The Male & Female Dynamic of the 21st Century

Sure. Not to forget all the digital dating applications or services, which already had gaps in non-digital mode and currently create a separation between men and women.
However, I agree with what you wrote, especially this one

to get away from what those higher powers would like, starting with p * rn, which is one of the most important causes of the maleā€™s loss of self-esteem, to the other consequences of the digital world in this issue, which makes males afraid to approach to females, as well as a lot of mental confusion caused by gender theory.


Once upon a time, cavemen used clubs to take their women and then drag them back to their caves by the hair, where they would have their way with them until pregnancy, upon which time they would take their natural places in life of nurturing and raising the children, while the men would take their natural places as providers and protectors of the family. Then as men slowly developed a society where women no longer needed the menā€™s protection, and the women could provide for themselves with the employment that had been created by man, some women no longer felt the same need for men, and therefore have altered the natural order of things, the order which would insure the continued existence of man and wo man. While man attempted to create a better society, governments have nearly destroyed it and wo man.

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You spoke my mind :+1: your opening sentence was a bomb. Corrosion of family unit is indeed the corrosion of society


I was a radical feminist before but I did a lot of reading, studying real life examples, analyzing patterns etc and cane to the conclusion that a lot of what they say in feminism is a lie. Men and women were designed to be biologically different. They are equal in value but different in function. Nowadays wokeness is all about destroying ā€œpatriarchyā€ and replacing men with women. It stems from hatred/resentlfulness towards the masculine instead of from positive feelings. The denounces of patriarchy themselves donā€™t realize that they have been beneficiaries of patriarchy too. If their father has protected them or paid for their schooling/etc, or any male be it a friend or brother has dutifully carried out their role, the woke people are beneficiaries of patriarchy too.

We donā€™t have to tear down something to uplift someone. Thatā€™s not a healthy thing at all. And this rise in single motherhood unless itā€™s a choice, is a huge problem in itself. Because a house needs a healthy masculine figure. Otherwise the women has to take on both roles and unless she is earning well, sheā€™ll be under a lot of stress. So this feminism thing which denounces men doesnā€™t help women ultimately.

I think till a point it was great, it got us the right to vote, the right to have education, and such basic rights. But now the people who started it themselves have no idea where itā€™s going and what it has been mutating into. Before I start to go off track like the feminism movement, I just want to end by quoting a very impactful thing i read, ā€œmasculinity is not toxic, but the the absence of it is.ā€


Masculinity is how you have hardworking men working on electrical cables, doing risky jobs, keeping the world functioning. And femininity is how you have communication, emotional empathy, connections among society and advocacy. When used for evil, masculinity becomes a sharp blade; Likewise, femininity can espouse words with a tongue like a dagger.

What is happening in society now, imo, is a consequence, not a condition. It is a consequence of gradual erosion of polarity, the divine archetypes of the Father and the Mother. In fact, it is almost deliberate and fabricated. You now see a three-pronged approach:

  1. Destruction of the Male virtue
  2. Destruction of the Feminine ideal
  3. Loud emphasis of the Middle

The first two have been happening for ages. I believe it started after demonstrations of uncontrolled and immature masculine forces - such as the World Wars and 9/11. There was a huge global aversion to the masculine force. Slowly, its power was disrespected and shunned - instead of channeling it into healthier expressions, it has been trodden upon and treated as taboo. ā€œNo, donā€™t stand up for yourself. No, donā€™t have ideas of your own. No, donā€™t have boundaries. No, donā€™t lead. We will stand up for you, we will give you ideas, we donā€™t need boundaries, we will lead you.ā€ Itā€™s almost political.

Furthermore, we have the feminine force being disrespected. In the past, the advocacies for women emancipation were real as there was real oppression. Nowadays, femininity is a joke and more of a first-world privilege due to the wrong things it focuses on. ā€œNo, you donā€™t need a man. No, you can do what a man does. No, you donā€™t need to be a weak female because that is equivalent to being a victim. No, you donā€™t have to blossom your feminine side. You can stand up for yourself, you can be your own man, you can be strong like a man, you can blossom your masculine side.ā€

The more there is division and identification with some kind of subgroup identity, the more divided the world becomes, despite how ā€˜homogenousā€™ the higher-ups want you to think. Thatā€™s because everyone becomes a sheep, polarity is lost, family units are lost, society becomes a disorganised mess moving in all sorts of directions with confusion. A divided community is easy to rule, govern and overthrow.

ā€œInclusivenessā€ and ā€œhomogeneityā€ is not the answer. Making everything the same, with ā€˜equalityā€™, is exactly a dystopian future. It makes the world tasteless, bland and without any dynamism. This only leads to fewer couples, more breakups, and destruction of society with a declining world population (except in some countries where this first-world influence is not as strong).

What we need is recognition of diversity, of polarities. Because love doesnā€™t force you to change someone or force your ideals (or what you think is best for people) on others. Love encourages, allows people to blossom, allows polarities to flourish, and allows diversity in all kinds of ways (like diversification of ideas, beliefs, etc). What we have out there masquerading as ā€œinclusionā€ is not love - itā€™s pride and ego.


Very happy to hear that you made the step from hatred to healing and real empowernment :muscle: :hugs:

Something more on this topic that I wrote a while back, maybe you want to have a lookā€¦ (Healthy) Masculinity: The Concept - #2 by JAAJ


Especially if you destroy the familybonds


You know it wasnā€™t even stemming from me, but it was societal brainwash which I had the time to look into due to the pandemic. As I got a break from my routine/studies.


Iā€™ve seen this one. Pretty interesting

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You do realize feminism is regarding cerebellar
equality right

Feminism just means that- equality.

Men can vote? Then sure as hell can women. Men can drive? Then sure as hell can women.

It has nothing to do with anything else.

Itā€™s denial when one justifies men are equal in physical strength to women. Because, no; biologically they are meant to have far more physical superior strength (just like youā€™ve mentioned :relaxed:)

But cognitively? No, Not at all. It is equal; man and woman are equivalent in regards to their intellectā€™s capacity
^That is all feminism is about. Nothing more nothing less.

Things other people write on it (which is what i think youā€™re referring to) isnā€™t from an academia pov
Rather emotional or personal stuff that idk has somehow managed to get mainstream support :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yes thatā€™s what I meant. Iā€™m sorry you didnā€™t get that from my post because I may have focused on other stuff. Iā€™m criticizing radical feminism and wokism which focuses on proving women are better than men in everything and like I mentioned, that comes from feelings of resentfulness. Because these things have gotten main stream support especially in the West where family unit is crumbling, ofc it becomes a part of everyoneā€™s lives and the original concept which you mentioned is very forgotten. That was the point of my post. How feminism started out with the idea of cerebral equality and workplace equality which I support but now the narrative is out of control. What happens in the real world is always different from what the academically definition of something is, right?


Ok awesome
As long as itā€™s clear feminism is just equality for both genders on the cerebellar level thatā€™s all :sweat_smile:

Yeh radical stances are just that: aggressive and if given enough power, bring turbulent destruction. Problem is most people have assumed feminism is synonymous to radical feminism when
itā€™s really not lol


Itā€™s all narratives right now controlled by some people
Even if a movement is started for the welfare of a certain set of people, we ultimately have no control over the end result. Kinda what is happening now

Academiaā€™s definition is feminism.
The depiction we see today globally is not feminism, rather itā€™s radical feminism masking itself as the original definition

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Everythingā€™s a narrative lol

I think the reason why there is so much frustration with all these topics we just spoke on
Is because they are trying to frame equitable under equality, a schemata that no doubt crosses over to the latter but in its totality, is not [the same thing].


Iā€™m not sure if this topic is also truly controlled by an elite
Or rather just a mass group of people teed off
Allowing their emotions to overpower them
Resulting in them needing to mask themselves behind some ā€œrighteousā€ terminology, albeit their take on whatever schemata it might be, completely misconstrued

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To all people (also females) I can recommend the book " the way of the superior man" it explains all about the masculine-feminine dynamic.

You canā€™t ignore that thereā€™s a hormonal component to it. Men today are less manly on paper, huge amounts have low testosterone and are infertile.

and itā€™s not their fault. The food is bad, estrogens in drinking water, vaccines messing up the body, EMF bombarding us all dayā€¦

So thereā€™s no use to tell a man to behave in way that is not in accordance to this hormonal profile.

If one has the estrogen level of an ovulating female one will behave that way .

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For me, when I read that, thatā€™s like saying thereā€™s no use telling a depressed person not to kill themselves because their neurotransmitters level inadequacy will inevitably have them act out on it.

It does explain why we do what we do but it does not justify it.

We all need to take accountability and ownership. Knowing is simply an awareness. change for man, relationships, and/or of a collective group(s) absolutely begins with that, however do not be fooled of the depth both accountability and ownership hold in the dynamic of rearranging or fixing the system.

But yeh itā€™s unnerving how much estrogen thatā€™s being consumed


Thatā€™s an extreme example and not applicable here .

The point is its probably not going to work if you dont fox the underlying issue, which is a hormonal imbalance.

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There is a lot to be reflected on here, which is why I didnā€™t comment before.

Some thoughts, non-comprehensive of courseā€¦

  • To talk about male/female relationship dynamics, it is unavoidable to talk about male/female dynamics in general society Inc. Workplace etc

  • About equality - in my mind, there was never any question in my life that me, as a person is worth the same as another person. The respect I give to others, is exactly the respect I expect in return. When I donā€™t get that, I walk away, including at work, in friendships and in relationships.
    This is not something thatā€™s happened to me often though.

  • When I hear a very ā€œbiologicalā€ and ā€œevolutionalā€ type of reasoning as justification being misogyny, I donā€™t participate in the conversation because all I have to say isā€¦ there is no need to be born human to live a life centered around procreation, food and fight to be the leader in the pack (be the ā€œalphaā€).
    Its Perfectly fine to incarnate as an ape for that šŸ¤·

  • Just because there is an ideology backing that ā€œwomenā€™s place is Xā€, and ā€œmen are Yā€, it doesnā€™t mean itā€™s trueā€¦ I donā€™t want to trigger anyone, but both scientific and religious reasonings were being twisted enough at the time to give ā€œgood enoughā€ (as in - accepted at the time) backing to slavery and racism.

  • Hyper focus on sex and getting sex comes across as just a compulsion

  • I donā€™t personally know anyone who is actually a radical feminist/woke, maybe itā€™s actually common in other countries but Iā€™ve only ever seen that online lol

  • I think in many areas of life you will be challenged, because itā€™s a pretty ā€œmasculineā€ world these days. You are held to different standards when youā€™re a woman, I have many workplace anectodes about thatā€¦ but the same goes for brilliant but young guys, they have to fight for respect extra hard. Good inputs from them may be overlooked too.

As for relationshipsā€¦
Iā€™m pretty traditional in what I want in western standards, and pretty liberal in the standards of my home country.
Regardless, I would like someone who is a ā€œwholeā€ and ā€œcapableā€ person already.
As in - they can cook a meal or two, they know how to take care of laundry etc.

Also, most families these days require two salaries to function and live well. Unless the man is rich, that type of traditional homemaker role isnā€™t really achievable for women.
And the scenario where you have to have a normal day job AND do everything around the houseā€¦ well, thatā€™s not very attractive to most. Women get tired the same as men after work, and need downtime and workout time the same as men too šŸ¤·


Iā€™m happy my ladies are finally speaking up because honestly this thread is just a ā€˜cuteā€™ reflection for how the world is out there for womenā€¦ And men. And this is the only place where I really donā€™t wanna put up with that.

But Iā€™ll throw it in here how some of the closer people here with their thoughts on the ā€˜useā€™ of women, that I aspire for some change to have happened to them, have completely been out of my ā€˜safe in real life spaceā€™ because of it :woman_shrugging: