Whoa guys,
I’ve noticed something pretty spectacular with this field. At first I didn’t notice I was doing it but it suddenly became evident to me.
You know how in different schools about manifestation, some say you have to have a burning desire (I think that was in Think and Grow Rich), others say you have to feel it real, others say you have to let it go, etc etc. Many different views. The common denominator is that desire.
Desire is basically a goal, a wish, a dream. In other words, it’s a strong intent.
Now, when looping this field, I can generate an incredibly strong intent. And, immediately let it go after, not needing to think about it again.
The past couple days, I was doing this without even paying attention, likely due to this field, because it also has this in-built confidence. And for the last couple days, a variety of things manifested.
The thing is, this felt totally normal and natural that’s why I didn’t even realise that it might be due to this field. Only when I focused on my intent, I noticed it super strong with this field.
Which is just incredible imo.
It’s not even directly written in the description but a natural effect of this field.
If you are like me thinking we are manifesting all the time, through various factors, I mean the subconscious guides our life, right? There were researchers that our daily thoughts are, what, 80-90% thoughts from the past? Regurgitated stuff. That means we’re almost all the time on Auto-Pilot.
These auto-scripts are running all the time. I mean it has it’s advantages - the brain works more efficiently. But it’s also not easy to change.
With this potion, I think it is. Because we can supercharge our intent and thereby create drastic change.
I mean, I was doing this for a few days only and everything unfolded nicely. I only became aware of this recently.
So yeah, definitely experiment with this and see where it goes