The Male & Female Dynamic of the 21st Century

I see an erosion of the family unit, leading to eventual crumbling of society. Maybe this has been the goal of the higher powers of society with an international population going out of control in numbers.

Polarities becoming less polar. Masculinity being trodden upon, femininity being looked down upon. The strengths of masculinity and femininity are not being lauded. Instead, the ‘grey zone’ is being emphasised. Homogeneity instead of heterogeneity is encouraged.

Would a man be attracted to another man? Or a woman be attracted to another woman? Even in homosexual relationships, there is a polarity that exists between the two partners. Without polarity there cannot be a spark. This imbalance of polarities, and the understating/underwhelming of polarities, even to the extent of denouncing them (e.g. ragging on toxic masculinity, weak femininity requiring power) instead of transforming them into healthier expressions - will surely lead to a generational problem.


on note of your answer to Lucius.

I dont feel that somebody would simply respond /change when one hears the words wake up, grow it over…a personal decision to give up will be allways there. i also dont feel one will reincarnate only because one gave up once.

One good path for these times would be: to find and resolve his/her personal issues until the issues of his/her enviroment start to be clear to him/her and then begin healing both.

the one hope i have is that all of the mud poured over all of us is only a hopeless atempt of the dark to remain.

of course it is painful, it is war, there will be victims, but now, unlike any age before, one has a real choice to be a warrior, a victim or dissapear completely.

@Lucius to you i say: nobody, here or anywhere, is in the right position to say what the whole polulation deserves. you have alot of research to do if you are to make such a conclusion. alot of understanding and feeling of energy.

then, when you are in your in the clear sort of speak, you can make alone your own mind whether and what the whole population deserves. because when you go deep enough to see the exstend of damage delt, you will never be inclined to say; we deserve all of it. no matter from which side of the barrier we stay…no matter how spiritual/materialistic we are.

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I am a bit sad for the fact no girls responded yet. Come onnnnn, we don’t bite and I am certain it is fine if our (guys) opinions differ from urs.

I will refrain from tagging specific ones I had the pleasure to talk to and am most hyped to hear for what they have to say :eyes: :eyes: :eyes:

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Oh I didn’t fully think what I said was going to wake him up either. It doesn’t work that way. He has to realize it for himself. And experience it for himself. Maybe if I was looking him in the eye and speaking to him, I could possibly get through to him. But over text, highly unlikely. We only see these words through our limited lens and generally reject whatever doesn’t fit our world view.

But I always give it a shot anyways. Even if it’s unlikely I succeed. I always remember that I am also everyone else. In every persons essence, I exist there too and they exist as me as well. We are all one. So I try to see if I can speak to the godhead in people in moments like these. But usually the ego has the power. Especially through text lol.

@shadowhunter176 nah, it’s cool. They don’t have to if you they don’t want to. It’s a comfort thing. I did post this cause in the past I thought people were interested in sharing their thoughts on this topic. I do learn quite a bit from hearing everyones perspectives on this as I’m sure you all learn too. I’m also taking what I learn from this for a future possible field lol (sneaky I know).


Interesting perspective. I haven’t heard it before but I can see some of this being true in this day and age.

It is certainly new territory we are in. Don’t quite know what the outcomes will be since we are mixing polarities in ways that weren’t quite mixed before. Family dynamics may change. People seem to be becoming more feminine and masculine at the same time. But not more of one or the other. It’s a strange thing cause I would usually imagine balance to be ‘being your masculine, but comftorable and free flowing in your femininity that the feminity strengthens the masculine’ and vice versa.

Now it’s gray. I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad thing. It’s just something we haven’t quite seen before to see its full effects on society. I see positives and negatives so far. It’s just going to be different and outside the norm of what we have always believed to be what nature intends. In my perspective, this is all a reflection of nature as masculine and feminine energies are freed up from the thousands of years of masculine over feminine dominant dynamic. So the dynamic is scrambled and more on the gray side these days.

I do think a large part of it is to do with technology and how we allow technology to do many things for us… what we do and how we do it is reflective of our masculine or feminine energies. Especially what we put all our focus on. And these days we let technology do most of the doing for us and also focus on it so much, that it is possibly keeping our energies rather stagnant.

Tik Tok is one of those examples that boggle my mind. You go in there to distract yourself and then just lose yourself to 30 minutes of scrolling through randomness that puts your mind in a loopy state.


on this note about stagnant energy… Captain’s work…when you combine cleansing with training audios. …priceless …

Possibly the very concept of “ideal” man/woman causes a problem. I know that for me my problems come when I compare my husband to an “ideal.” I guess if you are referring to what is most compatible with you, then the answer would be along the lines of what I am comfortable with. Yet I married someone who challenges my comfort levels probably because my moon is in turbulent nakshatra lol… which indicates comfort in uncomfortable things. So is he “ideal” or is he ideal in that he vibrates with the resonance of my scorpio moon.

Problem is “ideal” man for many is a man that will solve every problem for them and more, like be emotionally available and motherly soft and also be a very different energy of manly and exciting which is rare. “Ideal” man is the answer to every problem that one wants to be lazy and not deal with herself. Such as, I am lonely so “ideal” man should want to bond and talk to me and resolve my insecurities whenever I need it. But also, yet, “ideal” man should also be a sexy and independent breadwinner. As long as the “ideal” is whatever will make you feel good or better or happy then that is a problem. A person should never be objectified in that way. A person should be loved for exactly who they are at every moment. And loved for the growth they cause in your mutual encounter. Whether this is positive or negative depends on the beholder.

The true ideal for either gender is probably someone who is self-loving, self-sufficient, doesn’t have baggage, and compatible with your lifestyle yet willing to grow, change, and adapt with you as you change and life happens. But let’s be real. It is rare to meet someone who has conquered all their problems and limitations, unless you yourself have already gotten there. You get what you are, as the other is always a mirror to the self.


Wow. Beautifully said. Makes me want to remove that question haha :sweat_smile: But without it, we wouldn’t have gotten that answer. It is very true that the ‘ideal’ person is one that adheres to our desires in some form or another. Without knowing, we create contradictions when creating this ideal person in our head.

Truthfully, the people who get close to that version of a person we want also tend to have something huge that takes away from this fantasy we build up in our minds. We humans are reflections of duality. We are all flawed in our own ways and none of us are too good to be true.

Almost sounds too good to be true but I do believe people like this exist out there. They tend to only make an appearance when you’ve arrived at that sort of beingness. We really do get what we are. And it’s almost impossible to expect someone to be at this level and fall for us when we are still working through baggage. More likely to hope to find is someone with humility that is also working through their baggage and has a compatible lifestyle to yours and is willing to grow and change with you. There’s someone out there like that for everyone. That much I do believe.


Yes, that is the beauty and purpose of relationships on earth in my opinion, and has been my experience :). To love is to evolve.

I will add that even without perfect compatibility, friendship and understanding can allow for longstanding loving relationships.


I think this scene tells what nowdays every man would ever want to hear from his lady,
although it is a rarity,
But it does convinced me that true love exists at least on the screens lol

Btw. this series has had a therapeutic effect on me,
“One does not have to be perfect ever for his/her true love.”

But today it’s hard to understand, isn’t it?
And especially hard to find?
Or is it just my assumption, or is it just me?

Today majority chase perfection to please others, isn’t it?

I admit I am in this majority for example.

I want to be embodiment of perfection for my future lady, and generally perfect, and I don’t shame myself to say it. Although I know there’s long way to it, if anyhow possible at least.


That’s an interesting point. With technology, polarities may be as muted as ever - especially when people tend to prefer interacting with digital devices like computers and phones over talking face to face with someone else. Not to mention being fed all kinds of propaganda and memes over the media.

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Sure. Not to forget all the digital dating applications or services, which already had gaps in non-digital mode and currently create a separation between men and women.
However, I agree with what you wrote, especially this one

to get away from what those higher powers would like, starting with p * rn, which is one of the most important causes of the male’s loss of self-esteem, to the other consequences of the digital world in this issue, which makes males afraid to approach to females, as well as a lot of mental confusion caused by gender theory.


Once upon a time, cavemen used clubs to take their women and then drag them back to their caves by the hair, where they would have their way with them until pregnancy, upon which time they would take their natural places in life of nurturing and raising the children, while the men would take their natural places as providers and protectors of the family. Then as men slowly developed a society where women no longer needed the men’s protection, and the women could provide for themselves with the employment that had been created by man, some women no longer felt the same need for men, and therefore have altered the natural order of things, the order which would insure the continued existence of man and wo man. While man attempted to create a better society, governments have nearly destroyed it and wo man.

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You spoke my mind :+1: your opening sentence was a bomb. Corrosion of family unit is indeed the corrosion of society


I was a radical feminist before but I did a lot of reading, studying real life examples, analyzing patterns etc and cane to the conclusion that a lot of what they say in feminism is a lie. Men and women were designed to be biologically different. They are equal in value but different in function. Nowadays wokeness is all about destroying “patriarchy” and replacing men with women. It stems from hatred/resentlfulness towards the masculine instead of from positive feelings. The denounces of patriarchy themselves don’t realize that they have been beneficiaries of patriarchy too. If their father has protected them or paid for their schooling/etc, or any male be it a friend or brother has dutifully carried out their role, the woke people are beneficiaries of patriarchy too.

We don’t have to tear down something to uplift someone. That’s not a healthy thing at all. And this rise in single motherhood unless it’s a choice, is a huge problem in itself. Because a house needs a healthy masculine figure. Otherwise the women has to take on both roles and unless she is earning well, she’ll be under a lot of stress. So this feminism thing which denounces men doesn’t help women ultimately.

I think till a point it was great, it got us the right to vote, the right to have education, and such basic rights. But now the people who started it themselves have no idea where it’s going and what it has been mutating into. Before I start to go off track like the feminism movement, I just want to end by quoting a very impactful thing i read, “masculinity is not toxic, but the the absence of it is.”


Masculinity is how you have hardworking men working on electrical cables, doing risky jobs, keeping the world functioning. And femininity is how you have communication, emotional empathy, connections among society and advocacy. When used for evil, masculinity becomes a sharp blade; Likewise, femininity can espouse words with a tongue like a dagger.

What is happening in society now, imo, is a consequence, not a condition. It is a consequence of gradual erosion of polarity, the divine archetypes of the Father and the Mother. In fact, it is almost deliberate and fabricated. You now see a three-pronged approach:

  1. Destruction of the Male virtue
  2. Destruction of the Feminine ideal
  3. Loud emphasis of the Middle

The first two have been happening for ages. I believe it started after demonstrations of uncontrolled and immature masculine forces - such as the World Wars and 9/11. There was a huge global aversion to the masculine force. Slowly, its power was disrespected and shunned - instead of channeling it into healthier expressions, it has been trodden upon and treated as taboo. “No, don’t stand up for yourself. No, don’t have ideas of your own. No, don’t have boundaries. No, don’t lead. We will stand up for you, we will give you ideas, we don’t need boundaries, we will lead you.” It’s almost political.

Furthermore, we have the feminine force being disrespected. In the past, the advocacies for women emancipation were real as there was real oppression. Nowadays, femininity is a joke and more of a first-world privilege due to the wrong things it focuses on. “No, you don’t need a man. No, you can do what a man does. No, you don’t need to be a weak female because that is equivalent to being a victim. No, you don’t have to blossom your feminine side. You can stand up for yourself, you can be your own man, you can be strong like a man, you can blossom your masculine side.”

The more there is division and identification with some kind of subgroup identity, the more divided the world becomes, despite how ‘homogenous’ the higher-ups want you to think. That’s because everyone becomes a sheep, polarity is lost, family units are lost, society becomes a disorganised mess moving in all sorts of directions with confusion. A divided community is easy to rule, govern and overthrow.

“Inclusiveness” and “homogeneity” is not the answer. Making everything the same, with ‘equality’, is exactly a dystopian future. It makes the world tasteless, bland and without any dynamism. This only leads to fewer couples, more breakups, and destruction of society with a declining world population (except in some countries where this first-world influence is not as strong).

What we need is recognition of diversity, of polarities. Because love doesn’t force you to change someone or force your ideals (or what you think is best for people) on others. Love encourages, allows people to blossom, allows polarities to flourish, and allows diversity in all kinds of ways (like diversification of ideas, beliefs, etc). What we have out there masquerading as “inclusion” is not love - it’s pride and ego.


Very happy to hear that you made the step from hatred to healing and real empowernment :muscle: :hugs:

Something more on this topic that I wrote a while back, maybe you want to have a look… (Healthy) Masculinity: The Concept - #2 by JAAJ


Especially if you destroy the familybonds


You know it wasn’t even stemming from me, but it was societal brainwash which I had the time to look into due to the pandemic. As I got a break from my routine/studies.


I’ve seen this one. Pretty interesting

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