Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

Can someone send me healing servitor? My heart feels weird. I can’t sleep since last night


How are you, Imogen?

Have things improved?


I couldn’t sleep since last night. Just did.

Was going to ER again and it was useless. At least they told me it wasn’t heart. Which is a good thing. It was my ibs again acting up. I feel a bit fine now after looping ibs fields. Medical doctors never helpful for me. Sigh!

And a ginger tea. Slowly getting better again.


Tommy is still very tired but is better than yesterday, I feel things are improving a bit :blue_heart:


Sending you my light servitor and the Divine Grandmother to send you healing, Imogen. Hope things will improve quickly!


Thanks! My stomach feeling a bit better


Another friend of mine, Judy, who lives in TN, announced earlier today, that she’s been diagnosed with COVID.

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Problem after problem…
Maybe I mentioned already, maybe not, I don’t even know,…, my mom, as soon as she eats something, almost anything, she throws up…


Her blood tests were good, Idk what it is.
She has gallbladder problems and gallbladder stones (among a ton other problems), could it be the cause for her sickness and for a lack of appetite (besides psychological problems/trauma, maybe - after all, she had her leg removed/an amputation in April… I thought she was over it, she just now realizes what she went through, she is processing that… She barely wants to go out, in her wheelchair… I tried almost every suggestion, including other creators, Idk anymore what to do…)…

Can she safely listen to gallbladder field(s) without having any problems for her stones?
Maybe Liver fields, anything else?

Maybe I’ll spam Be The Healer and Intercessions.
Her names Ana, if Anyone wants to help her, cause Idk how can I help her anymore…


Every day feels so hopeless…
I might try Mantras, The Divine is the last hope…

BTW, I tried almost all suggestions from the past, for other issues, but for this one, nothing worked yet.

I’ll return a little bit later.

Update: She is in the Hospital since 3 A.M. last night. (now’s 09:37 A.M. in Romania)

@EmpressReborn I’m sorry to hear that.

Thanks. This is the second time she’s gotten COVID, so she really needs help and healing.


Can someone pray for my boyfriend.

He is about to face homelessness crisis. Two days left before being kicked out from his rent. Can’t help him myself as I’m broke as well…

His name Norton. Btw


She is hospitalized.
Her liver is bad and other organs, Idk, my brother told me, after he talked with a Medic.

Today, I’ll go to the hospital, later, with my bro…

Man, I hope she is going to make it, she mostly saw me going through so much pain - I wish she would see me better, I wish she would live to see herself better and I wish that she could get to see a better life…

I’m gonna add this poll, for Anyone who wants to help her, as in sending her some energy, I’m not asking for much, just how much you can, if you can - I’m gonna make a private thread for her and include anyone who wants to help.

Vote here, reply or P. M. me if you want to help…

  • I want to join to help your mom - add me.

0 voters

Thank You.

I feel like going crazy, like my World’s ending…

What fields, my friends, so that I can cope?

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I’m sorry you going through this. I really hope you can get better and so does your mom…

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Thank You.
You Are so Kind.

If you need someone to talk to. Just DM me. I’m always online

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My Dog Tommy peacefully left the physical plane of existence today :heart:


I can’t breathe. It has been a terrible day, very hot.

I’ve waisted precious energy with stupid comments…

If anyone wishes to send me some help, I could use it.

Thank You.


Is this in Western chart or vedic? If so

This is why you experiencing anxiety rahu is moving toward your moon sign. Of course it create anxiety. He is a demon. This will affect your mind a lot especially after it setting in Pisces. I pray for you. I been there. It’s about to leave my sign.

No sugar coating or anything here. Its been tough year for me. Because of this transit of rahu.

But since your moon in Pisces. You will feel the illusion of rahu itself. Yes it will affect your mind completely. Nothing but patient is needed here.



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Yes. Because rahu is in its last phase in aries. This is the gandanta zone. Which really triggering between two sign of aries and Pisces.

Though aries will be less troubled by rahu now. The thing rahu does to aries lagna. Moon sign. Is been extremely tough. Diseases just overthrown.

Chanting surya mantra and hanuman can help for protecting you from rahu malefic nature. Again devotion is needed.

Once rahu settle in your natal moon. Just keep chanting yourself hanuman mantra. This transit is 18 months.

It’s not gonna be pretty. For your moon sign. Or even the Ascendant. It create worries. False illusion. Fear. Out of nowhere. Can’t think straight. It feel like cloudy. That’s rahu… Now in water sign. It’s gonna be deep psychological issue going to take place…