Rejection Therapy

Yep, I wrote about this there:

I disagree.
This is the same as this whole “work harder” propaganda.
One does not become fearless by taking risks and other forms of “exposure therapy”. All that this does is to create an layer of coping strategy where the original problem is pushed further down into the unconscious.

The solution to rejection, being immune to rejectione etc. is always in having the right installed beliefs in your subconscious mind.

Most issues are not to be solved with ‘action, doing, trying and exposure’ but with repgrogramming the subconscious mind.

Most people don’t know that they have a subconscious mind, and those who do, fail to acknowledge that the subconscious mind controls 98% of their life.

People feel guilty about this all the time and blame themselves for “not taking action” – which actually reinforces the whole problem and the low self-esteem – and then even further fueled by the mainstream propaganda that “you need to take action and face your fears or you are loser”.

What people don’t see is that in almost all cases, it is the subconscious mind that makes them run away and sabotages their actions, because it has a program/belief running in it that this is how it keeps the person SAFE.

The solution to end this self-sabotage is then to reprogram the definition of what is considered “safe” by the subconsicous mind.

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Ooops i was just going to share this video with a friend who got scared when asking a lady her number. What advice should i give him instead?

If he goes on semen retention mode, then after 4-6 weeks he should have zero social anxiety, even without fields.


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so how does going on semen retention magically does this?

the irony

semen retention is a bunch of bs, it only helps with self control and builds discipline sort of like meditation but meditating has its own benefits too, semen retention alone wouldn’t help in the slightest when approaching women.

and this is your ego.


on it :slight_smile:

Disclaimer: I don’t believe in nofap unless you transmute and do some magic with that energy (I guess) and we have jing and ojas anyway if you worried about that.
It’s still an impressive feat of self-control.

Now, based on my experience when you are horny like a maniac and you just want to stick it in somewhere, rejection means nothing. You want her body so much, the consequences fly way over your head. After 1.5 month, it’s like having a drug withdrawal, you’d do anything for a fix.
Making a move is easy in that situation, your P is in control.
In fact it’s hard not to make a move at that point.

Better to fix the real issues and learn to have relationships. That trick will only take you so far, you still have no skills, maturity or confidence.



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Nah, I’m agreeing with you. It’s a general “you”.

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it feels like type of fearless from a psychopathic.

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Try it and find out for yourself.

You are completely wrong.

Ego and subconsicous mind are deeply interconnected.

I recommend you actually do more research on ALL the mentioned topics.


mister i have done research for 15 years about the subconscious mind, what don’t you give us some insights then

even if i was, i would want to know how it happens, and from that claims one should have absolutely zero social anxiety like if your sperms are addressing the root problems of social anxiety for us lol.

I agree with you that it’s a subconscious limiting belief, there are better ways to increase confidence, what happens once you relapse? guilt, shame, etc. it don’t fix the root of the problem.

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Really? In another thread you said you are 18:

That means you are lying in either this thread or the other


You also recommend books from L. Ron Hubbard in another posts:


I did. Read ALL my other posts.

Then use the internet, it is full of “semen retention success stories” and explanations.

Shame and guilt are always part of the problem, and that is why the nofap community is mostly toxic and very low self-esteem.

Also, research alone means nothing. Only results count.

And according to your own story in the other thread your are not getting any so far:


i meant YOU, i’ve seen you many times say you have studied the subconscious mind for many years but when i say semen retention does nothing, you throw at me the “try it and tell us what happens” like it’s a smart field from dream bruh.

what this gotta do with anything? lol

nah, i asked you to tell me how exactly does semen retention fixes the root of the problem. you gave me nothing. let me give you something again, there are men out there that are labeled as “nerds”, some of them very innocent and straight up admit they have never masturbated or watched adult content, yet they have social anxiety.


somebody is getting influenced then👀
but wait.

you literally only find semen retention stories and etc in social media, so… how do you know it works? yea. u dont.

i dont practice semen retention and i dont have a low self-esteem, shame and guilt might ‘always’ be part of the problem CAUSED by another thing other than ejaculating.

Then why do you fail to tell me how semen retention helps reprogram the subconscious mind.

i have a girlfriend, my intentions were pretty clear on that thread, something semen retention wouldn’t help at all.

Now let me tell you something that actually does help, not watching porn, it would help men that see women as sex objects, that’s it. men that think women are here just for them to have sex with.

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Damn, I misunderstood too, now I feel stupid lol

Anyway, the bro out is over, time for the bro down. I think I speak for everybody when I say you are both really cute and we want to see a kiss.

This quarrel is over !
Look at what you have done to Zen’s beautiful thread :pensive:


its probably my fault, spanish is my first language and i have the habit of saying or asking questions the same way one would in spanish

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Either way, I’m gonna keep an eye on you two troublemakers. Don’t force me to call Sammy, I will !!


@anon36920264 :
All your questions are answered here on this forum through mine and other people’s posts.

If you don’t want to search and read, there is nothing I can do for you. It is your life. I will not write the same stuff again and again.


Finding a man in modern society who is “very innocent and has never masturbated or watched adult content” is like finding the one guy out of 100,000 guys to whom this would apply. Very very rare. And if you find one, then this would classify as a pathological case anyways, not something to be solved with semen retention only.
Such men have major chakra blockages (= incl. stuck sexual energy), plus very deep seated trauma.
Maybe even so-called “Psychological Reversals”.

Don’t force me to call your Higher Self :stuck_out_tongue:

I dare you to :slight_smile:

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