Remove Unconscious Clutter (DESNA)

My understanding of these 2 concepts is


Hi, at how many plays?
And thank you!

Hi, how many repeats did you try, please?


6-8x times but it’s not a standard. I felt the effects less than 20 seconds in. I had to loop it for longer because this what I personally needed at the moment.

I would follow up immediately with something like The Outlook Retrainer or New Perspectives to direct the changes for something better :)


Epic release. Thank you.


Where can we download this so I can put it in a playlist with my Gumroad stuffs?


Thank you for this field and the music.

Can someone please expand upon the description and the entailing benefits? I’m a master at self sabotage and negative self talk for 7 years now. Even the gods would be furious with me how much of my human potential I’ve wasted talking my negatively and manifesting and doing all crap and low level work in life.



Try this after listening to ptsd help (or amygdala healing or shamanic medicine blend) and pair it with out look retrainer followed by your self love so you start to respect and love yourself more so you want the best for yourself so you strive and do it,

PTSD help might bring up a lot of things, this field will clear all the clutter from an unconscious level and create space for something nicer (outlook retrainer) and then creating better habits for one self with yourself love (now that i think about it, radical positive change is perfect too)

Maybe add crucible of the past to help letting go of the past and rite of passages too to accept and integrate and prepare you for the fact you’re going to make some positive changes

Generally i think this field is a great booster / precursor field too, helps clean up space and make room for positive change (ascension, changing mindset/ self development, ect)


I don’t think that counts as “clutter”.


I’m in a really good mood now from looping this with Plasma Flaunt and Martian Jing. I don’t know what to do with myself. How to function while not miserable? Is there a book out there for this?


There is a Jordan Peterson clip I have been trying to find so I could share it here. The trouble is that he has so many. There’s hundreds of hours of him talking on youtube. Lectures.

But there was this one thing he said. It went something like this. When people fail to make sense of something stressful that has happened to them, it builds up in them over time a sense that they can’t make sense of life. And every unsorted troublesome thing they go through adds to this.

He compared it to having unopened bills that needed to be paid sitting on your desk or table.

If anyone knows this clip please share it here or PM it to me if you prefer.

For me, what he said there describes well what this field is about for me. Getting the stuff out of your subconscious that has been weighing you down because you could never really make sense of it. “why did that situation turn out that way?” “Why did those people do that?” etc.


Here you go


Great field, I tried a couple hours ago and I feel peaceful.

I am pretty sure this will become a must have and will get recommends to everyone in a new Point of no return stack.


First of all beat is :bomb::bomb::bomb:. DESNA knows how to make a pure :fire:

One loop and negative self talk is minimised or even if I intentionally try bringing it up, it holds no weight over me🙏.

I am noticing way more carefree attitude in the aftermath of playing this.

Just imagine how cool it would be if DESNA joined the forum, I am certain we would welcome her with open arms❤️

This is the best birthday gift you could have given us our dear Captain, thank you for always being humble, loving and patient with us🤗


That’s not the one but it is really good. Thank you for posting it.


Higher Self Connection in the mix somewhere?

(This field is quite intense for me already at 3rd listen… ego already fighting

Third eye, brow chakras, crown?)


For sure, a few loops before HSC will help declutter the mind and help you focus more in the moment with your higher self so you’ll have better communion and it will make space for unconscious integration of whatever your higher self want you to integrate while you’re listening


To be honest, feels like this field would pair up better with something that makes space for what you are trying to integrate before you start to make neural connections or conscious behavioral changes etc.

I haven’t listened past the listens earlier today but I already have the ‘clutter’ making itself very known.

So 1-2 fields of your choice that sense to be ‘spacious’ will possibly be a great addition.


Do you mean by that adding some personnality fields?

We’ll be happy if you give us examples of what fields can be added to this one and for what purpose.


I’d like to hear this if you find it. A key piece for sure.

And Dream… thanks so much for helping me/us to detangle our networks. I’ve been desiring something like this for a while

And Desna… :fire: again

And lol @Desiree agreed and I thought the same thing. Already feeling space from this and an expansion of that would be nice. The crucible maybe? I don’t have mental crucible but that sounds ideal