The Male & Female Dynamic of the 21st Century

You do realize feminism is regarding cerebellar
equality right

Feminism just means that- equality.

Men can vote? Then sure as hell can women. Men can drive? Then sure as hell can women.

It has nothing to do with anything else.

It’s denial when one justifies men are equal in physical strength to women. Because, no; biologically they are meant to have far more physical superior strength (just like you’ve mentioned :relaxed:)

But cognitively? No, Not at all. It is equal; man and woman are equivalent in regards to their intellect’s capacity
^That is all feminism is about. Nothing more nothing less.

Things other people write on it (which is what i think you’re referring to) isn’t from an academia pov
Rather emotional or personal stuff that idk has somehow managed to get mainstream support :woman_shrugging:t2:


Yes that’s what I meant. I’m sorry you didn’t get that from my post because I may have focused on other stuff. I’m criticizing radical feminism and wokism which focuses on proving women are better than men in everything and like I mentioned, that comes from feelings of resentfulness. Because these things have gotten main stream support especially in the West where family unit is crumbling, ofc it becomes a part of everyone’s lives and the original concept which you mentioned is very forgotten. That was the point of my post. How feminism started out with the idea of cerebral equality and workplace equality which I support but now the narrative is out of control. What happens in the real world is always different from what the academically definition of something is, right?


Ok awesome
As long as it’s clear feminism is just equality for both genders on the cerebellar level that’s all :sweat_smile:

Yeh radical stances are just that: aggressive and if given enough power, bring turbulent destruction. Problem is most people have assumed feminism is synonymous to radical feminism when
it’s really not lol


It’s all narratives right now controlled by some people
Even if a movement is started for the welfare of a certain set of people, we ultimately have no control over the end result. Kinda what is happening now

Academia’s definition is feminism.
The depiction we see today globally is not feminism, rather it’s radical feminism masking itself as the original definition

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Everything’s a narrative lol

I think the reason why there is so much frustration with all these topics we just spoke on
Is because they are trying to frame equitable under equality, a schemata that no doubt crosses over to the latter but in its totality, is not [the same thing].


I’m not sure if this topic is also truly controlled by an elite
Or rather just a mass group of people teed off
Allowing their emotions to overpower them
Resulting in them needing to mask themselves behind some “righteous” terminology, albeit their take on whatever schemata it might be, completely misconstrued

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To all people (also females) I can recommend the book " the way of the superior man" it explains all about the masculine-feminine dynamic.

You can’t ignore that there’s a hormonal component to it. Men today are less manly on paper, huge amounts have low testosterone and are infertile.

and it’s not their fault. The food is bad, estrogens in drinking water, vaccines messing up the body, EMF bombarding us all day…

So there’s no use to tell a man to behave in way that is not in accordance to this hormonal profile.

If one has the estrogen level of an ovulating female one will behave that way .

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For me, when I read that, that’s like saying there’s no use telling a depressed person not to kill themselves because their neurotransmitters level inadequacy will inevitably have them act out on it.

It does explain why we do what we do but it does not justify it.

We all need to take accountability and ownership. Knowing is simply an awareness. change for man, relationships, and/or of a collective group(s) absolutely begins with that, however do not be fooled of the depth both accountability and ownership hold in the dynamic of rearranging or fixing the system.

But yeh it’s unnerving how much estrogen that’s being consumed


That’s an extreme example and not applicable here .

The point is its probably not going to work if you dont fox the underlying issue, which is a hormonal imbalance.

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There is a lot to be reflected on here, which is why I didn’t comment before.

Some thoughts, non-comprehensive of course…

  • To talk about male/female relationship dynamics, it is unavoidable to talk about male/female dynamics in general society Inc. Workplace etc

  • About equality - in my mind, there was never any question in my life that me, as a person is worth the same as another person. The respect I give to others, is exactly the respect I expect in return. When I don’t get that, I walk away, including at work, in friendships and in relationships.
    This is not something that’s happened to me often though.

  • When I hear a very “biological” and “evolutional” type of reasoning as justification being misogyny, I don’t participate in the conversation because all I have to say is… there is no need to be born human to live a life centered around procreation, food and fight to be the leader in the pack (be the “alpha”).
    Its Perfectly fine to incarnate as an ape for that 🤷

  • Just because there is an ideology backing that “women’s place is X”, and “men are Y”, it doesn’t mean it’s true… I don’t want to trigger anyone, but both scientific and religious reasonings were being twisted enough at the time to give “good enough” (as in - accepted at the time) backing to slavery and racism.

  • Hyper focus on sex and getting sex comes across as just a compulsion

  • I don’t personally know anyone who is actually a radical feminist/woke, maybe it’s actually common in other countries but I’ve only ever seen that online lol

  • I think in many areas of life you will be challenged, because it’s a pretty “masculine” world these days. You are held to different standards when you’re a woman, I have many workplace anectodes about that… but the same goes for brilliant but young guys, they have to fight for respect extra hard. Good inputs from them may be overlooked too.

As for relationships…
I’m pretty traditional in what I want in western standards, and pretty liberal in the standards of my home country.
Regardless, I would like someone who is a “whole” and “capable” person already.
As in - they can cook a meal or two, they know how to take care of laundry etc.

Also, most families these days require two salaries to function and live well. Unless the man is rich, that type of traditional homemaker role isn’t really achievable for women.
And the scenario where you have to have a normal day job AND do everything around the house… well, that’s not very attractive to most. Women get tired the same as men after work, and need downtime and workout time the same as men too 🤷


I’m happy my ladies are finally speaking up because honestly this thread is just a ‘cute’ reflection for how the world is out there for women… And men. And this is the only place where I really don’t wanna put up with that.

But I’ll throw it in here how some of the closer people here with their thoughts on the ‘use’ of women, that I aspire for some change to have happened to them, have completely been out of my ‘safe in real life space’ because of it :woman_shrugging:


This is a very generic statement and by no means applies to the situation at hand. Generic statements are usually meant to be as fillers and not really as additions.

To say that some of the men here implied there is a certain use of women that outside of such all is not present within their bubble and to state the outcome of such a horrid statement is not an egoic belief nor it is something that one will grow out of by nature laws of change.

Change is inevitable with or without such generic statements.


I added “average” in that sentence when I first wrote it, but then I deleted it because I thought it was clear by “most” that this is meant for average population.
Which isn’t really belief system based.
Or course it will depend on the country, in some countries most women don’t work so I’m sure there it won’t be true :sweat_smile:

I live in Europe, statistically, looking at median and average income Vs cost of living in the countries where I have lived, I do believe that statement is true. I’m pretty sure it’s also true in the US (for AVERAGE/MEDIAN), but I don’t know US statistics that much.


This thread went from serious, to scary to comedic fast.

I’m trying to keep up


Also, I would like to remind everyone that these are just opinions.

We men, don’t have any official representative or ambassador. Any opinion shared here reflects only the mind of its author.

Same with ladies. They represent individual sentiments.

Reading it from top to bottom can give a false impression of consensus, nothing of the sort. This is just a conversation :slight_smile:


There is too much too unpack here but I’m going to go off a bit unhinged here because I am rather passionate about the subject. I apologize if I offend some but I don’t mean anything personally. These are just thoughts and I’m always welcome to being wrong.

There are two types of people in the world. Those that blame the world for their problems and those that blame themselves for their problems. I think a lot of the men that feel lost with the changing dynamics of female/male are of the blame the world mentality. And I hate to break it to you. But the world does not cater to you.

It does not cater to me. It does not cater women. It does not cater to anyone. The world in many ways isn’t fair to most people. But it’s not supposed to be. We came to this world to be challenged. To face hardships. And to grow from them. No matter how good you have it, life will throw a challenge your way. That is how games work. There is always an obstacle, a challenge, a boss, a puzzle that you have to beat to get to the next level. Life is like that. And in this modern world, the challenge is unique. Women have freedom now. And it has changed everything. And many of you think it changed things for the worse.

Well… some of you keep touting evolutionary biology and hormones and so on. Okay then. I’m going to speak to you in your language and give you some tough male love. It will be harsh but I mean, if you are touting masculinity as something that needs to be celebrated, then you must be able to withstand harshness. So forgive me if I offend you.

If you want to go by evolutionary standards, then the evolutionary game is survival of the fittest. The strongest, richest and most valuable men survive on and attract the most females. By strong, I don’t only mean physically strong. I mean mentally strong. I feel like a lot of men don’t even know what masculinity is. That masculine strength I speak of is that of not whining about the world and how difficult it is. It is the strength of accepting it is difficult and pushing through it through sheer willpower. Coming up with solutions to your problems. Understanding that the world won’t change for you so you make the world work for you. And I personally think most of the men complaining about the male/female dynamic today lack that sort of will.

And so they end up being the weak ones in the game. The males that are left out. That then feel left out and like the game is unfair. No. The game is the game. And if you were truly the strong masculine energy that you claim is lost in this world, you would better yourself, feel good about yourself and actually attempt to get the things you want. And you would achieve these things because a real man never stops trying. Never loses hope. A real man is sheer willpower. And when I hear men whine about the world, it smells to me that they lack that real masculine willpower.

Of course. I know I offended some of you with these words. But that is the evolutionary game of thought you are all still stuck on. I don’t even fully believe that! The higher you go in consciousness, the more you realize that whole game is very subjective. It has always been that way in the animal kingdom because they live in harsh environments where something is always trying to kill them or they have to kill to survive, so this game is automatic. It is the game of survival.

But now that humans have surpassed that game and we don’t need to succumb to the most extreme of primitive instincts to survive… we have a lot more control of our reality. We have more space to think. This freedom in thought allows us to shift out of that primitive mindset that worked for millions of years to keep humanity going. The environment and dynamic of the world is different now. We are safe. We are fed. So we can think about new things, create new ways of living and well, allow women to have more freedom…. Which is what happened.

A woman’s role for millions of years of just nurturing the children while men went out and hunted/worked. It made sense considering the harshness of the world and the way our bodies evolved over time. But it’s just different now. We don’t need to provide for women as they can now provide for themselves and have a sense of freedom they never truly had. And that bothers some of you so much.

I think that most of us are still stuck in the primitive realms of thought. Where these instincts we have developed over millions of years are still extremely active. And in these instincts is the understanding that the world is supposed to be a certain way (male over female dominance) but it just isn’t that way anymore. And I think that’s where this inner conflict derives from of believing the world is unfair. Your primitive instincts just don’t align with these drastic changes in humanity. But it’s really kicking into gear because you feel left out.

And then you listen to the Andrew Tates of the internet. Or listen to old Patrice Oneal podcasts (I listen to him too. He’s still one of my favorite comics. RIP). And dive into these echo chambers shouting at how unfair the female/male balance is. How only some guys get it all. Or how you need to be this or need to be that to get women. Just pure poison. None of it helps because if it actually did, you all would have been attracting women and not complaining anymore. All it does it dig you deeper into despair and instill a mentality that repels women. Even if you start to pretend well enough to attract women, that mentality will manifest itself eventually and repel those women away. In the essence of that mentality is the energy that says ‘ I desire women but I don’t like/respect them.’ That’s a repressive energy right there.

I am highly convinced that so as long as you keep that mentality, you will be left out for the rest of your lives. That mentality is your energy. It’s a part of your signature. And women are extremely sensitive to your energy signature. They can read your vibe without even knowing they did. They subconsciously know how you feel about women or that you are really struggling with them.

Someone here mentioned the way of the superior man. Excellent book. But I don’t think anyone here would be complaining about these things if they actually read and lived by the words there. I think men complaining about women not liking masculinity, don’t even exude the sort of masculinity that attracts women. If you did, women would literally be all over you.

I feel like a lot of mens perception of women seems to be perpetuated by loud twitter feminists…. The majority of women are not like these loud women on the internet! Seriously. Go outside and talk to women. You’ll come to realize that the vast majority of women are generally pretty normal and just looking for a guy that believes in himself, can carry good conversation and knows how to make her smile.

Go outside! The internet is truly blinding people throughout the world. But remember, your subconscious will reflect the reality you believe in. If this is what you believe in, the subconscious will prove it to you. And all it needs is the internet’s algorithms to do that or to misinterpret a womans actions to prove that.

Hence why I believe the mentality needs to go. It is poison to your subconscious. Replace that mentality with that of yes, the dynamic is different and difficult but I am going to work on myself to become a more attractive man. Any man can do this. If you say you can’t, you are allowing that toxic mentality to have control over your willpower. You are giving up and believing the world is one way and you will never fit in it.

You can prevail. You will prevail. You have to believe. I have seen men more worthless and more guttier looking than you can imagine, broke and looking homeless, attract all kinds of women because they believe in themselves. This toxic mentality of today makes you not believe in yourself. Makes you think it’s all unfair and the playing field just doesn’t work for you. Those are limiting beliefs! You are limiting yourself from being capable of ever overcoming your frustration.

You want to tout masculinity…. Then yes. Be masculine. Be warriors. Believe in your power. Fight for what you want. Run for what you’re looking for. And believe you are going to succeed. Anything you persist on is guaranteed to bring you success. If I were talking to you, I’d be yelling at you right now to wake you up. That damned mentality has some of you men asleep. Whining about the world. Don’t succumb to weakness. Find the strength in yourself and rise up against the worlds challenges. That is what you’re here for.




And to add to this point. Many women are actually dissapointed in the lack of masculinity in men today. They talk about it online but I’ve had these conversations with women in person quite a numer of times. It’s so funny the way we perceive the whole situation. We pay attention only to the extremist feminist twitter arguments or videos of toxic women and then attribute it to all women. If you only abosrb that content, it really makes you think that this is how the world thinks but when you do the math, it doesn’t add up.

But I’ve been hearing women, talking about how men don’t know how to build things anymore in the house. Men are lazy and don’t create anymore. Complacent to just playing video games in the house and not working on sustaining their environment. Women are saying they want to be more in their feminine to men. That they want to be more submissive. But they end up picking up after a lot of our slack and doing the handiwork in the house that we just don’t do anymore.

And then we don’t know how to communicate with women. Make them feel secure. Make them feel loved. So they don’t feel like they could let go with us. Be more submissive/feminine. I do think that is a two way street though.


You take a woman out on a date. Pay for dinner. To a movie. You didn’t really say much and was pretty dry. On the way home, she nags about the date and says she feels like you don’t find her interesting. You then get upset and say I just paid for the whole date. I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t find you interesting. And then she says, I’m not just someone you can buy. I have feelings. I want to feel loved and cared for. I want you to actually talk to me. You take that the wrong way and say, I don’t have to talk to show I love you. I just bought you dinner balh blah blah blah.

As a man, we tend to think just giving women things make them happy. It’s our way of showing we care. But for a woman, that is special and great but the sentimental stuff is more meaningful. Saying you care, making her laugh, showing interest in how her lifes going and whatnot. That means more. But from the mans place in the argument, she is ungrateful and we can never make a woman happy. From the womans place, she feels like the man is untending to her emotions. Her need for security.

We operate differently. Now that we can’t just provide for women and have them be okay with us being ignorant and not empathetic to their emotions like we were for all time, we have to learn to actually communicate with them. Speak their language. And they also have to learn to speak ours. It’s a 2 way street. They also need to understand we don’t process reality emotionally. We process it logically. We got to meet eachother in the middle. So for in example, in that situation… understand that, we men are a bit more simple minded and we genuinely did take you out on that date cause we love you and want to make you happy.

My whole point with that is that we percieve reality from opposite perspectives (emotional/logical). If you want to learn how to get more along with women, learn to appeal to emotion and understand how to read emotions. Make a women feel more than just making them think. Not just talking about what’s going on or what happened. No, talk about the way those things made you feel. Ask her how she feels about things.

And understand when a woman reacts ‘irrationally,’ that there are emotional undertones to her reaction. It comes from a real place that is logical to her, that generally gets sourced down to the need to feel secure. As a man, the masculine job is to make a woman feel secure. That is what we need for millions of years by providing. Now, women are asking for emotional security.

And as a man, I would ask of women to learn to have more emotional control. The way you say things has a strong ripple effect on us. We then get irrationally reactive to your emotional reactive and then we argue. So I would suggest learning how to control these emotions and be more sensible about them sometimes. Often, the impuslive emotions create bigger situations out of very small ones, that could be resolved with a simple question or statement. And being sensible of our desires and our emotions as well. Understand where we are coming from. Just saying this because it really is a two way street. None of us are perfect in this game of yin and yang.


This is on the nail.
Absolutely. I cannot even emphasize how much we care about what’s in there points to heart then what’s out there points to (both) heads


-first of all you are all talking pationatelly about people you dont personally know…am talking about both the sex gurus and the feminist activists. none of your opinions here will change both groups.

  • @SammyG i really dont get you in your pationate interest on this topic. it is more or less 99 Percent outside influence and a mere 1 Percent Nature which automaticaly makes all of this artificial and for me personaly tiresomly uninteresting to discuss with such energy.

  • @Dr_Manhattan you really dont know all stories of all men especially some in this forum so that you can be so critical of somebody breing a strong or a weak man…strenght has many faces

@Desiree you are of the few awaken women i dont feel this thread deserves your attention so much.

and if all possible. remember all of you here esp in this topic. you have also hearts. not only brains and groins. use all your parts when it comes to so delicate subjects.

@King_A please dont be mad. it is not worth it. we are all growing

take care all!