Recruiting by the Virtus Victoriam Legion

So the users are randomly recruited?

ā€˜Randomlyā€™ no


I would like to join too.



Applying! Recently Iā€™ve been having a taste of how increased intelligence boost my spiritual journey and material life, and I love the idea and possibilities of OP masterminds coming together to make the world a better place!

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When I read that there would soon be a new Brain Guild, I immediately started looping MM in preparation. It was like an inner force that drove me to do it. Since thursday evening it has been running 24/7 from one device. I also run CC on another phone for a few hours during the day. In the morning as a booster BK and WM for an hour and in the evening PBoY. In between many other fields for regeneration such as Smart Stem Cells, three treasures, Formula of balance and so on.
I donā€™t feel exhausted at the moment, Iā€™m even sleeping very well. Today is the first day Iā€™ve had a bit of a headache.

I know itā€™s not a requirement to loop the fields endlessly but the decision to do so came from deep within me. In fact, this inner force was even a bit surprising to me.

Yesterday before the Griffin Philosopher was revealed as the emblem for the guild, I had intuitively decided on the Zen Lion as a servitor. Iā€™m more of an introvert individual by nature who reads and observes a lot. I think the Zen Lion helped me to find the courage to apply as a consul for the Virtus Victoriam Legion :).

What fascinates me most about becoming a member of the VVL is to understand, explore, question and maybe also shape my personal and our shared reality.

Thank you for your Time and hard work behind the scenes.


I want to have the Intelligence and Wisdom comparable to Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne and that requires me to have a Daily committment to the ā€œBrain Pathā€ of Morphic Field based development and enhancement.


I want to join :muscle:

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Iā€™d like to join.

This would be an opportunity for growth and break my natural limits. No longer would this be an experiment, but an everlasting commitment to oneā€™s life.

No longer would I dream to become intelligent/genius in vain.

This would help me achieve what I wanted to do in life.

The possibilitiesā€¦really are infinite.

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Hi there @Azir369

Welcome Lotus 2


take me in! take me in!

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As I said before a few days ago, I donā€™t think I understood this whole Guild thing very well, and Iā€™m also wondering what the other Guilds areā€¦but I have all the fields, the Manhattan series, so Iā€™ll join, if itā€™s possible!

I agree, loyalty and commitment to the legion is of utmost importance!

There seems to be 2.5x-3x applicants for 45 seats, how will the Consuls be chosen?

Just relax, wait it out.

Weā€™ll look at it and make a collective decision.
It will be announced.


Sure, do count me in.

with all the spamming Dr has done for last 4+ yrsā€¦ Iā€™m sure heā€™s got it sorted about such things.


I think we have enough people to choose from.

Iā€™m locking the thread and weā€™ll make our decision.
Please give us some time, 45 people is a lot.


Itā€™s a really big change, the whole forum is getting on the guild system.

So, weā€™ve figured we should stay open longer and take a couple more people in on the first round.

Keep in mind that we will expand later too.

So feel free to apply below if you havenā€™t already