Resilience Max+

Okay im convinced to buy this now once my loan comes in, have to see if i can really purchase it tho. Would be glad to see even more Feedback and experiences until then. Feel free to elaborate guys


Well, I can say that this one really helps to muscle through really unreasonable workloads, you know, those types where the mind seems to be at its limit, yet somehow magically, you are still able to focus and multitask. I like how this ā€œessenceā€ - or whatever the right word is - how its being instilled in a way. For instance, at first I didnā€™t notice much, but with more loops it became evident. I like how it creates a kind of unforced state. I mean I really donā€™t know which words to use to describe it.

So yeah, it really lets you focus despite distractions. Perceived setbacks donā€™t seem to bother me as much either.

Another thing is kind of cool, it is inviting to challenge yourself while at the same time instilling this certainty of achieving these goals and challenges. The entire thing feels really fluid and dynamic.

Hope that helps :mechanical_arm:


Stay Hard!


How is the sensation of the field? Do you mentally notice that your are working hard, maybe itā€™s too much for you but you still continue working or itā€™s super flow focus and you find out randomly that you worked 10 hours without pause?


Itā€™s more likeā€¦ when some distraction comes in ā€” it gets summarily rejected. You can chill for a little bit but the brain is always like ā€œHey letā€™s do something cool. We could work on _____ or ______.ā€

itā€™s not manic at all, itā€™s almost like a personality shift. Sleep has been good, so i donā€™t think itā€™s just driving the adrenals or somethingā€¦ I obv have no idea whatā€™s under the hood with it or how this is working so well, but thankful to have it.


I agree. Iā€™ve just started with a new role(sales) at work, which is quite unlike my previous roles so far. And I was struggling with the behaviour shift required for the new role, I was falling back to my default patterns.

With this field, Iā€™m sensing the shift and aligning to whatā€™s needed in that moment, the inner resistance is dissolvingā€¦and there isnā€™t any mental strain towards the shift, itā€™s just subtle gradual shift. Ofcourse thanks to the greatest salesman NFT as well and many others.


How man Times do you guys sip on this potion?

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Iā€™m doing 1-1:30 hr

so guys how does this work in the face of lets say ā€œfearsā€? I mean in a sense of working in sales and communicating with people. Or fighting, boxing against opponents.

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In the case of the work fears, it might be like they donā€™t exist and you wonā€™t remember you ever had them. Best instead of asking is experimentation. No one can tell you how it will work for you. But I do guarantee that it will be fun finding out.


Do you have Stress and Anxiety as well? If you do, how would you compare the two effect wise?


No, I donā€™t think I tried that one yet.

It kind of makes your fears feel ridiculous, or, very small.
They are still there but made tiny.
Actually i think its good that they are still there, because fear can fuel you.
I found its not that easy to describe this field :smiley:


ā€œLet me not be conquered or controlled by my fears but informed and aware because of them.ā€


iā€™m always stressed when it comes to trouble with the wallets, the computer etc. but now i have trouble!
and i started to read carefully the threads Zen posted and itā€™s more interesting than being afraid. i donā€™t want to close my eyes anymore, but open them even wider. i hope this lasts a while. .
i was listening to it the whole night before yesterday, not this night, but it seems to kick in now.
i also burned my foot with hooot coffee this morning. it looks awful with big bubbles. after the pain subsided a little (manhattan max relief and painkillers) , i take it at a chance to try out advanced healer, amniotic membrane etc.
just no moaning, but acting.
i can say that i am usually very stressed and fearful!


very interesting, how this field seems to surpass stress, fatigue and fears just by sheer will and determination. what is this? this seems to be completely overpowered

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Itā€™s a fact that stress and fatigue perceived are often proxy for lack of mental capacity, which isnā€™t anything that an individual can surpass just by ā€œpsychingā€ nonetheless, itā€™s physical (as all mental stuff as well), not just ā€œin oneā€™s headā€. Thus this field prevents fatigue that arises due to lack of resilience, true fatigue will still occur, but it happens much later.


I wanna drop a note to this wonderful field.

I feel this field is working nicely at the back of my headā€¦ after listening to it, I would be doing the things I intended to do, without realising that.

In the past, I would know what I needed to do, but I would do it after much delayā€¦

This field is gentle yet effective.
Thank you


It seems to workā€¦ Honestly, I donā€™t feel much no matter what field I use, point of no return, vibration of transcendence, a bunch of brain fields, WW contentment, or knight mindset. Last year, I spent a lot of money on many to me a bit costly fields that didnā€™t seem to work for me, possibly because of too many blockages. I decided to stop buying and focused on foundational fields like the subconscious limit remover and fear remover. But recently, Iā€™ve been really exhausted. Every day, I wake up feeling very tired and lack motivation for work and various activities, canā€™t really move or do anything. After reading this post for a long time, I finally decided to buy it. I looped it all night yesterday, and today, I got out of bed without any hesitation or delay, and even went out to buy breakfast. Although I havenā€™t returned to my previous level of motivation to quickly finish work and achieve goals, being able to get up easily and smoothly today without any fatigue or headaches so far is already a significant improvement. The music is very soothing. Iā€™ve been listening to ā€œpoint of no returnā€ every day, but the music makes me feel uncomfortable all over. The music of ā€œResilience Max+ā€ is gentle and pleasant. I also paired it with ā€œThe Malleable Egoā€ and ā€œMaha Ganapati Yagna.ā€ The music of these three fields is incredibly comfortable. If I could turn back time, I definitely wouldnā€™t buy those impressive but to me ineffective fields/NFTs that I listened to for over six months~ a year without any results. Instead, I would buy Resilience Max+ and The Malleable Ego, pairing them with the clearing, limit remover, and energy-related basics already available on YouTube. Resilience Max+ is very fundamental to me.


Since thatā€™s overnight, I consider that a truly epic result :dizzy:

Thanks for sharing. Keep us updated please


i bought it letā€™s see what happens :grin:

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Wasnā€™t planning to get this, but something kept nudging me towards this. Went through a traumatic event last year, and while Iā€™ve undertaken all the healing modalities I can think of to help, a part of me still handles it as an something that I will just have to learn to live with, like an open wound that I will just have to learn to live with. Since then what happens is that when situations in 3D life come up, I have tendency to feel overwhelmed and stick my head in the sand, and not deal with it at all and it tends to make the situation worst. I played a few loops of this last night and fell asleep on it, but on waking this morning, it was like my head was full of an action plan to deal with this situation, which I am executing and actioning on today. And this is after months of inactivityā€¦also, love the music on this