Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

She is alright(ish) atm, she is home right now.
If anyone helped her, Thank You.

Have a Good Night, Everyone.


Glad to hear and thanks for updating us.

Have a good night of sleep!


I play flow album around my parents.
And Hope and happines.
Also laughing Field . I forgat the name .
The one from YouTube

I noticed a change of mood.

Ive been there.

They were worried while i didnt.

Are You worried about Your future?

Im asking cause i was on similar situation and have some tips. But don’t want to go off topic. I’ll pm You if its ok


Thank You, Star! :pray:
Well, I wish you too a Good Day (or night).

Thank You, Kate! :pray:
These are some good choices.

My mom said that she felt a little bit better (mentally speaking) after a Playlist with all sorts of fields, including self love Infusion, hope, happiness, memories of joy, resilience and quite a few others.

Slightly or little, almost no worries, since I am (at least) 100% Sure :slightly_smiling_face: that I will Achieve My Dreams!

It’s just a matter of time, effort, perseverance and improvement, and I can achieve everything that I want (and more) (of course, no one else believes in me, not even my own mom, but it doesn’t matter, I WILL Succeed).


Whoever can and is willing (only benevolent), PLEASE CHECK ON ME periodically psychically, until I say I’m in the clear.
Telepathically there might be confusion.
If anyone can help, I need calmness, strength, and some encouragement, while also staying grounded.
In the meantime, I’m shielding and doing the work. Can’t do way too much due to various limitations.
Thank you.


Just play the negative removal fields. I can feel that your root chakra is very low.


Thank you!


You shouldn’t really using something that trigger your psychic ability to grow without the root chakra is not being strengthen. Just remember this. Because all these stuff basically always around you. The good and the bad. Try to focus on growing your root chakra. Then goes up with other part of the chakra.


Thank you very much. ‘Problem’ is, my psychic abilities ‘appeared’ long before Psychic Mastery, almost immediately after starting with most basic ‘meditations’ (I’ve them since I was a child, I just couldn’t explain it, and put those experiences in a box). Normally, I jumped at the chance of also getting some guidance navigating this. I had no idea of what was hiding within, but I started meditating to find out, seemed like the only way, and the only thing I was able to do at the time. I think I’m getting closer. I don’t know what I would have done without the knowledge you’re all imparting.

Edit: The good thing is, PM does seem to be guiding me – helping to reveal not just what I would have perceived any way, but how to go about it, and what it actually is, where it’s coming from, helping me understand the language of my ‘subconscious’. It’s been taking me quite a while to understand though partly because I didn’t use PM extensively in order to avoid ‘too much’.


Just don’t pay attention to it when it happens to you zea.

If you can see my surroundings right now. You could see lot of spirits around me. They’re wandering souls. How can I avoid them? I just ignore it. They do can annoy you. But when you don’t pay attention to it. They will leave you.

Hearing or seeing. It’s all the same. The only way for you to do it is to ignore. That’s it. If you keep paying attention to it. It will get stronger.

If you not use to these stuff. Of course it can be scary. But since you already have it even before uismg fields. Still you need to learn. To ignore it.


Thank you so very much!


Thank you very much @Imogen for hanging with me, you’ve very much helped with your words — it’s helped ease me enough to get some clarity. I feel much better, and safer, and for the n-th time, I’m starting to figure it out and understand. Fuuuck it’s been a rough process.

@SoulStar33 thank you so much for creating this thread, I knew I had to come here.


I’m Glad that it’s a helpful thread.


My grandma has lung cancer. Im doing everything I can to heal her myself, but any help is very welcomed. Thanks :pray: :pray: :pray:


May The Divine Bless Her! :pray:
You’re an Amazing Grandson.


Sorry just seeing this, Mleirbag. Sending Caladrius and angels to help your gran.
angel prayers silver


Thank you very much


If been listening to plasma brain of youth and conceptually realization it helps some

I n eed something for the double vision and motion sickness
I’m back I. Seattle from Spokane which is good


Glad You Are Better! :pray:
“it helps some” is sometimes all you need…
You Can Do THIS! :muscle:
Better Health Incoming…

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I think this person needs our help and didn’t think to use this thread:

I don’t think I can help him, he seems to have an issue that only very skilled and discerning people would be able to handle. Please read before you send your “teams”.

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