Resistance in the Path

not even Half way through the course and I’m noticing I feel a lot calmer in regards to my blockage. defentiley not 100 percent acceptance, maybe 80 percent lol but yeah this is nice

but one thing is I can’t stop self sabotaging myself holy fuck like I’ll keep going back to porn or my old habits, idkkk. i think its a coping mechanism for all these mixed feelings coming up. one moment i feel gr8 next moment i feel like crap

This is so tru
gonna keep pushing through tho, 10 days of reprogramming is nothing compared to my whole life filled with self hatred so we move

thanks dream, sammy and everyone who gives advice <3


hey guys hope your all doing good :slight_smile:

one question, im on confidence section right now and its really tough, i can’t handle all the emotions coming up and i just distract myself all day and self sabotage through social media and porn

is this is gonna ruin my progress ? and how can i stop? im guessing i should just keep trying to accept all these emotions rising

Distraction is a sign of not having clear goals. I would recommend revisiting your list of goals - particularly the long-term goals.

Then next time you wanna binge tiktok or porn, ask yourself whether those activities align with your goals.

No, this is part of the progress. Embrace it. But please don’t guilt trip yourself. Guilt is regret on oneself, it doesn’t move you forward.


What kind of emotions are coming up?

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@SammyG can you read my DM bro if you’re not too busy, I think I may be on to something.

Regret mainly and just avoiding being in my thoughts because its painful thinking about the blockages

Ive defentiley calmed down a lot tho but when im at work it just all comes up again because im lost in my thoughts. Everyday i see little improvements tho so we move :slight_smile:

Yeah, no regrets brother as nice said. Forgive and accept and move on. Feeling regret will only get in the way.

That pain is the hard part honestly. These kinds of thoughts hurt emotionally and emotional pain is probably even worse than physical. The difference though is that emotional pain dissolves a lot more easily than physical pain. It is far more mental than physical pain and really comes down to accepting the feeling you have. Accepting what the feeling means. And then… releasing.

I know, nothing that hasn’t been said before lol. But it is the way forward as these thoughts keep coming up. Because they will. The old patterns fight for survival by reminding you of the negative assosciation you have of certain beliefs/thoughts/memories. So as long as you stand firm and accept the discomfort these thoughts hold, the discomfort… dissolves into comfort.

You got this my friend. I am very confident you do.


first, it was easy, but then i felt the resistance more and more and to accept became harder. i could not do the mirror affirmations anymore without self hate in a parallel silent speech. i did not end the path yet. (and this is also something i should work on, bringing something to the end. i always have fear that i would not get the desired results, so i break up to avoid being frustrated.)
and when i started to accept that i would never get there, some people started to approach me as if i were there!
i mean the things i wanted to change started to change exactly because i thought i would never be able to change them, and i should live with this.
and it’s not in a way i imagined it would feel. (maybe this is important!). i now accept that there are some changes already going on, and it’s not so exiting as i thought it would be :sweat_smile:. they are just becoming part of me ( and i still am afraid that i would loose them again…)


Yeah, that’s a part of this whole thing that is hard to put into words. Acceptance is honestly a hard thing to make people understand and it’s only something that you understand through consistently trying to do it. I don’t expect people to get it right away but that’s why I created a easy to follow system that if you just keep following… eventually you’ll just ‘get it.’

And this right here… is getting it. That acceptance of your situation is really a part of it. Accepting that you feel the way you feel about yourself. Accepting that maybe you never change. Accepting that you should live with this.

That sounds counter intuitive and like you’re approving of your conditions and want to be that way forever but it really isn’t… Instead of fighting what you are and the place you find yourself in life, you are finding peace with it. You fighting it and rejecting how you are and how you feel keeps your mind in the same pattern it’s in. It keeps you from being present. It keeps you from being open to change.

When you accept, you release the energy blocking you from being neutral and at peace. You end up releasing a lot of that self hate and those same negative feelings you were just accepting about yourself. You begin to open your mind to have so much more space and from that space, be able to focus on actually becoming the person you want to be. And really, the truth is…

The you that you are now… no matter what you’ve done, how you are or how you feel… is the ‘correct you.’ The you that you are now is already your higher self. All you’ve experienced, all that you are, all that you’ve been is okay and perfectly fine to the part of you that is just here to ‘experience.’ It doesn’t matter what is experienced, it is all valid and it is all fine to it. Your ego might reject lots of it but the part of you that is simply aware and neutral to it all is actually at peace.

Tuning into this higher layer of you simply comes down to accepting your flow and from doing so, you then can find peace within yourself and begin to express yourself the way you’d like to. Do what you’d like to. And BE without so many things blocking you from being.


i think you created this very beautifully!


I think another way to say this is surrendering. Through the acceptance, you open a passageway to “let it be” - a path that these stuck energies can take to leave gracefully, thereby freeing you and providing you the chance of writing a new story altogether. Hence, for instance, I agree with forgiveness being mostly for oneself.


when i put a third person in there… than i realize how much i kept a fake balance.
as i start to accept myself and be myself there comes much hate and negative reactions from other people, close ones, i work with or i live with.
i think i am on the path much further than i thought…
they also need time to keep up.


nearly at the end of the course and I can truly say my blockages (social skills and intelligence) dont hold the same weight as they did before

ive fully accepted it and they cause no pain to my being, thank you so much <3

but im still having trouble fully expressing myself to others, should i listen to confidence fields to help or carry on with self love audios?


Self love audios while imagining yourself expressing yourself to others the way you want to.

While you imagine this, anticipate the resistance that comes from imagining this. And… lean into it. Accept it. By that I mean, become the resistance. Embrace it. As you do, allow yourself to accept however others may percieve all of you. Leaning into getting rejected by others. Leaning into you not being able to say anything interesting. Embrace that. Why?

Because those fears are walls of of resistance that block your full flow of expression. If you embrace the potential of rejection and whatnot, then there is no resistance at all. And then your flow of thought is free and can express itself how it wants to. And that’s where confidence comes from. That’s where ALL of you comes from and where you can say the things you want and have a great flow come naturally. It works like magic.

It sounds counter intuitive and impossibly hard but I’m telling you, because if you have already come to find self love… then this isn’t impossible for you. What I’m speaking of is the essence of self love. Loving yourself in everything, in every moment, at your worst and at your best. Loving the resistance within too!

Loving all of that is a matter of acceptance. Fine, you don’t have to fully embrace it but accepting it as a part of you is fine enough. And strangely, accepting it as a part of you, makes it not be a part of you against you anymore. It becomes your flow and now you can move that flow in whatever direction you want rather than get pulled in whatever direction its inclined to move in.

You know thinking on this, it’s funny how many times I forgot the whole ‘lean into resistance. Look for it. And find it. That is where your shadow lies. Accept your shadow and it becomes part of your light rather than something opposed to you.’ I guess, I get to points in my life where I meet something in my mind that I don’t want to accept and forget that simple insight I learned many years ago.

But I’ve managed to get past most of that. Now I’m dealing with more hidden resistance that I don’t consciously know about but will through more meditation.


But yeah, I can see how reading this makes this sound extremely difficult. But it’s only really difficult in the beginning. Once you start doing it and seeing how it dissolves negativity quickly, it becomes easier. Something I plan to show you guys as well, is mental alchemy. Ability to turn any thought into a different one. Well, that’s sort of part of what the retreat stuff is for. And well, we’ll share things to the public as well.

But here’s another insight that I realized recently. If you really want to find your resistance and see the walls the limit your full flow of consciousness. Contemplate this:

Would you be okay with people knowing absolutely everything about you? Like if they had access to your mind and saw all your memories, thoughts, actions, body, ext…

You will likely say no of course. And then think about why not? Everything that comes up, are the walls of your mind.

For me, it’s a bit easier to say yes cause I genuinely believe we are all one. So I personally believe whatever I’ve experienced, you have experienced yourself as well. My experience is yours. And even if I’m wrong in that, that belief makes my mind more open and free.

I’m still working on that though. Can’t say my ego doesn’t have any say and is like ‘HELL NO.’ Hahaha, but it’s interesting I had this thought before meeting with dream and thought ‘hell no’ but weeks after, I’m at a yes due to this way of looking at the world. Even if it is a delusion for any reason, it is ultimiately freeing to the mind.


Major Matrix Game Spoilers:

:warning: :laughing:

Click Here for Spoiler, some folks here may need to listen to Ego Dissolution first

They already do know everything lol.

Their Subconscious Minds already know and see everything.
We are all telepathically interconnected, much more than the “world wide web”.
Minds don’t have firewalls.

Their Higher Selves and their Spirit Guides already know and see everything.

They themselves, when outside of physical space-time, already know see and everything.
Remember how during NDE’s people reflect on their life lived and are able to know and feel everything everyone else around them was thingking and feeling as well?

So the key, is to realize that concepts like “Privacy” and “Secrets” are nothing more than complete illusions and personal cognitive dissonance.
This is like trying to hide basic game features from the someone who sees the whole game code.

Too many people are afraid to do what they actually want because they are afraid of being judged by others and at the same time being dependant on their approval and validation.
Too many people are afraid to show their faces on social media.
To show they faces on YouTube.
To write about their life stories and realizations.
To dress like the want.
To do what they want.
To say what they want.

It is a self-built mental cage.

It then results in Shame and Guilt.

But shame and guilt cannot exist when there is nothing to hide.

And there is nothing to hide because it never was hidden in the first place!

The solutions are, as always, more Self Love (= no more external validation seeking) and recognizing that on a certain level everyone already knows everything about you anyways.

This is where the freedom to express yourself freely comes from.


Facts upon Facts upon Facts. Well said. To anyone that didn’t click the spoiler, click it lol.

Btw, random but I know you’ve written quite a bit on the jungian archetypes, can you link me to those threads. I’ve been learning more about them as of late.


Did I? Are you sure it was me?
Or which concepts are you referring to?

Wasn’t jungian. But archetypes in general. If I’m mistaken then my bad.

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I start wonder does people on astral wear any clothes and have their own house/home?
not only being on astral
higher selves also