(Healthy) Masculinity: The Concept

This will be long but important for both genders, so take a cup of green tea and read on…

I am a man.

This is a very important topic and one of the main reasons the world is f’ed up in the way it is.

The world is f’ed up because most men are in competition with each other for female love
– based on a collective cognitive dissonance

  • that female love is scarce,
  • that female love equals purpose and survival and
  • that female love is dangerous at the same time because it binds the man and makes him unfree.

From my experience, most men on the planet never grew out of the needy teenager boy role that desperately seeks the love and attention of their mothers and later in life also from other women (who are simply mother roles projected onto other females).

This is because when a male baby is born, its whole survival is dependent on the love of his mother.

The subconscious mind learns immediately that mother love equals survival and protection. And that an absence of mother love equals abandonment, starvation and death.

So for the subsconscious mind anything becomes “okay” as long as the mother love ensured.

Because of this experience men start deep down to believe that female love equals survival and purpose.

Female love becomes something that the man needs at all costs [survival] and hates [because it comes with the condition of bonding and become unfree] at the same time.

Because of this contradiction, unless solved, a boy never grows into a sovereign man and remains in this cognitive dissonance. As are most men today.

Most young male babies exeperience the mother love as conditional.
He learns that he needs to please the mother to ensure that love is supplied.
At the same time the boy is not allowed to grow into a man and become “more male” than the father because if the father becomes angry, he can pull the mother away which will result in a loss of mother love - the worst case scenario for the subconscious mind.

The boy also becomes anxcious of intimately bonding with other females because he subconsciously fears that it could make the mother jealous and then again, the mother could terminate her love.

The young boy also observes that their fathers (who are mostly man children themselves) are not behaving like real men themselves and learns that it is “not okay be stronger” than even this version of masculinity.

Also at the same time, when the young boys also observe their fathers, they realize that their fathers have become unfree when they have bonded with and bound themselves to a women.

This creates a very strong cognitive dissociation in most boys, where on the hand they desparately want to be loved and admired be the female energy but on the other hand at are afraid to commit to the female energy because of fear of loss of freedom.

Because of this conflicting association with the female energy most men remain boys – desperately hunting after sex and simping for love, but at the same time failing to commit to a relationship and express their strong masculine energy as it should be.

When men desperately seek female energy (survival) but at the same time are afraid of it (loss of freedom due to binding), they become part of all these philosophies and movements like Red Pill, MGTOW, PUAs, porn committed cope junkies, beta simps, wage cucks, angry incels, black pillers and other victim roles or simply remain in an oblivious Blue Pill state, unaware of what is even going on.

All of these philosophies and movements are the male counterpart of the “angry feminists” where all problems are projected onto the opposite gender, making the problem even worse because it becomes impossible to integrate the energy of the opposite gender into oneself.

How can an angry boy accept the female energy inside himself when he blames all his problems onto the female gender?
How can an angry feminist accept the male energy inside herself when she blames all her problems onto the male gender?

Additionally, in our society men are being brainwashed that being masculine is something bad and toxic.
This creates ANOTHER cognitive dissonance that being a “grown up strong male” is bad and by doing so will result in “a loss of the female approval and motherly love”.


The solution from my experience is for men to ACCEPT, WELCOME, CONNECT WITH and INTEGRATE the Holy Divine Female Energy.

This is the holy female Yin energy that is coming from the source in a UNCONDITIONAL way and that provides all the mother love and sexual acceptance that a boy desired and needs TO ALLOW HIMSELF to grow into a man with his own inherent divine male energy.

When men accept their own female energies inside them AND connect themselves to that Holy Divine Female Energy, their heart chakra that was previously desparately seeking for motherly love, becomes healed.

Those cognitive dissonances that we spoke above are then also dissolved healed, because:

  • When the source provides an INFINITE supply of mother love, then all the fears of losing this love, can be let go
  • When the source provides this love in an UNCONDITIONAL way, then all fears and limiting assumptions of sexual expression and bonding with different women, can also be let go
  • By connecting with an INFINITE supply of UNCONDITIONAL female love, the man BECOMES FREE TO ACCEPT AND LOVE HIS OWN DIVINE MASCULINA ENERGY, and by this grow into an adult man. An adult man that is independent of the love of his mother or the love of any other women, but that is at the same time FREE to express himself sexually with ANY women and BOND with ANY women.

This Holy Divine Female Energy provides an INFINITE UNCONDITIONAL Supply of Motherly Love, Sisterly Love, Wifely Love and Sexual Love (basically all the types of female love).

This Holy Divine Female Energy ACCEPTS the man and his masculine energy and expression unconditionally, the therefore the man no longer needs to seeks love and validation from human females. Which also makes him much less needy and thus more attractive to women.

And because the man feels that the Holy Divine Female Energy accepts his masculine energy UNCONDITIONALLY, the boy is then FREED to emprace his own inherit Holy Divine Male Energy and by this become a grown up independent man.

The Holy Divine Female Energy is the universal nurturing ground that encourages the Masculine Energy to express itself.


Boys/Men need to welcome and integrate the Holy Divine Female Energy FIRST.

On this infinite nurturing ground, THEN their Holy Divine Male Energy can grow the man into a sovereign adult.

  • For boys to become healthy strong sovereign adult Men who work together instead against themselves and each other, they need to connect with and integrate the Holy Divine Female Energy.

  • For angry feminists to become healthy strong sovereign adult Women, they need to connect with and integrate the Holy Divine Male Energy.

Men need to embrace the goddess from the source.
And Women need to embrace the god from the source.
Then divine relationships and male/female expressions become possible and the world can be healed.


PS: I would like to be part of that group.