Repelling (and/or) Deflecting Pests (ants, mosquitos, etc.) WHILE OUTDOORS

So here in this part of Texas… a few weeks ago it was iced-over sidewalks and dangerous roads… sludge and hail mixed with sleet… and YESTERDAY (give or take 7 days after warming up a fair bit that’s comfortable for the general populace) I noticed the first mosquito noticed by myself for 2022…
I live in a dense urban area, but even for those who live in rural or a nice mix of nature & residential/developed land, DEALING WITH TINY, STEALTHY, BUGS THAT BITE ITCHY BITES WHICH USUALLY ARE THE ONLY THINGS TO GIVE AWAY THEIR PRESENCE AROUND ONESELF (and often times SEVERAL minutes later, at that)
Are/Can be a big issue for people who want/need to utilize being outdoors, electrically grounded to the earth-ground for certain periods of time each day (for example, as is the case for myself—in order to meditate for at least 2 half-hour periods per day, so as to have a more-than-slim chance of even seeing that through)

And if I could put into a general, short statement what I learned from LAST summer… it’s that no matter what you use (that’s DEET* free), you’ll probably keep looking and adding several tinctures to your every-day remedy for this… preventative… unnecessary… dilemma…


One of which I can see reasonable would probably be a release of Sapien Medicine—if something could be created for changing the physiological (perhaps psychological) make-up, to be rearranged to be less suitable and valueable/sought-after by these pests… (again, mainly ants*, & Mosquitos*)

The other which came in mind might more likely be a release of Dream Seeds… to temporarily minimize direct interactions with these beings which seem to be the primary cause of these dilemmas


Insects can be very responsive to what we ask them :smiley: We had ants here and when I became familiar with animal communication I decided to give a shot to asking them if they could leave our house. And they did! Since then I ask mosquitoes to leave me alone and I don’t get bitten anymore :slight_smile:

Things have to be phrased positively (they don’t understand negatives). It’s worth a try! :smiley:


I’ll try this the next time I see mosquitoes bothering me, “Hey go over to the neighbors. They must have tasty healthy blood because they eat organic and have an all natural lifestyle” :grin:


How would you use this approach to stay safe from ticks when in a forest or on grass?

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100% my approach.

It works every time. I do feel it almost automated since i became Vegan.

But even before that

@JAAJ wherever you are outdoors… thats their home. So just like you wouldnt just go to someone’s house, get inside, (uninvited, unannounced) straight to the kitchen, get stuff from their fridge, then to their sofa, put your dirty shoes on the coffee table and watch tv…

You can exercise the same respect at their natural home.

Right before start walking into the jungle, or field or anywhere they live, i ask for permission to visit their home, and i promise i wont damage or kill anything, respect their home and just enjoy the energy of that place because i want to or need it for so and so

It helps a lot if you try first with the “Aluxes” :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: (the nature elementals) they are the guardians of nature, and they are fierce protectors, acknowledge them with reverence and respect, they will actually help and create a super beautiful, energizing, nurturing environment for you to have a great experience. Or at least they just wont bother you, some are really grumpy and simply dont like humans, but theyd let you stay in peace if you show respect. And they will ask the bugs to also stay away from you.

You can leave coins around, and candies (without paper) they love that

The more you acknowledge around the better the experience, saying hi to the trees, to the fairies even if you dont see them they are there, to the flies, mosquitos, spiders, bugs etc.

You can try.


:joy: :joy:

In the first part I won’t tell you anything you don’t know but with things like these (which now that I think of it is pretty much everything from a manifestation perspective hahahahaha) I’ve noticed that it depends how bothered/fearful I am initially vs how much I believe it will work.

Unlike Luna it didn’t work every time at first so I started with insects that I didn’t care much if it worked in order to build my belief-juice. I thank them for all they do for the planet and initially I asked respectfully if they could give me peace. Over time I came to be more direct, instead of asking, I thank them for leaving me in peace with a confidence that they will. That seems to do the trick!

Since then, I never have issues with insects or animals! Well…except the squirrels that have decided to come in the roof after I started listening to Devic Intercession :joy: but it’s a very cold winter this year so I’ll let them be until spring.



You know three weeks ago I saw a medium-size spider on my bedroom window then I proceeded to open the window ans asked the spider “Please, Could you leave, I don’t want to hurt you” and after a few seconds it got away.


But it is not just their home.
They consider me as food :sweat_smile:

But this would be the same as if I would go into a cave full of vampires and tell them “Oh please ignore me, I will not damage your cave, I am just here to observe”. I guess they would still eat me, because for them I am food and that is more important to them than their cave.
It is the same with ticks in nature. I am just food for them and that’s what they primarily care about.

So they will help and make the ticks to ignore me as a source of food?

So for ticks I would need to donate some blood then? :grimacing: :sweat_smile:

I fully understand that this can work with insects who do not need anything from you, like ants and bees and bugs, but for ticks and mosquitos – they need your blood and consider you as food.

So for this to work, there must be a solution that would override the natural programming of these insects to eat you… :thinking:

You would not believe that ive gone as far as to offer a little bit of blood then they must leave.

And ive said. “Ok just one bite and make sure im not itching after”

:laughing: i swear on my Dads grave ive done that AND IT WORKS :laughing:

Thats for the ones that have got caught inside my place and well how you convince a mosquito to leave? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Bats you mean? They dont suck our blood, they dont touch us lol the most theyd do is shi* on you!

As for real vampires uh ahem i mean dont go there to their cave lol


I don’t mind being bitten.
But here in Europe ticks spread deadly deseases like Lyme borreliosis and Tick-borne encephalitis.
This is what I am concered about.
Ruins all the fun to go out into nature :frowning_face:

Yes, I was talking about real vampires in that analogy example :laughing:

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Bring a boombox looping Full Spectrum Light or a tank with sprayer filled with charged Holy Water :grin:

Only half-kidding.



Well. I guess you also have a full range of servitors to ask for help and fields that keep the blood clean etc

You know what when using the virus and all of those fields i feel they protect you not just like fighting diseases im not sure lol but it feels like they do

But i do agree a field that repells all of that woukd be great

Or move to Iceland


If you feel like it you could try this technique. I’ll leave here excerpt from book PEAT, from Z.M. Slavinski:

IT IS DIFFICULT TO find a field of therapy or psychological and Spiritual development to which PEAT can not be applied, so the possibilities of PEAT’s application are only limited by the imagination of the Practitioner. In this chapter I will point out several major fields to which people who participated in my workshops and I have applied PEAT. People discover new fields of application daily, but naturally, I do not have all the information.

In practice you will have the opportunity to try PEAT yourself in everyday life and sometimes, led by your imagination, to step into spheres that once were closed to all but the occult masters. For example, one famous occultist, who often travelled to the East, described in his autobiography how he protected himself from mosquito bites, which are a common nuisance in many countries. I don’t know if the procedure he described was his own or if he learned it from someone. It consisted of the following: one hot night he went to a nearby marsh where there were billions of mosquitoes. He took off his clothes and lay nude on a blanket. Immediately a swarm of mosquitoes attacked him. He did not fight them; on the contrary, he accepted and invited them to come and bite him. It was certainly a bad night. In the morning his body was one big painful blister, but the painful night proved useful. After it, for many years he was not bitten by a single mosquito. At the end of his life his mosquito protection started to weaken and he repeated the process of protection once again. It was shorter and less painful than the first time.

Using PEAT you can resolve the same problem in a much faster and less unpleasant way. It is enough to give yourself the Formula for Elimination of Self Sabotage two or three times : “Even though my aura is porous enough for mosquitoes to bite me, I absolutely and completely love and accept myself, my body, my personality and my aura, which is porous enough for mosquitoes to bite me.” Then with two fingers you go over the three points around both eyes (do the basic process) until the feeling disappears that your aura is easy for mosquitoes to penetrate.

Give it a try.


Maybe if you were their only source of food and they were starving but that’s not the case.

The most notable time I got complete proof that this works is when I lived in a little cabin by a river, I wanted to meditate by it because it was lovely but there were swarms of big mosquitoes, it looked like dark clouds. I was pretty confident with insects already so I did what I usually do and every time I went to meditate there, they left me alone and I had a nice little place for myself. Got a kick out of doing it with my friends when they came.

Nature is far more collaborative than we give it credit for (probably because as a species we’re so busy being afraid of things that we want to overpower instead of collaborating). You know everything is a matter of entrainment, so if you entrain to the reality where you are not affected by ticks (in whatever way it works for you), you won’t be :slight_smile: For me, part of my path of least resistance to that result comes by offering respect and expecting peace.

Edited to add this story that just popped into my mind: many years ago we were a bunch going camping and our friend said he had this amazing insect repellent. It turned out to be some lemon elixir prepared by his mother and seemed suspiciously make believe to me. Everybody but me was enthousiastic about it but me and I’m the only one that got bit. My friend said jokingly “you offended the repellent so it didn’t protect you” and we had a good laugh. Years later when I started knowing about manifestation I remembered that story and it dawned on me: placebos are not just for the body, they are part of every day life! I was mindblown hahahahah < end of slice of life >


I know that so far you are talking about energetic solutions, but apparently mosquitoes do not like the smell of B vitamins and will leave ppl alone when they whiff it in their blood. Also had a friend who discovered cooking apples in a skillet. He loved it so much he did it every day for months. He, and I and his future wife went for a walk in the woods. The mosquitoes did not touch me or wife, but he got a face full of mosquito bites. So, they hate b-vitamins and love sugar, lol. Oh yeah, isn’t umeboshi the antidote to too much sugar?

Also I was just reading about something that repelled ticks. I am sure it was a tea. Will check back when I find it. Oh yeah, it was clove oil.

These things, plus the consciousness aspect, added into a field would be wonderful for pest-repellant. :slight_smile:


Is this about the collapsing of the polarities like in Angelgome’s Freedom course?

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I am firmly in the camp of using whatever works! Hhahahahha :smiley:


Honestly, I am not sure about that at all.
The data says that nature is a brutal fight for survival:

When I look at today’s ENVIRONMENTAL sources of death (ca. 20% of all deaths), the top places are always coming from viruses, bacteria, fungi and small parasitic organism:

And that is with all the modern medicine and technology!


Historically, most people died from ENVIRONMENTAL sources!

Looking at Malaria (a plasmodium) alone:

Over half a Million people die every year from Malaria.
And it is mostly babies and small children under 5 who are the victims and who can not protect themselves by making “deals with nature and insects”:

I wish @Captain_Nemo would consider :pray: making a field that would infuse one’s aura and environment with an information that tells mosquitos and ticks to leave one alone.
That would probably be the best solution for all.
Live and let live…


Also, if we consider that historically around half of all children died before the age of 15…

…this also means that pretty much every mother (and most fathers) were deeply TRAUMATIZED throughout the whole world history!

Life was not fun, but a 24/7 struggle and brutal physical experience.

Looking at this, I find it really hard to believe in nature’s cooperation :confused:



But that’s pretty much my point, we don’t collaborate with it, we push against it in fear. The vast majority of people aren’t conscious creators, they don’t know that their present is a reflection of their inner landscape :slight_smile: