and Healing by Sapien Medicine and while it did have some sort of effect, because I could feel it physically, it was really slow going for me. Maybe with Your Energetic Being and psychic attacks getting taken care of by shields it would be different? I’ll try that out in some time, now I’ll use PU for a bit (so my stack has become ginormous. Sorry, Rocket, my friend, I promise I won’t overdo it! :smiley: )

I can also see Sapien has something for sexual trauma revision but it’s for Premium Patrons and I believe I’ve spent enough recently on energetic stuffies and thingies, gotta wait a bit for my coffers to replenish!

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If you want something to clear pretty much everything extremely quickly get ascension naut but it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows with that one. Speed tends to be painful if your willing for a bit of pain to clear things out quickly then naut is a good one cleared a lot of stuff out of me in a short time 100%

Also raise your vibrational state is like a free an less intense version and works differently.

Raising vibration is amazing in life


I’ll check it out, thanks!

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There’s a lot around here about raising vibration you can also look at the vibration series but just make sure you are aware of all the possible outcomes of raising vibration and make sure it’s a process you want to go down

I used to do vibration raising practices, including fields, but I’d always be dragged down either by surroundings/other people/energetic weathering and my traumas so I think I’ll leave it until later. I’m using Angelic Vibrations 2.0 for its vibration raising properties, though, among other things. :slight_smile:

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Cough cough…


Exactly, it sure helps a lot. ;) I’m using it together with a Love Repulse Shield (it’s like a reflection shield but it transmutes nasty stuff into love and sends it back, it’s pretty swanky and it was freeware!) and a shield that’s built into subliminals I’m using and things are waaaaaaay more manageable now!

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I shortened my field-list a little bit, made a slight alteration, will post on it later once I’ve arrived at something solid and then hopefully I’ll just stick to it. :smiley: Also pretty much only left the worldwide meditations and negative energy destruction protocols out of Spirituality Zone I’ve been using, so that’s circa 20 minutes of listening twice per day, tops (I don’t think I need the others, they’d be pretty much redundant anyway).

Feeling pretty good, I finally have some free time from work stuff; still letting my voice rest, will be back to singing practice on Monday because it needs some time to recover physically.

You know, when I was in psychosis I was all like, “this is punishment for using magick and fields! Or I have overdone it, I need a break!” but it was not like that at all. The key is to keep your energy system and nervous system in good shape, hence Your Energetic Being and the Energy Body and Fae Servitors out of the book of cards. :slight_smile:

Trimmed down my field-list a touch more, now I really feel excited when I’m about to listen to it, so I think I’ve formulated the right one for me! Will post it later on, once the dust has settled and I’m sure it’s finalized. Only something very desireable for me would make me add to it/exchange something out.

So I’ve arrived at the following:

Subconcious Limits Resolver ver 3.0 x 4
Crystal Alchemy for Unblocking Results with Fields x 2 (Psychic University)
Inner Armor and Magnetic Resonance x 4
unf-withable (Morpheus Fields) x 3
Higher Self Revision of Sexual Trauma (Psychic University) x 2
Mental & Psychological Health Treatment x 2 (PU)
Trauma Dissolver x 2 (PU)
reputation resolver (MF) x 3
Humiliation Washer (PU) x 2
The End of Psychic Attacks (PU) x 2
Your Energetic Being x 4
World’s Greatest Singer (MF) x 3
Divine Voice (PU) x 2
Angelic Singing Voice (MediFields) x 2
The Journey of the Chosen One x 3
Manifest Perfect Job Opportunities (PU) x 2
Become Rich and Famous (MF) x 2
Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance x 1
Probability and Luck Alteration x 3
Attract Your Soul Tribe x 3
Quantum Love 1, 2, 3, 4 x 1
Attract More Love into Your Life (the old one) x 2
Seductive (MF) x 3
Ultimate Sex God 2 x 4 (what, don’t judge :stuck_out_tongue: - Eternal Fields)

This played, currently, twice per day, but once per day should be fine too (it depends on how much time I have, I currently work from home so this playlist twice per day is feasible).

Spirituality Zone playlist:
Balance Planetary Energies Daily (Advanced) x 1 - once per day, as the name suggests
Energy Clearing Ukraine and Russia x 1
Gaia Peace Project (Advanced) x 1 - these two twice per day

Emotional Healing and Pain Relief Aid v6 - 2 loops per day (Subliminal Shop)

Workout playlist:
Automated Abs (Morpheus Fields) x 3
targeted fat release (MF) x 3
The fat melt (MF) x 3
Fat Burn Crystal Alchemy (Psychic University) x 4
Yoga Exercies (PU) x 2

This once per day.

And I intend to stick with it! Unless, of course, some new field arrives that would suit my goals and/or desires and I feel drawn to it. :slight_smile:

Had a little outing yesternight, it was pretty pleasant (maybe some lovin’ in the future with one of the ladies in attendance, we’ll see ;) ). So why I’m writing about it is because there was this one guy - there’s always this one guy, or more, in my experience! :smiley: - who was negative towards me from the get go, to the point that one of the other guys commented on it to me that he was being unpleasant but it totally rolled off me, I was completely unaffected by the negativity aimed at me and he STFUd soon enough. I believe that’s the interplay of Inner Armor, the Love Repulse Shield I’m using and un-fwithable from my morphic playlist.

Some professional developments, a job opportunity presents itself (a friend let me know) and I will attempt to take it. It might be related to “Perfect Job Opportunities” by PU.

My sexual libido is making a comeback, very nice. I hope it’s going to keep improving. :slight_smile:

Made a little more changes to my playlist, but I did manage to get in actually 3 listens of it today (because I have some free time finally). Practiced singing after a break, it was okay. Waiting for the singing/voice fields to kick in properly (although people are complementing my voice a lot even though I’m not fully recovered yet).

That emotional healing subliminal is pretty powerful, mixed with the mental health and trauma healing fields from Psychic University I should finally be able to resolve this, given enough time.

Felt a little bit worse today, a little bit frustrated (I hate my job and my singing practice is still a little bit borked because my voice is recovering), a little bit mad at people for treating me like a piece of garbage. This may be related to the emotional healing subliminal I’m running because this producer’s stuff tends to be hardcore.

I made some changes again to my morphic playlist, I’ll post it later on once I’m sure (for realz this time! ;) ) that it’s stabilizied. I added some additional forms of shielding and they’re helping a little bit. Still easily finding the time to listen to the playlist twice per day for now.

Put a heavier focus on clearing nasty stuff, subconscious limitations removal, unblocking of field effectiveness and shielding (a slight bigger focus then previously - I’m shielded outta the wazoo anyway :smiley: ), as well as emotional and mental health healing - now featuring my higher self and putting it to work towards these goals as well. We’ll see what comes of it, hopefully good things! I’m a little bit tired and weary of limitations, negative beliefs, getting put down and such. Here’s hoping my morphic field mix and energetic programming are going to do the job!

Keeping other goals in mind as well and working towards them as planned. Recovery to Greatness, booyah! :stuck_out_tongue:

Today I think I’m going to work a little bit and then just chill, letting my voice recover some more. It’s supposed to be a holiday around here. :rofl:

The playlist I set up is going to work very well but it could take some time. I have some injuries and traumas to heal (using Psychic University for that) as well as resulting limitng beliefs that stemmed from them, including some very serious stuff (for this I’m using Sapien Medicine and PU and all hands aboard! :smiley: ). Managed to catch up on sleep some, still resting my voice a little bit but very tempted to return to regular practice (for now I’m using fields to get my voice in shape).