The Devastating Effects of Porn on Self-Worth and Manifestation

Yo man, while the MGTOW philosophy and similar have many valid points that the modern man needs to know for self-preservation, these are not the ultimate truth.

The ultimate truth is that you manifest your own reality according your beliefs. So if you believe that “all women are X” and “behave like Y”, then this will be exactly your personal reality and the type of women you manifest in your personal reality bubble.
The beliefs your are projecting out into the world will manifest as your reality and will be reflected back to you as those particular types of experiences.
I know this because I’ve been there in the past.

The solution is really to do some deep shadow work and change your deep core beliefs into what you want to manifest in your life. And what type of women you want to manifest in your life.

Most of the manosphere philosophies are dead-ends and circle-jerks – at first they give you a few liberating and empowering pieces of information, but then trap you within their own, even deeper, cults!
Just another dead-end where the ego feels like it has won and “outsmarted the evil society out there”.

Fleeing into porn and masturbation is a flight and self-sabotage mechanism, where you ego makes you to not want to acknowledge that you actually manifest your own reality.

The ego always tries to trick you into searching for EXTERNAL causes to blame for your current experiences. But it is really yourself who manifests your personal experiences and encounters with women.

Watch the following video, then think about what I wrote again – because other people and women will subconsciously PLAY FOR YOU exactly the ROLE that you subconsciously want them to play for you – this is how the whole Matrix Role-Playing Game works (and as you will see, the whole matrix game simulator being all a big game is not just a big metaphor but how it actually works):

Also, this whole thread is against pornography, not against masturbation.

So please stop defending and justifying your drug (porn) by listing movie titles, because this is what all drug addicts do – they defend their drug as if their lives depend on it.

And then, those who want to do nofap or semen retention for a longer time need to transmute that sexual energy, otherwise it won’t work. This is the main reason most nofappers fail with this practise.

Also check out this post for more masculine healing: