Rehan's Mom Is in Urgent Need of Healing - - - Urgent Help Thread - Emergency Thread

I don’t know if it is an emergency yet or not.

My mom has been having gastric issues.

I’ve experienced some of the symptoms empathically, so I know it’s not like normal gas.

She’s on her way to the hospital to be checked on.

I’ve worked with Apollo, Asclepius, Wu Wizard and Caladrius and the Grail to hopefully set her on a path to recovery.

But any extra help would be appreciated.


have you looked into


I hadn’t thought of using specific fields since she doesn’t listen to any. It’s mostly been through the servitors. I’ll see if they can apply that field

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then ask servitor to project that field on her if you own the field of oourse

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–It was appendicitis. There will be an outpatient surgery, but she should be on the mend after that.

Not an ideal situation, but fairly small considering the possibilities.


Can someone send healing servitor my head is painful , right ear inside and brain feels as something is crawling + burning inside .

Thank you


Appendicitis! That’s very serious. I’m glad that it was caught when it was. I hope it’s taken care of very quickly.


Can you guys please help me?
For the last few months I have slept way too little, my Breathing became worse, due to the summer heat too, my asthma is somewhat stable, But nowadays I drank too much coffee, especially the last 24h…

I feel bad.

Please help me.

I will give up coffee altogether.

Right now, I feel bad due to too much caffeine, and my veins/arteries are pulsating weirdly in my left leg, I feel sick, Jesus…
How stupid I was.

If I make it without hospital or worse, I put an end to drinking coffee, and to the chaotic lifestyle (poor sleep)…

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Usually drinking warm milk can calm it down. Just be careful if you are lactose intolerance.

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Thank You.

Now it’s a weak pulse and breathing is quite bad.
I’ll try hgf and something.

I tried infrasound bioactive beach, too strong right now…

Fa Jin Gong I’m trying right now, plus chakras work.

Haven’t felt this weak in a long time.

No question, I’ll definitely drop coffee for good…

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I don’t think its a good idea to listen to bioactive Beach field when you already feeling weak.

Try something that calm your nerve. Like anxiety field

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Hey mate, you should check L-Theanine + Coffeine pills they give you the energy effect of coffee without the stomach burnt. (If that is the problem, for mine that was, if is heart and blood maybe no caffeine at all is even better, idk, not doctor, no Medical specialist, make your own due diligence)

I still drink coffee, way less than before and for the taste

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Thank You, My Friends. :pray:

I think I have a slight intolerance towards it, so it can upset my stomach, but due to me drinking up to 4 coffees per day and thanks to all the stress and the other factors, it’s the heart too, so…
At least for a while, no coffee for me, at the very least until i sleep better at night.


You kinda like me. I love coffee too. It’s definitely works good when it come to treat depression. But the after effect of coffee just scary!

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How are you feeling @Andromeda?
Angel resting


Thank you after couple days a bit better. :pray:


Cut the coffee man or drink the decaf. COFFEE ISN’T THE SOLUTION

Use the anxiety field when you drink much and veins start pulsating. Coffee will put pressure on nervous system in which you will feel awful.

If you are sensitive to energy, i think you should limit your coffee intake.

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I always had health anxiety for myself but this time i’m having it over my little brother I’m extremely terrified for him, he has been dealing with constant diarrhea and stomach pain for over a month and it keeps getting worse, my mom took him to a cheap doctor and he gave him medicine for stomach infections but it didn’t help. we took him to an another doctor on Friday and did many tests (blood, stool, ultrasound) the ultrasound was done and came out today and said he has an enlarged spleen (14.4 cm) which looks really visible and scary, i don’t know how serious is that but i’m scared i can barely sleep anymore what if something happens to him. Please i need audios that can help him, even prayers would help


I can’t get patreon or paid fields is there any free alternative