Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

I had a stroke they opened my head the next blue thing left is I see double and am motion sickness but am doing good

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Had stroke 3 months ago

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I know… :pensive:

You HAVE to be strong and that’s why I said that even a little bit of improvement is better than other alternatives.

I Wish You All The Best, Catherine, the Best possible Recovery. :pray:

ThAnk you

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I don’t know. As I said in the post just now, I think this may well have a 3D cause: schizophrenia. As I don’t think Sapien has a field for that yet, the thing he needs may well be a specialist and medication. That’ll make the voices go away.


My mom can barely eat anything, she lacks appetite and has a very low if any will to live…

She didn’t sleep for 3 days, at least - she finally did sleep last night after taking 2 types of meds and after listening to fields for sleep.

Her right leg started developing bad tissues again, it’s a race against time and against another possible amputation (hope not)…

She doesn’t even want to listen to fields anymore, she thinks they don’t help her and she believes that nothing can save her anymore…

I have no idea what the future holds for her, and I have no idea how long she will live from now on…
Unfortunately, some things are beyond me, and I have to accept them, but, I will try to help her, whether it is months or hopefully years…

Maybe she will listen to a few fields per day - thus, I thought 5-10 fields max, to not make her upset and even more depressed - I thought about willpower field (the one with a spartan, I think, on the thumbnail), to build her will to live, to eat again, to accept her life and to strengthen her will to fight; next is Resilience, an obvious one, and another one is Weight Gainer.

Please suggest a few more fields at most, since she doesn’t really want to listen anymore…

I thought about cards and the sigils from The Book of Long Life and Good Health.

Also, if you can, please send her Healing energy or a Servitor, anything which helps her is Good.
Thank You.

Edit: I have created quite a few threads about her issues: diabetes, neuropathy, weak blood circulation, hypertension/high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, insomnia, lack of appetite, etc.

She takes meds for most of her issues.

Maybe for some, this is just another case of a dude not wanting to accept reality, but it’s my mom and I will continue to try anything to help her live and hopefully improve her life…

Edit 2: she (again) takes perfusion these days to help her eat…
Not very helpful either.

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Do you have hanuman picture or like painting of it? Put it on thesouth side / Where the sun rise. This should help for getting the proper help she need or your family needs. It might also remove some obstacles relatee to shani.

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Thank You, Imogen.
No, I don’t have such an image, but I can get one or/and I’ll pray to Lord Hanuman for her.

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Friend in hospital after serious pulse drop. His name is Dennis. Send help.

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Sending him Healing via Heal all/be the healer.
Hope he receives even a little bit of healing.

Hope Your Friend Gets Better, As Soon As Possible. :pray:


Appreciate you doing that.

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I have an urgent situation. A friend of mine has an elderly grandmother named Roberta (Grandma Bobbie for short) who is frail and narcoleptic. She can barely walk on her own, much less stand.

She collapsed this morning (Friday morning) and had to be taken to a hospital by ambulance. She was in there for 6 hours before being admitted into a room in the ER.

They’re still running tests on her atm.

Please help!


Update: My friend’s grandmother is getting worse. I found out yesterday that she has MS as well. But, tests say that she’s now developed a bladder infection that’s now spread into her blood.


May The Divine have mercy on her.

I would send Healing (no idea how much of a difference it would make, especially if Healing is not constantly sent), but I’m quite troubled by some Viruses again, my Breathing was down the toilet this day - fields help me though…

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Don’t worry about it. Take good care of yourself and get better soon.


Can anyone check if there’s any entity or similar thing bothering me?

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Friends, I can’t believe that I ask this, but can you please send me some healing?

I can barely breathe, with 2-3 fields, cards, mandalas, Reiki, Chakras work, etc.
I also took the inhaler, gonna take it again.


I’ll send you healing. In the meantime use hyperbaric oxygen therapy, maybe also HGF and autoimmune field can help


Thank You.
Also, Thanks to Anyone who sends me even a positive thought.


I am Breathing better.
But still not that well.