Rejection Therapy

Yep, I wrote about this there:

I disagree.
This is the same as this whole “work harder” propaganda.
One does not become fearless by taking risks and other forms of “exposure therapy”. All that this does is to create an layer of coping strategy where the original problem is pushed further down into the unconscious.

The solution to rejection, being immune to rejectione etc. is always in having the right installed beliefs in your subconscious mind.

Most issues are not to be solved with ‘action, doing, trying and exposure’ but with repgrogramming the subconscious mind.

Most people don’t know that they have a subconscious mind, and those who do, fail to acknowledge that the subconscious mind controls 98% of their life.

People feel guilty about this all the time and blame themselves for “not taking action” – which actually reinforces the whole problem and the low self-esteem – and then even further fueled by the mainstream propaganda that “you need to take action and face your fears or you are loser”.

What people don’t see is that in almost all cases, it is the subconscious mind that makes them run away and sabotages their actions, because it has a program/belief running in it that this is how it keeps the person SAFE.

The solution to end this self-sabotage is then to reprogram the definition of what is considered “safe” by the subconsicous mind.

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